Tag Archives: Second Life Fashion

A Perfect Day To Grill

It was a perfect day for a nap, in fact naps were already in progress, when I realized I was incredibly hungry. There was nothing for it but to make some food and I just HAPPEN to have a new grill!

But what to cook? Continue reading

Pregaming Summer

I heard a ridiculous ad on the radio where they were proclaiming that they were going to PREGAME MY SUMMER.

That’s called SPRING folks, it already HAS a name.

Regardless of that, my pool is full and I’m ready for it all. Continue reading

Pretty Belleza

When Belleza releases a new skin it’s always been a reason for me to take note. I’ve been a fan a long time of the elegant and understated looks offered by this brand. Elegant without being overpowering, Erin is another one in the WIN column from Belleza in my opinion. Continue reading


It’s your last moments to grab the goodies at Collabor88 before the new stuff starts rolling in for set up tomorrow. This darling suit is perfect for sunning yourself by a waterfront location, you know there are thousands to choose from.

Personally I prefer our own land.

Continue reading

Butterflies are Free To Fly

I woke up full of energy and right about then I realized I had new goodies from RC Cluster to provide some MUCH needed activity in my SLIFE! I’m out hunting butterflies in my beautifully landscaped islet this morning. Thanks for the greenery Cajsa!  Continue reading

The Wastelands of My SL

I’m out on guard duty today at The Wastelands where some very poorly dressed girl is stalking me, just out of shot. I’m cropping her out because she’s on my nerves, and she doesn’t look good. I’m considering stabbing her with my fancy sword.

I’m wearing the SHIELD MAIDEN set from Azuchi which is coming to you from the Lootbox Gacha event. A shield maiden is traditionally a woman who has chosen to be a warrior in Old Norse tradition. A shield maiden will fight, defend and protect or attack as necessary.

She’s rather a good role model in some ways. Continue reading

Enter The Succulents

I’m missing some sort of female knowledge base, wherein information about plants is kept. I always feel like I’m supposed to know wtf some plant is, and really my knowledge base is limited to roses, daisies, dandelions and possibly tulips if they aren’t strangely flowered.

So when I got to rezz these succulents from MISH MISH my brain said SO THAT’S WHAT THOSE ARE! I’ve heard this term forever, I had no idea. Also, I’ve seen this plant a million times and had no idea what it was. Continue reading

Tres Fun at The Arcade

I’m wrecked and full of joy over all the gorgeous things at the ARCADE this round. So much girly goodness swirling around I don’t know which thing to gush over first. I might start with Tres Blah, which are the pajamas I’m wearing, but omg these KITTIES from Half Deer and absolutely killing me.

They make me feel a BIT giddy, I do confess. Continue reading

Old Enemies New Friends

I have, multiple times, realized I was so SLold that I could no longer quite fully recall why I disliked someone. Early days of plurk wars, SCD wars, fashion drama left so much in their wake in terms of scorched earth and friendships destroyed. Lines were drawn so long ago between camps that I can no longer recall why they were drawn, nor which camp I actually belong to.

I’m failing at partisanship.

It would be meaningful if I could recall why I didn’t like him, but I can’t and lately I find him rather friendly and nice and I’m finally SLold enough that I don’t feel a strong need to AGREE with or APPROVE of everyone I meet.

Thus, now I’m friends with Sands.

He and I are both done with all those things from the past, apparently, because we had a lovely chat and he gave me some pants. He also gave me a jacket. He’s a gentleman like that. (Okay he’s NOT but let me be artistically creative alright?)

It’s also kinda cool when you look up and someone you’ve known for years is suddenly quite talented and making things. That’s the case here, and his brand Azuchi doesn’t disappoint. These pants, which can you pick up at UBER) are really lovely, richly textured and they fit like a dream. I really do like these, they are a must have for your pants wardrobe girls.

It’s probably end times, when Sands and are are friends. Or – maybe it’s how it’s supposed to be and all those other people were the douchebags after all.

History really does point to the latter.

No, I’m not banging him. STOP THINKING IT. God you’re rude.

Now, go shopping. GET IT! You know you need some new leather pants.

Gidge is Wearing:
Glasses: (Yummy) Cat Eye Readers – Pastel Mint
Head:.LeLutka.Head.Chloe 2.6
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Belle Mesh
Skin: Lara Hurley
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Shoes: Ingenue :: Gretchen Flats (Maitreya) :: Noir [copy] THE ARCADE March 2017
Rings: Schadenfreude Waits Rings
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
Pants: [Azuchi] Oichi Pants Blossom, Geisha and Destiny UBER
Jacket: [Azuchi] Rider Black Stitched Unzipped Maitreya RARE
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento (new)
Dog: Jian – THE ARCADE March 2017
Dress Forms: Aria – The Arcade March 2017

The Weekend Steals Softly Into My Life

The weekend is here and I’m confused how it even arrived so quickly. The week flew by with things to do, places to shop and people to see.

I’m exhausted just thinking about it. Continue reading