Tag Archives: Baiastice

Fingers Crossed

“You don't have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does not require recognition.”Bento makes me happier than I thought it would. My happiness comes from things like these poses from Gingerfish that have Bento hand movements built right in. When Bento first came out, I was dubious, afraid that more complexity would strain my already struggling computer to the breaking point. I also moaned about one more thing to learn. I dawdled. I did not rush to buy bento hands immediately. I waited hoping it would all be figured out by someone else or even just go away. But it didn’t and both Slink and Maitreya released hands optimized for Bento and my computer did not fold over in a faint. So here we are. Animators are busy adapting and creating poses that capitalize on this new expressiveness and I am wondering why I was such a grouch about it. I guess I must be getting crotchety in my old SLage.

“You don't have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does not require recognition.”I kind of fell in several sorts of love with the skirt and jacket from Emery. The Stella skirt has two options with a latte stripe or a pearl stripe. The Bastet jacket has bold lapels that give it a relaxed, casual air while being very fashion conscious. They are at Collabor88 this month and a knotted tee is also sold to accompany them. I decided to go a different way, though, and chose this top from Baiastice.

“You don't have to be a big name to do big things. Shine does not require recognition.”I stopped off at Gacha Gardens and picked up some backdrops for photos from RAMA. I love that they used materials, so the sunshine sets it ablaze.  Continue reading

This picture is illegal in Russia

Stop Homofobia meme banned in RussiaRussia recently banned this meme of Putin in makeup that many were using to advocate for gay rights. In recent years, while the LGTBIQ community in the United States have seen some victories while still facing challenges and efforts to roll back their rights, sexual minorities have been experiencing ever-increasing oppression in such disparate places as Uganda and Russia. This is not a coincidence. As the Christianists have lost ground in the United States, they have exported their anti-gay agenda.

This week, news came out about concentration camps in Chechnya–think about that. Russia has  passed legislation against gays, Uganda criminalized homosexuality and nearly passed a death penalty for homosexuality though we held off by pressure from Europe and the United States. Scott Lively is currently being sued for crimes against humanity for his role in advocating the repressive Ugandan actions, including advocating the death penalty for gays. He was also active in advocating for anti-gay legislation in Russia. National Organizations for Marriage president Brian Brown went to Russia to advocate a ban on gay adoptions and taking biological children away from gay parents. Brown is also trying to export his virulent anti-gay hatred to France, colluding with French far right political groups such as Dies Irae. Jack Hanick of FOX News is another anti-gay evangelist who has traveled to Russia to spread his homophobia, but also wants to import Russia’s authoritarianism to the US.

Stop Homofobia meme banned in RussiaSo what can we do now that our fellow Americans have traveled the globe to export their brand of hatred? We can support the organizations who fight them such as Sexual Minorities Uganda, the LGBTI Equal Rights Association for Western Balkans and Turkey, the Russian LGBT Network, or more generally, supporting the work of Human Rights Watch. You can do things like playing around with this image of Putin, mixing it up and making your own meme against homophobia. You can show support by making no place safe for the hate-mongers, not even fashion posts.  Continue reading

There Isn’t Much Time Left

Maitreya released LARA 4.0 with BENTO Hands and that’s big news on the grid today. In other news you’ve probably got minutes left before COLLABOR88 tears down so really, hop to it if you haven’t. I’ve got my coffee, I’ll wait while you run over. Continue reading

Booties @ Shoetopia

I love tulips better than any other spring flower; they are the embodiment of alert cheerfulness and tidy graceShoetopia is open now, so grab a taxi to Shoetopia. A fun thing to look for are these glorious booties from Baiastice that come with three options, Charm, Prestige, and Glamour for all 18 shades. If you get the fatback, there are six bonus special edition shoes, 3 in lace and 3 in patent leather.
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All’s Well In Disturbia

I went on a little adventure today, looking for something new to me. I stumbled into a carnival that reminds me a BIT of the abandoned carnival in The Secret World. I used to play that game with friends who are no longer friends, which is a sad state of affairs but when you deal with people who behave like “digital people” rather than real people, it definitely comes with the territory. Continue reading

Stories & Folklore

With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?

The theme for Collabor88 this month is StoryTime and the creations showcased are a rich display of folkloric traditions and influences. There is a lot of embroidery, a lot of beautiful colors and rich traditional fabrics. Sissy Pessoa ran with the idea into a more modern direction with this gown and capelet. It has all the traditional flower forms, but the dress itself is quite modern and made even more so in the sheer version.

With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?
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Resistance Is Fertile

The history of liberty is a history of resistance.

This sign, a riff on the Borg’s mantra,made me laugh. I always just point out the Borg dies in the end. But I laugh because where I grew up, we competed against Fertile in sports and other competitions. More amusingly, Fertile happens to be just about 25 miles from Climax, another town we competed against. When you’re in high school, such things are hilarious and even to this day, pranksters add distance to Fertile signs to the “You are Entering Climax” sign and vice versa. By the way, whoever ordered “You are entering Climax” is my hero. That sign is gone now, replaced by the much less amusing “Climax Pop. 300” sign. Not that we weren’t without our own embarrassing names. A few miles out of town, there used to be a glorious road sign, “Bullshit Valley, Next Left” That was the name of the valley. That was the sign. When I was home this summer, I saw it has been “cleaned up” and now reads, BS Valley. I was disappointed. I did not live in Bullshit Valley, alas, and my dad only took that left hand turn every few years just because it was a pretty route, though it was gravel not tar. The road to Bullshit Valley is paved now. I am sure there’s a metaphor there somewhere.
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It’s Only Fashion Is Back

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.

Our web site was down. Somehow there was a virus in the database. Is that not the strangest thing? I don’t know if that would affect readers or not, but thankfully it’s been fixed.

I shot these pictures last week. I was still shocked by the Orwellian phrase “alternate facts” that in a healthy society would completely discredit the people who promote them. But, since people no longer distinguish between fact and opinion, alternate facts seem to be growing. Aldous Huxley, though, had the right idea. “Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

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Fire Down Below

I told my good friend Sasy that I was bored and needed to zip up what I was doing and sharing here in blogland. She’s working on being more informative, sharing things and she wants to help improve your SL.

I have no such noble aspirations. I once wore a prim vagina on the outside of my pants for a week because I didn’t know how to cam. You’re on your own girls, I’m just too silly to be a great sharer of knowledge. Plus the stuff I learn in trial by fire is always the stuff I become GOOD at. You can ask Sasy that too, as I’m always asking her stuff such as “Why don’t my hands work right?” and she’ll reply without even looking at which version I’m wearing “Probably because you didn’t pick up the update from six months ago…..”

It’s good to have friends who love you despite the fact that you’re a flibbertygibbet. Continue reading

House Crisis Arises

I popped over to visit with Sasy and Mavi this morning and to behold the amazing new Lelutka build and I told them I was having a crisis. A HOUSE CRISIS. Why is it that just about every time I get my house sorted someone makes a new one and then I want that one?


Yet, I want this new house to be my house. It’s a trial I tell you, having too many options. Continue reading