I was feeling a bit like getting out when I saw that Gachaland was open, and I’m a sucker for fun gacha events, so I bounced over to see what was what. Beyond just the fun of giving a pull here and there for crap I don’t need, I was excited to get to PLAY on their rather macabre themed rides.
I like to get out and DO things, and this event provided me a lot of entertainment this fine day.
I got ZERO points which is some bullshit you guys. I totally killed those Zombies!
I shot at Zombies, wished the Kissing Booth had an attendant and rode rides. I pulled the lever a few times and was delighted with what I got. It’s kind of refreshing, not having a desperate need to have the entire set, nor having to pull 56431644 times to get the piece YOU NEED to make something an outfit.
Recommend this ride, yes I do.
I picked up this adorable dress there, although I admit I didn’t notice it was rocking the half boob which isn’t particularly my thing. It might be yours – so HALF BOOB LOVERS – rejoice!
I cannot deny that the Lucky Wheel gave me a good omen. I can always use the luck!
I’m wearing a super fun and festive hair in even MORE festive color from EXILE today. What more could a girl ask for? A carnival and a gacha event to kick off the week? PERFECTION.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Rings: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Oh my god it’s the 23rd? How did that happen? I’m not ready. My body is not ready. I’ve got stuff to do. WHERE DID MY ENTIRE MONTH GO? There’s nothing for it but to get up and get moving, get baking – get packing- get GOING. I am not sure I’m prepared for all that the 23rd of December means.
That being said. It’s time to get up.
Really just five more minutes and I swear I’m up. Promise. Just….tap me in five minutes. I’ll get up. I promise you.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Hair: .LeLutka.Cassie medium hair
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3
Pajamas: CHACHA. starry night gacha / pants RARE 1 THE ARCADE
CHACHA. starry night gacha / top RARE 1 The Arcade
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Sleep Mask: Noodles – Holly Sleep Mask
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Neon sign: Kres- Merry and Bright – THE ARCADE
Robe Rack: Elm. “Miss to Mrs” Robe Rack RARE THE ARCADE
With my puppy, I hit the mean streets of SL shopping, once again clad in designer kindness from the Gacha Garden. How cute is this dress for a free gift? It was perfect for my grid roaming ways today, and this purse that was also free just takes the cake. If you also have a dog that you always bring with you, you may consider giving him a turmeric dog supplement and other food supplements for dogs to boost his health and immunity to protect him from viruses and allergens.
There are some people who complain about free gifts. I don’t complain about free gifts. What I complain about is GARBAGE people give out. I don’t expect everyone to give out something this nice, honestly. This is a sort of WOW COLOR ME IMPRESSED AND SURPRISED I WILL REMEMBER YOUR STORE AND SHOP THERE SORT OF GIFT. I also think it’s ok not to give a gift. But, if you give out a gift and it’s some prim crap, I also won’t forget that. If you sell shoes and you give a flower – I’ll say thank you. If you sell lipsticks and you give out some sculpt BIAB crap from 2004….
Those seconds unboxing your crap gift I will not forget my friend, nay I shall not. Continue reading →
I spent way too much time last night going through things named pumpkin, Halloween, skeleton etc in preparation for the Halloween Home Tour! I have so much to do and I’m SO excited! This is my FAVORITE time of year in SL! Continue reading →
With no real destination in mind I got behind the wheel at sunset and decided to travel off the beaten path. I just needed to get somewhere I hadn’t been, somewhere to be a silent version of me for a day perhaps, one where I could reflect and think alone.
I have a new car, so what better time to go exploring?
I knew I was in the right place when I came into a clearing and found the giant Buddha transmitting peace and calm to me. This was where I was going to stay tonight. Continue reading →
Garbaggio shoots and SCORES this round of The Arcade with an amazing new decor piece for you home. It’s every girl’s shoe dream come true, and it’s clearly meant to be a staple in my new home. Shoes? Yes please. I need them all.
I’m in love with a new hair do from DOE as well. She makes the most femme pretty hairs, this release from The Arcade is now different. For me, I’m always excited to see what the BACK of her hair will be. She always does lovely braids and looks that are a surprise when you see the back. Love this one.
As you can see I’m bedecked by foxes as well. I am thinking of employing them in my new home to keep the vermin at bay. Do you suppose it will work?
Happy Saturday girls. THE ARCADE is open and ready for you to add to the fun of your Second Life.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel – Vera
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Lelutka:.LeLutka.Head.May 3.0
Foxes and Clothes:
:: MOMOCHUU :: Joy Baby fox – Shoulder – A
:: MOMOCHUU :: Joy Baby fox – Socks A
:: MOMOCHUU :: Joy Baby fox Head – C
:: MOMOCHUU :: Joy Baby fox Top – Lara RARE
Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Long)
Hair: Doe: Londra – Fatpack THE ARCADE
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Shoe Closet and Neon Sign: Garbaggio – THE ARCADE