So there is an article rolling around the internet written by someone who alleges not to have bathed for a really long time. Thematically the article is trying to say that our western obsession with bathing is unfounded.
NO. This is lies.
While you might not need to be one of those people who showers twice or three times a day, please don’t think that if you roll around 3-4 weeks unbathed that the rest of us don’t notice. WE NOTICE. For the love of God, wash. WE NOTICE.
There are people who own animals who don’t think their house smells like animals. There are people who live by rivers who don’t think that the outside smells like dank river.
There are all untruths, brought to you by the fact that you have gone noseblind.

In my pixel world, I never have to worry about these things yet I do observe the appropriate rituals and customs – simply so that my mind is ready for the day. I like the preparation of getting ready to go out in to the world, pixel or not. I’m worried about the person who wrote that article and how they’re going about in their world, unaware of the horror show they are inflicting on others.
I mean, the smell. My GOD the smell.

The Thames smells a bit though. Nothing to be done about that.
Happy Sunday girls.
Gidge is Wearing:
Robe: -tres blah- Open Robe (Maitreya) – Bouquet
Body Suit: Luxuria
Skirt: 10. {sallie} Hold Me Knit – Plaid Skirt – cream
Boudoir Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Coal
Stockings: Luxuria
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3
Skin: Pink Fuel
Rings: Amala – The Lumi Rings – Maitreya
Hair First Two Photos: Exile:: Sensory
Mesh Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V3.5
Jewelry:Cae :: Owl
Heels: Ingenue :: Anna Heels (Maitreya) :: Fatpack
Hair Last Photo: {Limerence} Camila hair(Rigged)Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit