Category Archives: Features

Merry Christmas from IOF

Merry Christmas from me and my mini monkey faced girl.

Man I wish they would update with mesh ahem.


Merry Merry Christmas from It’s Only Fashion and the Uriza’s.

I hope yours is amazing. 

Skin: Glam Affair
Dress: -Pixicat- Joyful.Dress – Ombre (Maitreya)
-Pixicat- Joyful.Fur (Maitreya)
Eyes: Banana Banshee
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3
Boots: lassitude & ennui Victoria boots (Maitreya Lara) – green
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Earrings: Trompe Loeil – Advent Calendar Star Earring
Hair: TRUTH HAIR Holly [no scarf unrigged]
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento

Do I Have To Get Up?

Oh my god it’s the 23rd? How did that happen? I’m not ready. My body is not ready. I’ve got stuff to do. WHERE DID MY ENTIRE MONTH GO? There’s nothing for it but to get up and get moving, get baking – get packing- get GOING. I am not sure I’m prepared for all that the 23rd of December means.

That being said. It’s time to get up.

Really just five more minutes and I swear I’m up. Promise. Just….tap me in five minutes. I’ll get up. I promise you.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Hair: .LeLutka.Cassie medium hair
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Chloe 3.3
Pajamas: CHACHA. starry night gacha / pants RARE 1 THE ARCADE
CHACHA. starry night gacha / top RARE 1 The Arcade
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Sleep Mask: Noodles – Holly Sleep Mask
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit
Neon sign: Kres- Merry and Bright – THE ARCADE
Robe Rack: Elm. “Miss to Mrs” Robe Rack RARE THE ARCADE

Christmas Wind Up

Well it’s almost here. Are you done with your shopping? I’m about done, not quite. I’m hoping to wrap it all up today, honestly. Just a few odds and ends here and there to grab. I need to get something for my cats. Do they make mesh catnip?

I hope you’re enjoying the holidays with the people of your choosing and your loves in both lives. No matter what you’re doing, I hope it brings you joy.

This cupcake is about to bring me joy. 

Don’t forget that the ARCADE is still open and full of awesome gifts 🙂 They are just a pull away!

Time for shopping. My body is ready.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Cate 3.3
Dress: AS Chritsmas Sweater Dress RARE THE ARCADE Tights: Izzie’s Drink: AS Cup hot chocolate grape(Bento pose Hand)_ THE ARCADE
CupcakeA*S Vanilla Cupcake mint(Bento pose Hand) THE ARCADE
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Hair: Tableau Vivant \ Sweetmas \ Candies
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit // LeLutka Simone Bento
Laptop: Wedesday – THE ARCADE

Camping at Swayland

I wandered out for the weekend, was compelled to just be alone and breathe for a while in the crisp winter of deep December. Swayland seemed the perfect spot for my endeavor, so I set up camp here to just spend the night away from comforts and re-energize.

There’s a lot to be said for cooking over the fire. Is it just that the food seems more real, or that the work you put into it makes it taste better? I don’t now why but somehow everything I cook over a fire is better, even marshmallows.

Tomorrow i’ll pack up and go home, refreshed and renewed from my camping adventure. But tonight, I’ll sleep bundled up in the crisp cold air, and remind myself how much I do love this.
Gidge is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel – Doll
Head: .LeLutka.Head.Cate 3.3
Sweater and Leggings: Baiastice_PomPom Sweater & Leggings-All Colors-Maitreya
Headband: Bleich – Xmas ’89 – Headband Candies THE ARCADE
Hair: Exile:: Monet
Boots: Ingenue :: Caris Booties (Maitreya) :: Fatpack
Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V4.1
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edi
Camping Decor Items: Sway’s
Shot on location at Swayland

Skating My Way

So while I haven’t begun ANY of my Christmas shopping at all, I decided it was a perfect time to go out and do some winter activities – like ICE SKATING!  The only problem was, given the number of times that I have moved, I can’t find my dang skates. That’s ok though, The Arcade provided me with a lovely set of roller skates that work just as well! Continue reading

Return to the Grind

I’m cold. It’s ridiculously cold and wet outside. You might be tempted to tell me that this is my own fault for living on an island but I’d tell you to go suck an egg. I’m still going to complain. The winds are whipping and making my dogs bark incessantly. Plus, I got up early and while trying to get my breakfast together I sent a cake flying across the island.

Yes I was GOING to have cake for breakfast.

No, I don’t know where it is anymore.

I’m having a waffle instead and since I can’t have cake I’ll be angrily chewing his face off.

Well, not TOO angrily. I’m pretty happy given my delicious cup of cocoa I’ve got going today. Even the hand pose with it has me tickled. It’s almost worth being up this early. Almost. Continue reading

Watching The Fog Roll In

It’s a lazy Sunday on Juicy, exactly the way I like it. Fog is rolling in from the sea, and if this were a horror movie that would mean that soon death and destruction would be following. Perhaps I’d find a pink scooter to escape to the sanctuary  of STELLAR or JUICY SHAPES, a place where the monsters could not reach me.

You would know that the monsters were approaching when you heard ” /99 blingoff” in local chat. Continue reading

With Puppy In Tow

With my puppy, I hit the mean streets of SL shopping, once again clad in designer kindness from the Gacha Garden. How cute is this dress for a free gift? It was perfect for my grid roaming ways today, and this purse that was also free just takes the cake. If you also have a dog that you always bring with you, you may consider giving him a turmeric dog supplement and other food supplements for dogs to boost his health and immunity to protect him from viruses and allergens.

There are some people who complain about free gifts. I don’t complain about free gifts. What I complain about is GARBAGE people give out. I don’t expect everyone to give out something this nice, honestly. This is a sort of WOW COLOR ME IMPRESSED AND SURPRISED I WILL REMEMBER YOUR STORE AND SHOP THERE SORT OF GIFT.  I also think it’s ok not to give a gift. But, if you give out a gift and it’s some prim crap, I also won’t forget that. If you sell shoes and you give a flower – I’ll say thank you. If you sell lipsticks and you give out some sculpt BIAB crap from 2004….

Those seconds unboxing your crap gift I will not forget my friend, nay I shall not. Continue reading

A Romp Through the Gacha Garden

I had some time this morning and I did a quick run through the Gacha Garden to pick up any items I might not have yet. I have to say, some people really bring it when they drop a gift to people. This elf, hair, dress and bear (in my hair) are all gifts. Thanks for being thoughtful designers!  Continue reading


My husband and I have this long standing joke, when we can’t think of a word we just say GAZEBO.

“Can you hand me that long handled…..gazebo?”

“I am looking for my extra….gazebo…”

“It’s over there behind the red…gazebo….”

You get the idea. Continue reading