I was feeling restless and antsy yesterday morning, so I went off for a bit of an exploration rather than unpacking boxes and figuring out what to feature from the Arcade which opens at midnight. I will do that today, but yesterday, there was just something in the air. And it was something that suited the carefree and happy Kaelyn maxi dress from Thalia Heckroth™. It is made for the Maitreya mesh body and works best is you don’t bother with feet and shoes. It comes is all sorts of happy colors and if wearing it does not lift your mood, you’re doing it wrong.
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Tag Archives: Leluta
I Went to the Garden
Cancer touches us all. We all have friends and family who have confronted cancer and struggled to overcome. It is perhaps the reason that there is such universal support for Relay for Life and for Fashion For Life, the shopping fashion expo that raises scads of money for the American Cancer Society and their global programs for research and support in the struggle against cancer. It will be two years in July since I lost my oldest brother to cancer and I went to the ACS memorial garden to spend some time thinking about my brother and cousins who have died because while we are winning battles, the war on cancer is far from over.
Edelweiss plus Zoom Tutorial
Since Gidge brought up The Sound of Music, my mind went straight to Edelweiss when I looked at the pictures from last night’s shoot.
Edelweiss, Edelweiss
Every morning you greet me
Small and white clean and bright
You look happy to meet me
Blossom of snow may you bloom and grow
Bloom and grow forever
Bless my homeland forever
I shot these photos at the blanc part of the noir et blanc installations at World’s End. It’s such a beautiful sim and very uncluttered so it struck me as a good spot to make a short video tutorial on using the Zoom keys to change your cameral “lens” in Second Life. Most of the time we zoom by pressing down the option or alt key and ten using arrows, view or the mouse to move our camera about and to zoom in. That’s great, but it makes for very distorted close-ups. This little video will show you how the zoom controls work and contrast proper and improper methods of zoom.