Tag Archives: Rezipsa Loc


Restless Nights

I made a run through a few stops on the WITH LOVE HUNT, and this nightshirt went right to the top of my hunting list, because I’m a sucker for PJs in SL. I must always have PJs. PJs plus slippers? WINNER! Continue reading

Pistachio Pudding


Through the whole of my childhood, the bottom shelf of my grandmother’s food pantry was stocked with pudding and jello and marshmallows. Predominantly – PISTACHIO PUDDING.

This was because she belonged to 800 women’s clubs, from Eastern Star, the Martha Circle at church, the Women’s Republican Club, yadda yadda on and on. She also once belonged to the Women’s Christian Temperance Union swearing that alcohol would never touch her family’s lips. That one didn’t work out so well. But she needed the pistachio pudding for her signature dish at the many pitch-ins these groups held (called potlucks outside of Indiana). Continue reading


I am a little excited cuz I joined an SL book club. It might sound silly but I never do stuff very much other than work, and the occasional party so to have a planned SL activity plus yay BOOKS, I was excited.

My friend Owly has been quoting from this book for days, and eventually I was so intrigued I had to ask about it and then next thing I knew I was reserving the book at the library and then I was making plans to attend. Continue reading

My Second Box Launches – Showing Off Two of Five!

When I was growing up, we’d drive to the city to shop. We’d shop at Ayres, and at each department we’d tell the clerk, “for delivery.” Makeup was purchased at department stores, Bluegrass perfume (appropriate for young girls), an odd bob or doodle for your hair, and the items you NEEDED – nylons, new shoes, a sweater or two, maybe coats.

My grandmother and mom were usually with me. We’d eat lunch at the tea room, maybe finish up the shopping in the discount cellar for fun and drive home. Magically, the next day, a truck would arrive with brown wrapped packages with all of our purchases in them. Continue reading

Oh DAMN Am I Late?

Ah, the never ending battle of time between RL and SL made me a late SL bunny this year.

But, candy and eggs are good no matter what time of year right? RIGHT!

Personally, I think that Easter Candy should be given out for PMS like prescriptions. “Eat one Cadbury Egg an hour until  you feel happy.”

I should totally be a doctor, I swear. Continue reading

Unedited – Gidge Does The Opposite of Cajsa

I decided to do the opposite of Cajsa when picking up the Unedited Photo Challenge and do LOTS of color vs very limited range.  I followed my usual habit of snorking off of Honour McMillan’s blog for a place to shoot onlocation.   It was perfection that the place I landed on  is called Happy Mood, as I have nothing but one of those. Continue reading

Buy The Sky and Sell The Sky

There’s the progress we have found
a way to talk around the problem
building towered foresight
isn’t anything at all

Buy the sky and sell the sky and and bleed the sky and tell the sky Continue reading