Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

What Does the Sweater Say?

My latest trip to FaMESHed (Ok I quit calling it Fame Shed except in my mind) was quickly turned into one of whimsy when I ran into this sweater from Mutresse. I bought it thinking I was getting one color, and that it displayed the graphic above. Seriously, it makes me lawl.

What I didn’t realize was that it came with a texture change huge, loads of colors AND little sayings. None as satirical and witty as THIS ONE imho but, that’s just me.

Of course the back says RINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING. Obviously. Continue reading

Coming Soon to The Velvet


As the season of giving draws near, Maht Wuyts, the owner and grand poobah of The Velvet, hopes to capitalize on your giving spirit to support his annual effort to raise funds for Heifer International. In this annual event, Maht will personally spin music for 26.2 hours straight – a marathon (or mahrathon) effort in Second Life and Real Life (at a Chicago coffeehouse) with all the tips going to support Heifer. You can see Heifer highlighting his event last year.

The great thing about Heifer is that it is organized around the idea of sustainability – providing people the resources so they can support themselves and even pay it forward and help their neighbors. By giving people the animals to raise for food and products to sell, they promote independence and self-sufficiency, teaching people to fish, not giving fish – as the saying goes.

Beige Patent Pumps Just Like Kate

I heard a radio show shortly before the Royal Wedding, talking about beige patent pumps. Beige patent pumps are apparently everything. Kate Middleton had been seeing wearing them at appearances, suddenly you had to have them. The morning shopping guide on the radio show (because this is now a thing apparently) went through and told us what brand Kate was wearing and since we obviously can’t afford those (commoners) told us where to get them priced in our (commoner) price range.

Luckily for us pixel girls, LVLE has come out with a gorgeous pair of beige pumps that fit the bill with gorgeous texturing that subtly shines.  We might not get to marry a prince, but we’ve got cute shoes so really, that’s probably good enough.

Pixel princes are a dime a dozen anyway, girls. Continue reading

Everyone Needs a Spa Day

Trompe Loeil has released the perfect relaxation spot with the Kumotori Bath House. It has Adult and PG versions. I figured I’m an adult so this is PERFECT for me.

Unfortunately I can’t show you what those poses looked like because it’s too early in the day for vagina. Continue reading

Poisonous Enchantment

I am always thrilled by designers who do not take their inspirations too literally, but instead use them as a springboard to develop something completely unexpected. Such is the case with Valentina Evangelista of Valentina E. who used the idea of the poisoned apple in Snow White to come up with this dress. Released in quite dangerous shades of green, red and black, it contains many of the elements that suggest danger from the snakeskin it’s made of to the sinuous femme fatale design. It is a creative expression of the inspiration and totally unexpected.
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I Was Enchanted


I went shopping at Enchantment, the big new fairy-tale event that opened this morning. Of course, since I was shopping, I was not wearing any of the items, but I did pick up a few that you will soon see. I just wanted to share my observation that the sim design and execution for this event was pretty wonderful. I loved that the vendors were so unique and idiosyncratic. There was no uniformity which meant it was visually interesting all the time – even when the products were not to my taste. Though of course, far more was to my taste than was not. I spent more than I should have – but that is how events work. They beguile your eyes and enchant your hearts and put a open spell on your wallets.

I wore this gorgeous coat and capelet from Kunglers. It has the warmth and comfort for shopping outdoors – which is where Enchantment is. You will have to explore, not everything is laid out in a straightforward path like most events. Snow drifts and trees obscure parts of the build, giving you beautiful settings that reveal bit by bit the enchanting items for sale. It’s beautifully done and worth exploring right to the top of the mountain.

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I spent at least an hour flipping through marketplace looking for a Halloween costume. It just seemed, I don’t know, too easy to buy a mesh avatar and call it my Halloween costume. I’m not sure why. I will probably end up buying one, because I can never settle on ONE costume.  But this morning I thought WHY NOT MAKE ONE! Continue reading

Awaiting Enchantment

Echantment 1Once upon a time, in a land far far away, there was a princess. She was known as Snow White. Some may figure they know this tale, but you only have heard the beginning.

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Feeling Tweedy


The weather is getting cooler. Spending hours waiting for Tri-Met yesterday, I could have used this outfit, so comfy, so cozy, so very chic. With a very modern silhouette, the tweed pants outfit from The Annex is a Fall/Winter stunner.


The top is a coat-length tweed that mixes two very different tweeds for dramatic effect. That big, bold tweed on the sleeves would never work over the entire body, but as an accent on the sleeves, it is fabulous.

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Hot Hot Haute


One of the reasons I enjoy Fashion Week in real life and Second Life® is the abundance of high fashion designs that are haute, haute, haute. Take the Liana gown from Zanze. There’s nothing practical or sensible about and that is why I love it.
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