Tag Archives: Miffyhoi Rosca

My Heros Have Always Been Cowboys

Yippee Ki-Yay - M*ther-F*cker!

Yippee Ki-Yay - M*ther-F*cker!

posted by Gidge Uriza

When Alice07 Barzane announced that the Peppermint Blue 1 Year Anniversary Party was going to be a Western Theme……I knew where I was going to turn. While I LOVE the fun of just hunting up stuff via search (I actually do) – looking up stores I might not have heard of etc to see what they have, I’d been looking for a reason to pick up WASTELAND COWGIRL from Bare Rose for quite a while.

I don’t normally look for a reason to pick up clothes, but this kind of falls into the “Costume” milieu of my closet and I don’t generally just collect costumes without cause. Yet, from the instant I saw this one on Phil’s place posted by Tori….I knew I wanted it. Pink Leather Chaps?!?! PLEASE! Continue reading

Me n' My Droogs Can't Make Up our Rassoodocks What To Do

posted by Gidge Uriza

I originally had a mind to write this entire post a la A Clockwork Orange but figured many of you might poke out your minds eye trying to translate Alex’s lingo. I also thought that I might poke out my own brain trying to DO the translation, so decided to let it go.

I’ve been looking for something to wear with these excellent boots of Miffy’s (disclosure – from my shop Don’t Ask) and while doing the car wash shoot the other night, Cajsa and I wandered into Go Ask Alice and I spied these cargo shorts……and a light went off.  WIth prim pocket attachments for a more authentic worn pocket look I’m in love with these. Slouchy, casual, comfortable, and just perfect for a night of ULTRA-VIOLENCE if you ask me. Continue reading