I woke up early and decided to get a jump on my holiday cards. So many people to mail off to! It’s easy to get a little work done when you’ve got so much peace and quiet, so I had to make sure I took advantage of the time. Of course, the cat and dog think otherwise. Continue reading
Tag Archives: the arcade
A Weekend At Granny’s
Cajsa suggested I come over to Granny’s cottage for the weekend and with such a picturesque landscape to relax in, how could I resist?
Cajsa put me in charge of dinner while she went to to nap. That’s probably a mistake, because while I love to bake, I can’t cook for a damn. But I think pie and cookies counts as dinner right? We’re on vacation ! How can that be wrong? Continue reading
To the Manor Born
I’ve Always Loved Geeks And Nerds
I have to admit, I like smart. Smart guys turn me on. Smart girls I want around me, they’re funnier and more interesting. I work at a place in RL where being smart is requisite. We take it for granted.
Geeks and Nerds? They rule my world.
I was so tickled that Isla at Cheeky Pea created a new living room set inspired by The Big Bang Theory – it’s Penny’s Living room! I don’t have the chair out – totally forgot it,but it’s so lovely, I have to admit I was just delighted. I love how gorgeous it is and how many sit options she always includes. Continue reading
Over the river and through the woods
Since my five siblings were married before I turned four, I essentially grew up at Grandma’s House. My mom and dad were Grandma and Grandpa. My nieces and nephews loved to come stay during summer break and during Christmas vacation. Living a lake with more than twenty miles of forest behind us, there were always plenty of things to do.
We loved to have winter skating parties. My dad, my uncle and I would clear a big square on the ice and put up posts about every eight to ten feet, stringing Christmas lights from post to post, encircling the open skating area. We piled a big stack of wood and brush at the deep end for a bonfire and set down some logs around them for seating while we roasted marshmallows and hot dogs. We laid an old wooden door on the piled snow for a table for our hotdogs and marshmallows for roasting and there was always a pot of baked beans and some casseroles resting on cans of Sterno® to balance the meal. Picnicking in the snow is something not to be missed!
Mom had an outdoor speaker system to pipe music down to the lake and we danced on our skates. My brother would bring his sleigh and horses, the neighbors would bring their snowmobiles. We partied for hours and the signal to go home was when the bonfire melted through the ice and fell into the lake – which usually took about four hours or so since the ice was so thick.
Soldier Girl
B.C.C. is offering adorable toy soldier suits at THE ARCADE this round, and this one is a SECRET RARE. So I’m letting The Secret OUT! I really was delighted by it when I opened it up. I love nutcrackers and toy soldiers, I always have to have them at the holidays for decorating. There is so much this round to share, I hardly know where to start. Continue reading
Secrets of Blogger Storage: Exposed
Well now you know. Once we’re doing making blog posts, all bloggers go into storage for the rest of the day, kept neat inside bell jars until we’re needed again. I wasn’t supposed to tell you but now I’ve let it out. I’m a rebel. Continue reading
Morning Are Complicated
Pixel Gidge has luxurious, beautiful mornings every day. I think this is because my own RL mornings are the opposite of hers. As I stumble through the chaotic, wrinkled messy world that is RL I juxtapose SL Gidge’s morning when I blog – sitting it opposite my own.
The more peaceful and lovely her morning, make that the opposite for me. Continue reading
You Got Me Singing
One of the rules I live by comes from Voltaire, who said “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” A similar idea is attributed to Confucius, “Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without.” I really took this aphorism to heart when a friend of mine was writing a book on dismantling racism. I was reading, editing and helping him find illustrations. The book was ready to go for a few years before it was published because he kept trying to perfect it, looking for a better example, a more perfect metaphor, a stronger anecdote, a better adjective. I ended up making him a sign on a huge poster board with Voltaire’s quote blown up big and stuck in on the wall by his desk. It still took him another six months to let it out of his perfection-seeking hands.
I was listening to Leonard Cohen’s newest album, Popular Problems. His 80 year old voice is rough, dry and imperfect, but those imperfections give it such an emotional resonance that my skin prickled and raised goosebumps and my eyes became hot with emotion ready to brim over in tears. While listening, that quote from Voltaire came to mind again and I had a small epiphany. The perfect is the enemy of the good in another way – not only does the search for perfection paralyze us, but it also does not move us emotionally. Thinking of another Canadian singer, Celine Dion has perfect pitch. Her voice is flawless and strong and she has never once moved me emotionally. Even singing songs with sentimental lyrics, she leaves me cold and I don’t care for her at all. Perfection is not beautiful, imperfection is.
A Bloggers Work Is Never Done
I am decorating my house which is taking SO MUCH TIME because I want it to be perfect. I don’t want to move again until next year. I did the kitchen, mostly, and now I’m doing the entryway. But I can’t spend all of my time decorating, I need to blog and shop and take pictures I really do. Continue reading