Tag Archives: glamistry

It was cold when I got dressed

"I have always believed that fashion was not made only to make women more beautiful, but also to reassure them, give them confidence." YSL

Does the weather in your first life influence how you dress in Second Life®? It sure does for me. And I know that’s crazy, but it still does. However, I dressed in the chilly pre-dawn when it as 45° and now it’s 79° and I am melting. Why does a jacket on my avatar make me feel warmer in my first life? How silly is that?

I really wanted to wear this Edwardian Jacket from The Annex, though because of the cold I opted for a different approach than the ruffled hot pants that are designed to go with it. Besides, I wanted to show you how flexible it is.

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A Happy Squeaky Wheel


I think if Hart Larsson of PXL Creations got 10 lindens every time I say, please make Lelutka Head appliers, he could buy a car. An SL car at the very least. But squeaky wheels get greased and lo and behold, so do squeaky mesh heads. It will be available at We ♥ Role-play until the end of April. The dress is floral confection from The Annex for A Secret Affair.


I relaxed for a bit outside the converted dovecote from Scarlet Creative where I have been living this last month. The furnishings are all to be found at Collabor88 and you better go rickety-split because I think tomorrow is your last chance before you will have to run from store to store. Items are from Aria & The Loft, Second Spaces, Soy and Scarlet Creative.

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#FlatLarry and Me

#FlatLarry @ The Drunk Tank
I am behind the times this week. I was catching up on last week’s The Nightly Show tonight and cracked up at this member of the audience who made off with a giant flat Larry, taking it home nonchalantly on the subway. He asked the thief to take #FlatLarry around and share on Twitter. Well, I didn’t steal the original #FlatLarry, but I found one on the web and set him out in front of The Drunk Tank, one of the amazing builds in DRD’s Steel Town – and entire city in a gacha.
#FlatLarry @ The Drunk Tank
If I had known I was going to be hanging out with #FlatLarry, I might have dressed a bit more professionally, but somehow I think he might just like this Karma dress from PixiCat. With the texture hud, it can also switch to a smooth, shiny leather.
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Quantum Fashion

Consciousness is like this giant roving spotlight, collapsing reality wherever it shines—and what isn’t observed remains probability. And it’s not just photons or electrons. It is everything. All matter…A testable, repeatable fault in reality.”

The detectors don’t induce the phenomenon of wave function collapse; conscious observation does. Consciousness is like this giant roving spotlight, collapsing reality wherever it shines—and what isn’t observed remains probability. And it’s not just photons or electrons. It is everything. All matter…A testable, repeatable fault in reality.”

Ted Kosmatka – The Flicker Men

I am reading The Flicker Men, a book that could easily swallow you whole with its mind-bending sci-fi exploration of the implications of quantum physics. It starts with real science, with Feynman’s Double Slit Experiment that proves the duality of light. Light is both wave and particle.  Actually, just one year ago, researchers were able to photograph the first picture of light as particle and wave at the same time. It’s a cool picture.

But then there is also the Observer Effect. The act of observing changes reality on the quantum level, including changing light from waves to particles in the Double Slit Experiment. The Flicker Men considers what that means in terms of understanding consciousness. It leads to our poor researchers being kidnapped, beaten, even killed because the implications of their research threaten our understanding of how the world works. I hope folks think about reading it – not just because the author makes the science pretty easy, but because it should provoke fascinating conversations.
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Every once in a while, you find someone who‘s iridescent

every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent,

Even the Grinch would have a nice ass in Blueberry shorts or jeans. .

Some of us are dipped in flat,
some in satin,
some in glass,
but every once in a while,
you find someone who’s
And once you do,
nothing will ever compare.

Wendelin Van Dramen, Flipped

every once in a while, you find someone who’s iridescent,

Collabor88 opened at midnight with an exciting and fun new theme–Holographic! So their catalog is filled with opalescence, iridescence, and opulent fabrics. Blueberry released a top and belted shorts. They come with HUDs to offer an amazing range of options.
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What Makes a Classic?

“Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read.” ― Mark Twain

Mark Twain once said a classic is “a book which people praise and don’t read.” I don’t think that is true. Most of the people I know have read many of the classics and the reason they remain classics is they are great stories. Many classics can be downloaded for free from Amazon and for Christmas this year, I put together a list of books I recommend that are free.

There are classics in design, too, such as the knife-pleats that make up the skirt in this beautiful dress from Gizza. Another classic, the empire waist, the inset belt at the waist and the rich embroidery on the bodice. However, the great thing with fashion is taking the classics and combining them into something new and Gizza succeeds at that.

“Classic' - a book which people praise and don't read.” ― Mark Twain

I figured that a perfect place to shoot a classic dress might be at the Parthenon, the pinnacle of classical Greek architecture, so I headed off to Greece, the sim, part of a cluster of islands celebrating Greek culture. They do not allow scripts, so be sure you are as you wish to be before you land.

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The road is long, with many a winding turn

The road is long, with many a winding turn
I do not know Brandy Maltas (Kalli Birman in Second Life®). However, I know a few things about her. Most urgently, I know she has cancer, a second recurrence of metastatic uterine cancer that has spread to her liver. Secondly, I know she must be a kind person because people care about her and are trying to help her. From the event information, I know she is a single mother of three who is trying to do her best to survive and make it through this battle so she can see her children grown. Lastly, I know that I hope people will support The Road Ahead, an event to support her struggle, before it closes on January 1st.
The road is long, with many a winding turn
As an exclusive for the event, Mami Jewell has released a special amethyst color of her Electra dress. As you can see the dress can be worn different ways, all amethyst or black and amethyst, with all the billowing attachments or without them, with sleeves or without. Azul’s clothing is always versatile.
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There is no path

Within this world there is, indeed, no path! Even deep in this mountains I have entered, heart set, I seem to hear the deer cry!

Within this world
there is, indeed, no path!
Even deep in this mountains
I have entered, heart set,
I seem to hear the deer cry!

Fujiwara no Toshinari

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Made of Star Stuff

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

“The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”

–Carl Sagan

We are so hard on ourselves. It seems a day does not pass that some friend or acquaintance says something harsh and critical of themselves. I do it myself. But really, with all our struggles and our challenges, why do we add to our burdens by turning on ourselves? After all, we are made of star-stuff and should shine as brightly as the stars we come from.

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Exploring Vivara

You don’t gamble to win. You gamble so you can gamble the next day. Bert Ambrose
There’s a new game in town. Well, a new place to game. I headed over to Vivara, a new gaming sim. I got dolled up with a couple pieces from The Instruments event, mixing a dress from DE.Designs with a feather bolero from SAS: Sascha’s Designs. There’s a lovely performance hall there and I thought since we can do anything in SL®, I might pretend I can sing. It’s purely pretend.
You don’t gamble to win. You gamble so you can gamble the next day. Bert Ambrose
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