Tag Archives: pret a porter

Masai Collaboration

Clio Cardiff, Bronco Graves and Hart Larsson have collaborated to create a fabulous avatar complete with skin, clothing and jewelry that is expected to be released today. The striking Efe skin with the Masai tattoo will be a group gift at PXL Creations and the other items will also be on sale there as well as the Efe skin without makeup. I don’t belong to lots of store groups in-world, but PXL Creations is one of them. Not only do members get a 10% discount at the store, but a few times a year there are lovely surprises like this gift skin.

The Maasai Outfit from Clio’s Pret-a-Porter is full of all sorts of win – from the fabulous linen fabric, the many options for the top to the bold coloring – a hallmark of her designs.

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There Was Something In The Air That Night…..

posted by Gidge Uriza

Okay okay okay. The dress is FERNANDA – not FERNANDO. Perhaps Fernanda is the one singing? Remembering that fateful night they crossed the Rio Grande? What were Swedes doing in Mexico fighting for Independence? I’m so confused.

ANYWAY…… Continue reading

For The Inauguration,I Turned to The Italians

posted by Gidge Uriza

Cajsa said she was going to wear blue, so I felt obliged to wear red. I had this snappy little new red dress from Clio’s Pret a Porter so figured I was SET! Of course then, Cajsa got all patriotic and emotional in real life and sat watching all the festivities all over again on TV and didn’t log into our pixel world.


But at least I was cute. Continue reading