Category Archives: Life Style, Home and Garden

The One Where I Ride a Very Surprised Horse

Well, it said if I joined the group I got a free horse. I was probably wrong to presume it would be as nice as the horses other people were riding. But, I was whisked back to 2008 with this beauty.

Also my world became lag hell while riding her, and had to abandon.

I wasn’t really dressed to ride though, actually. So it’s just as well. Continue reading

Obligatory Rainbow Fence Photo Included

I was out doing my Saturday morning farmer’s market shopping when I spied it. A Rainbow Fence! I quickly ran over, struck a pose and snapped. Now I can get that piece on my fashionista punch card punched out and I can trade it in for a free gift! I hope it’s a toaster! Continue reading

I Said You Know You Wanna Come Over, Loki Is Here

I got comfy new SLINK add on shoes from LVLE – called OLIVIA this weekend, and decided it was a perfect day to take them on a stroll around the grid. I decided to just surf around and see what was going on. I found the Fantasy Gacha which looked innocuous at first.

Although there was no one working this food cart, I was a bit hungry, so that made me sad. However, I ventured onward. Continue reading

War and Cakes

I invited Gogolita over to play WAR and eat cakes last night. The Liason Collaborative’s THE GARDEN is opening up today and Cory Edo of Trompe Loeil has released a Vintage Diner style kitchenette that’s adorable. Continue reading

Swimming In Mitosis

I wandered over to LEA6 this morning, because I didn’t know what to shoot. When in doubt, LEA sims will always provide some inspiration and things to think about. This build is called Mitosis.

It tells you what it’s all about, there are three levels that represent various things in your existence. You fly up to the second two levels to experience those works. I’d tell you more about it, but these depths are better plumbed by Hybie, Honour or Acha. As for me, I’m wearing a cute suit. Continue reading

Love Donna Flora Ends In A Few Hours

As I was getting ready for an evening in, I realized I haven’t reminded you that LOVE DONNA FLORA ends and I mean within HOURS! There is still time to get amazing gorgeous items to help out our friend Squinternet as she battles cancer.

I’m wearing beautiful lingerie from Luxuria for the event, and sexy, girly bedroom slippers from SLink.  Perfect for sexy evenings in, like I have planned. My skin is also for the event from PXL Creations. It’s a gorgeous, femme look with soft features.  Continue reading

Every Day Waiting For You

An elegant throwback to a more refined and stylish time, this month’s COLLABOR88 celebrates the era of flappers and art deco, the time when men were men and women were dames.

I already said that, didn’t I?

Well it’s still true.

Except that only cheap women were dames and I’m a lady. Obviously. Continue reading

Who Are You In Other Worlds?

I got to wondering, over my breakfast, what my SL friends are like in their other worlds? I don’t play a LOT of video games, but I do play World of Warcraft and I’ve created a cast of characters that, despite the lack of customization in that world, all have a BIT of Gidginess to them. I thought I’d show you mine, and hope that maybe for fun, you’d show me yours. Continue reading

I Traveled To Tokyo With Flowers In My Hair

I wanted to go shopping somewhere new, so I put in SHOPPING MALL into SEARCH.

After wading through a bunch of places that had keywords shopping, shopping mall, big shopping mall, best shopping mall, shopping mall of the shopping, etc etc etc I found someplace that looked interested, said it was anime themed and I didn’t have anything better to do so I popped over. Continue reading

Noob Surfing

So it seems odd but I don’t actually recall ever properly surfing. I’ve used surf boards as props, but I can’t remember ever riding one out on the waves. So I decided to do that this morning.

I learned some things. Such as, I’m impatient. I kept clicking REZZ on the surfboard sign, and it kept not rezzing and I’d click it again and nothing and I’d click it again and again and finally I was thinking HELL FORGET IT when I moved my camera angle I saw, OH, they were rezzing on the other side of a small brush of sea grass in front of me.

So I chose one of 20 and took off. Continue reading