Tag Archives: LeLutKa

What A Day For A Daydream

Styling and trying on new things is a huge part of my job. Sometimes it seems like my waking and sleeping hours are filled with my brain just thinking about new things to wear and how I’m going to wear them.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a hardship. Looking fantastic in lovely clothes is probably one of my favorite activities if the truth be told.  Today I’m thinking about my accessory choices for this amazing dress from Clef de Peau that I picked up on Fifty Linden Friday. Such a classic, simple design makes this dress a perfect piece for everyone, I hope you got it last Friday. Continue reading

And the World Turns Round and Round


So today has been an emotional one. A year ago today my sister died after a long battle with cancer. Today, her granddaughter brought her first great-grandchild – an entirely new generation – into the world. Isn’t that magical? She was due last week, but she waited several days to arrive on the most perfect day she could. So forgive me for not describing much, it’s hard to see the screen through tears, though they are more happy ones than sad ones.


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Junbug Annhilator

Junbug can be fun to pick up on FLF because they often have lovely gowns and 50L is a steal for their pretties. I popped over there very early AM while this dress was still out and snatched it up.

Now I just need somewhere to take it dancing. I’ve got a slight quibble as the drop sleeve on the shoulder intersects with the arm depending on my arm position, but I suppose for 50L it’s only a very slight quibble.  Continue reading

So Much Sunday

They say you shouldn’t drink alone and I suppose that’s true, I can tend to get maudlin or too happy or sometimes both things depending on the time of day.  My Sunday had a lot of shopping and some visiting planned but I only got to the shopping, so I decided to stay in and have some dinner and tv alone.

It felt like a great plan at the time.

Halfway into the bottle of red though I just began to feel like I’d wasted a day and maybe I should’ve gotten more done. Who knows our SL time runs so fast, it’s difficult to get to everything, or heck to anything some days, with all the body switch and head switching I do.

Sigh, I think I wasted my day. Isn’t it a terrible feeling? There was only one solution for it. Watch movies and cry.  Continue reading

You Said Wood

Keithia is the new tower and bed from Trompe Loeil and I thought perhaps there was a tale about a damsel and a tower but I couldn’t find one online. I did find that the name means wood.

At that I began to giggle, because well it’s a big tall tower, and wood. I’m a 12 year old boy sometimes, I swear. Continue reading

Come Into My Parlor

When on the breath of autumn's breeze

I kinda sorta fell in love with the top and skirt from United Colors at Collabor88 this month. This month’s theme is Autumn’s Breath, possibly inspired by Mary Howitt’s Cornfields. Howitt’s big contribution was The Spider and the Fly so it seems a good time to shoot some pictures in my parlor and show off my shoes from Ingenue. <grin>

 “WHEN on the breath of autumn breeze,
From pastures dry and brown,
Goes floating like an idle thought
The fair white thistle-down,
Oh then what joy to walk at will 5
Upon the golden harvest hill!

When on the breath of autumn's breeze
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Halloween Steps Lightly Onto the Grid

It says a lot about a creator when they’re your Go TO for an item. With an inventory pushing 134k I’ve got a lot of “jeans”. Ok a lot of them are system jeans and I need to let that shit go. BUT, BLUEBERRY is always my “Damn I need jeans” go to. This is probably because she makes for all the bodies and I am always in Belleza when I need Maitreya or Maitreya when I need SLINK and not having to rearrange my entire ensemble for the day is a WIN.

I love you Blueberry. You stay cool. Continue reading

Fall Touches

Second Spaces brought some lovely fall decor to Collabor88 this month and I’m madly in love because it’s all ONE PIECE rather than 438954579 separate pieces that rez together and then you have to link them all yourself to move them.

I swear to you, there is a special hell for people who put their decor releases out like that.

I curse you, I do. Every time I realize I’m about to unpack something something that’s multiple items which are unlinked part of me dies inside.

That’s why Second Spaces is the bees knees. It really is. Continue reading