Tag Archives: Ingenue

SL Is a Community

I'm Back? I Never Went Away
Ingenue’s Lisette dress comes in more colors than the rainbow. This is melon. I added Izzie’s Sheer Tights, one of the best investments ever.

I am always fascinated by how people think of and describe Second Life. Some people say it’s a game and some say a virtual form of social media. I think of it as a community center with infinite rooms for infinite communities to grow and develop. It’s like yeast, fermenting creativity and community.

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Pumpkin Time Arrives

Pumpkins from Sway’s

I’m so excited that fall is finally here. Sway’s offers up gorgeous pumpkin offerings for your fall decorating.

I had been wanting something a little different for pumpkins this year. I am hoping we have a lot of fun Halloween decor on the Gangway. Do you suppose we will? I still haven’t met any neighbors. Maybe my whimsical pumpkins will attract some!

I hope I don’t go too overboard this year. I think I did too much last year. I’ll try not to add the shrieking banshee. Try. It’s a while till Halloween though, no promises.

This hair from Exile is a fun surprise from the back. So pretty.

Well I’m definitely not done, but this is some serious progress, I have to say.

October is coming! I am ready!

Happy little Linden home.

Pumpkins and Paving Stones: Sway’s

Skin: Pink Fuel

Ring:(Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya

Eyes: Izzie’s 

Head: LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Dress::V.e.  LiLi Dress FLF Cherry MT

Earrings: Cae :: Enchanted)

Hair: Exile:: Lana

Shoes: Ingenue :: Miyu Heels (Maitreya) 

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit  2019

Cakes and Kittens

Gonna eat this entire cake

I spent my Saturday doing a lot of nothing here in my favorite pixel world when it occurred to me – I should SURELY have a kitten box by now! SURELY! A quick area search revealed that yes indeed, the SL16B Birthday KittyCats had DONE THEIR MAGIC and made me a kitten. I baked a cake while I waited on it to hatch. 

Meet Kiva

I’m a little excited because this is the FIRST special sized KittyCat I’ve ever gotten. I’d love one of those GIANT ones (how nice to snuggle, am I right?) but this one is going to be a toy TINY little one forever it seems. That’s fine – I’m gonna probably toss it in to the inventory bin before long anyway. 

I did a wee bit of shopping earlier, grabbed this apropos tee at e.Marie – had to have it obviously.

Now I’m wondering should i get my pajamas on early and curl up for a movie ? So many choices on this chill Saturday evening. 

This new hair from Exile is so beautifully done. 

Gidge Is Wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3

Hair: Exile:: Megan

Rings: Amala – The Athena Stacking Rings – Maitreya

Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)

Shirt: e.marie // 3/4 Cat Mom Tee – Coral {lara}

Jeans: Emery Hugo Skinny Jeans Rose for Maitreya Body Lara

Shoes: Ingenue :: Dorrit Sandals (Maitreya) :: Fatpack

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Big Game Hunter

I spent my Saturday in the wilds of Africa, travelling from savannah to jungle and beyond, in search of lovely places to behold. I wasn’t disappointed.It’s funny how little things can delight in our little pixel world.

Elephants on the march

I slipped around this build in a comfy, breezy gift from Neve – that ever dependable creator of staple items.I was surprised that a gift came with a hud to vary up the print but it did.  That’s just classy and quality. I love creators who give away free gifts that are actually NICE. It says a lot about who they are as a person and a business owner.

These damn monkeys are following me everywhere.

In addition to this breezy summer dress, I’m wearing some perfect slip on Mary Jane’s from Ingenue called Marlo. They are a perfect addition for cute but casual days. 

This is probably supposed to be romantic

Well, I’m not having a romantic gondola ride, but I really did love being my own gondolier on this lovely water tour of the place. I love little gems like this, it was a great way to spend my afternoon. 

Now, I’m going to make a last run at the ARCADE and be at peace with what I didn’t get. What are you up to today?

Gidge Is Wearing:

Head:.LeLutka.Head.May 3.3(static ears)

Skin: Izzie’s

Eyes: Izzie’s

Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1

Hair: Exile:: Torn

Shoes:Ingenue :: Marlo Flats (Maitreya) :: Fatpack

Dress: neve gift – FaMESHed Anniversary 2019 Lara

Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Loss and Rabbicons

I went to go through Bryn Oh’s Installation as I had not seen the story of the Rabbicorn yet.  If you had asked me “Have you seen all the Bryn Oh installations?” I would have said well DUH yeah of course, what am I a barbarian”” But in fact, I recently realized I had not seen THE RABBICORN.  So I had to amend that ASAP today.

The Tower has obstacles.

I had forgotten the story of the girl who was lost and remade, so I had to walk through that story again so that part two would make sense. I was again struck by the journey up the tower and it’s final destination, the reminder of nightmares that I’ve had desperately trying to reach something only to find the echos of loss and reminders of the past at the end.

Once it is lost, it is gone.

I was reminded again of the sadness of this build, of the dreams lost and the heartbreak within it. I won’t ruin it. You need to see and experience this place yourself. I think I chose to forget. It just hits me that hard.

But the rabbicorn gave me hope. The rabbicorn was built for love and happiness, only to give love wherever it went.

Tick tok rabbit.

I loved the next part of the story and even as the rabbicorn had to flee, I knew where she was going. 

A happy ending?

The rabbicorn found the girl in the tower, tangled in vines.Her heart whirred to life full of love. 

I knew she was going there all along.  I knew that no matter where the Rabbicorn went, she would go to the girl to save her from being so alone and lost.

I wish I had my own rabbicorn.

If you have not seen the build and are interested in the story, here it is. You can visit it in world at Immersiva. 


Gide Is wearing:

Skin: Pink Fuel

Purse: ((LovelyAlien))Teacup Purse – A
Rings: Amala – The Lumi Rings – Maitreya
Hair: Exile:: The Idea of Her
Shoes: Ingenue :: Anna Heels (Maitreya) :: Fatpack
Dress: neve gift – FaMESHed Anniversary 2019 Lara

Bathing Is Requisite

So there is an article rolling around the internet written by someone who alleges not to have bathed for a really long time. Thematically the article is trying to say that our western obsession with bathing is unfounded.

NO. This is lies. 

While you might not need to be one of those people who showers twice or three times a day, please don’t think that if you roll around 3-4 weeks unbathed that the rest of us don’t notice. WE NOTICE. For the love of God, wash. WE NOTICE.

There are people who own animals who don’t think their house smells like animals. There are people who live by rivers who don’t think that the outside smells like dank river. 

There are all untruths, brought to you by the fact that you have gone noseblind.

In my pixel world, I never have to worry about these things yet I do observe the appropriate rituals and customs – simply so that my mind is ready for the day. I like the preparation of getting ready to go out in to the world, pixel or not.  I’m worried about the person who wrote that article and how they’re going about in their world, unaware of the horror show they are inflicting on others.

I mean, the smell. My GOD the smell.

The Thames smells a bit though. Nothing to be done about that.

Happy Sunday girls. 

Gidge is Wearing:

Robe: -tres blah- Open Robe (Maitreya) – Bouquet

Body Suit: Luxuria

Skirt: 10. {sallie} Hold Me Knit – Plaid Skirt – cream

Boudoir Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Coal

Stockings: Luxuria

Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3

Skin: Pink Fuel

Rings: Amala – The Lumi Rings – Maitreya

Hair First Two Photos: Exile:: Sensory

Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5

Jewelry:Cae :: Owl

Heels: Ingenue :: Anna Heels (Maitreya) :: Fatpack

Hair Last Photo: {Limerence} Camila hair(Rigged)Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Hell’s Kitchen? Who knows?

Gidge Is Wearing: 
Head: .LeLutka.Mesh Head-ARIA v1.6
Dress: :V.e. Loren Dress MT Gingham Navy
Ring: Amala – The Lumi Rings – Maitreya
Necklace: e.marie // Photographer Necklace – Gold { group gift }
Hair: Exile:: Here With Me
Shoes: Ingenue :: Elin Flats (Matreya) :: Fatpack
LeLutka Aria HUD 1.6
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5

Did I Do That?

Fire Truck – Get it?

I ventured out this Sunday morning in search of some lunch and to find an interesting build or two. I found Crimson City. It seems to be a cross between some post- apocalyptic town and a small town hit by the closing of the local mill. I’m not sure which, there’s probably a back story but I didn’t get it.

I was searching for some pizza. I didn’t get this big ass just by eating steam vegetables and brown rice.

Who Needs the Quickie Mart? I DOOOOOOOOOOOO

It was a fun place to shoot if you’re looking for a location. I really appreciate people who make little worlds for us to visit.

Gourmet Pizza Made by Stoned People? YES THANK YOU

I found my lunch and so i’m going to grab a bite and sort out my plans for the week. What are you up to today?

Gidge is Wearing: 
Eyes: Aphotic Gloom 
Earrings: Cae :: Lalaphant
Dress: Entice – A Thousand Miles Dress – Navy Hourglass
Shoes: Ingenue :: Anna Heels (Slink) :: Fatpack
Head: LAQ Bento – Motion Capture – Neve
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass V2.02 (ADD ME)
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit 

Cold AF

This hair from Exile is gorgeous

I’m a wandering nomad for a few more days and I confess to having a bit of fun.  There is  bit of silliness that you can embrace when you’re sorting out your next SL adventure and I’m embracing it fully. After all, it’s a world full of fun, I might as well have some. 

I did some wandering today through the new Linden homes – they are going to have BOATHOUSES! I have a boathouse from Dutchie – maybe I will live in it? It’s possible. The linden ones all are pretty cool but they just ack the oomph I’m looking for. Or course I do reserve the right to change my mind.

Today in my completely inappropriate for the weather clothing I’m wearing a cute ensemble from Baiastice – one of the staple brands of well dressed girls everywhere on the grid. I’ve slipped on some new cute as hell flats from Ingenue and I’m wearing a great new hair from Exile.

Back in Glam Affair skin – Matte Lips FTW

Now I’m off for adventure. I hope you have one today too girls.

Today I’m Wearing: 

Hiding the Hoohah with: HolliPocket Meow Kitty barbie-panty maitreya
Shirt: Baiastice_Denim Open Shirt-All Colors-Maitreya
Baiastice_Mini Leather Skirt-All Colors-Maitreya
Exile:: Hana
Shoes: ingenue :: Elin Flats (Matreya) :: Fatpack
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit

Skin: Glam Affair

Camping at Swayland

I wandered out for the weekend, was compelled to just be alone and breathe for a while in the crisp winter of deep December. Swayland seemed the perfect spot for my endeavor, so I set up camp here to just spend the night away from comforts and re-energize.

There’s a lot to be said for cooking over the fire. Is it just that the food seems more real, or that the work you put into it makes it taste better? I don’t now why but somehow everything I cook over a fire is better, even marshmallows.

Tomorrow i’ll pack up and go home, refreshed and renewed from my camping adventure. But tonight, I’ll sleep bundled up in the crisp cold air, and remind myself how much I do love this.

Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel – Doll
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Cate 3.3
Sweater and Leggings: Baiastice_PomPom Sweater & Leggings-All Colors-Maitreya
Headband: Bleich – Xmas ’89 – Headband Candies THE ARCADE
Hair: Exile:: Monet
Boots: Ingenue :: Caris Booties (Maitreya) :: Fatpack
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edi
Camping Decor Items: Sway’s
Shot on location at Swayland