So yesterday I saw Sydd Sinister on FB talking about BakesOnMesh. She’s linked some info from Sasy and as I read long in the commentary something became incredibly clear.
If you’re old enough you remember when you could wear your jacket on the pants layer and it was a good idea because you needed the jacket layer for your tank top because your underwear layer was for you tattoo of a dying shark saying something in Japanese.
It was just a different kind of confusing, I promise you, we understood it. Then Mesh came along and saved us all and we saw the light and got rid of our clumpy cave man hands and feet and then our heads and finally our bodies and ALL THE THINGS and life was smooth and beautiful.
Apparently someone said “What if we could find a way to slap all those old system layers onto your mesh and make them look nice?” And someone else said “Yes let’s do that.”
I present to you GIDGE – Wearing her mesh with “System Layers” slapped on top. I’m wearing an old Pink Fuel Skin (Alyx), Izzie’s Lipgloss, and a shirt & jeans from Sn@tch. I’m also wearing some cute mesh shoes from ANE (Shoetopia) and some hair from Tableau Vivant.
Mesh meets History.
How does it work? Well you gotta have OMEGA appliers for the stuff you want to apply, and a special hud that makes it all work.
You also need the right project viewer.
Get the one that is called BAKESONMESH Channel. That’s the right onw.
I struggled a bit because it’s my preference to just click around. THAT’S HOW I ROLL. It tells you to do things like “remove your alpha” that your old body is now cloaked in. If you don’t – your mesh turns red. THAT IS A BIT DISCONCERTING.
This is all still BETA. Sometimes my eyes are in the wrong place and kind of bug out. I suspect that’s to do with animations. My mouth looks kinda wrong like the system layer doesn’t sit on it right. AGAIN – BETA. Last night I had some issues with my Mesh layers not going away properly.
However, all that being said – this is demonstrative that something huge is coming. What people will be able to do with this in terms of creating is pretty interesting.
I hate my old eyelashes. They were THE BOMB back in the day though. Super cool.
Now. I’m gonna eat and put myself back into regular land.
Cajsa gifted me the BakesOnMesh Hud and I’m gonna enjoy playing with it some more. It will be fun to see what has stood the test of time!
Gidge is Wearing:
Bakes On Mesh HUD
Shirt: :::Sn@tch Easy Shirt (Purple-S):::
Pants: :::Sn@tch Easy Jeans (Blue):::
LipglossIzzie’s – Valentine’s Lipgloss
Lashes” [[Mozz]] Lashes – 04
Beauty Marks[PXL] Beauty Mark POS10 Light DX
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink
.Eyes: Banana Banshee
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.0
Shoes: A N E Shoes – Moccasins – PLUM – (slink) SHOETOPIA
MAGIC BUTTON: Bake On Mesh skin applier (Omega) 1.0
Boot fixer
More Magic: Omega System Installer – Lelutka
More Magic Tooo: Omega System Installer – Slink
Slink Avatar Enhancement Feet Deluxe V1.2.5
Hands and Feet: Slink
Body: SLINK Hourglass V1.1 (ADD ME)
Hair: Tableau Vivant \ May hair [Review]
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Skin: [PF] Alyx – Blue/LidA (aubbrow)