Author Archives: Cajsa Lilliehook

About Cajsa Lilliehook

Santino Rice's little ditty "It's only fashion" seems a perfect title for my little fashion blog as you and i know that fashion means the world to him. Co-founder of It's Only Fashion and Blogging Second Life.

The Arcade brings sunshine and flowers

Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.

I was looking for a quote for my pictures and came across “Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.” It was attributed to Walt Whitman which struck me as bizarre. It does not sound the least bit like Whitman. Whitman wrote things like “Give me the splendid silent sun, with all his beams full-dazzling!” The internet is good for many things, but it’s been a disaster to those who want proper attribution for quotes. Thankfully there are those who are combatting error like The Quote Investigator.

The Arcade has arrived and with June comes sunshine and flowers, not just outdoors, but even on the wall.

Keep your face always toward the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.

I shot these pictures in the small attic bedroom at the top of Scarlet Creative’s romantic Daisy Weathered House at The Arcade. With ivy and moss on the walls and roofs, delicate floral wallpaper and so many gables it would make Nathaniel Hawthorne jealous, this house is everything.
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MetaLES and Contrasts

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.

I put on this gorgeous jumpsuit from Baiastice that was released at Collabor88 the other day. I had thought I might go check out the beach, but then on a whim, I headed over to MetaLES to see the new exhibition from Sina Souza. It is amazing! However, I could not help but notice that in mood the exhibit and my outfit were on opposite sides of a vast chasm. This jumpsuit is bright, colorful and fun-provoking.

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.

The exhibition is striking, creative, sombre, and thought-provoking.

Gallery exhibitions are like flowers, they bloom, and then they die, they exist only as memories.
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Second Life Art & Photos: What I Like #14

"Smoke on the water, a fire in the sky"

Smoke on the Water Fire in the Air by Shyralei.

I like Smoke on the Water Fire in the Air by Shyralei. The only bold colors are the red of her eyes and lips, everything else is blacks and grays with a hint of blue that adds a chill. The smoke adds an aura of mystery. There are the 45° black lines which are called sinister diagonals because they create a sense of foreboding, of loss. it’s an emotionally evocative picture.

Take Me Somewhere Nice by Mr. Munro

I like Take Me Somewhere Nice by Mr. Munro. It’s a great example of how window lighting can add emotional impact to a photo. The composition is good. Following the rule of thirds, the couple is placed so they are centered on a vertical line one-third from the right. As much of her is to the right of that line as he is to the left. Her head is one-third from the top and the tabletop he rests his head on is one third from the bottom. Continue reading

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

When the heroes go off the stage, the clowns come on.

I often thought Obama suffered all the slings and arrows of outrageous racism with heroic calm and self-control We didn’t hear him whining about it, even when lying, bigoted blowhards said he was born in Kenya or he was a secret Muslim, which is utterly beside the point as our Constitution prohibits any religious requirements for elected office, even if our citizenry disrespects our Constitution daily. Now, the clown has come on and he whines daily that no one has ever been treated so poorly as he has, not even Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, or Kennedy.

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Moral Hazard

Moral Hazard: Taking risks when one is protected from the consequences.

You simply must have the Gingerfish “Birdy” pose set to tell this Administration exactly what you think of them.

Moral hazard is increasingly commonplace. Moral hazard happens when people make decisions that involve risk while they are protected from the risk. Gambling with other people’s money is a moral hazard. So is gambling with other people’s lives. Susan Sarandon’s glib disregard for the lives of immigrants, the poor, people who might lose health insurance and people of color when she encouraged risking a Trump presidency to “heighten the contradictions” is an example of moral hazard. She’s a white woman who won’t be deported or be killed by the police because she forgot to use her turn signal. She’s wealthy and can buy the latest AR-15 rifles and does not risk homelessness or loss of health insurance. It was easy for her to contemplate disaster because other people lose, not her.

Moral Hazard: Taking risks when one is protected from the consequences.

Fashion and politics go together…and always have.

The recent bill repealing the ACA that Congressional Republicans passed without one vote to spare is an example of moral hazard. They exempted their health insurance coverage from the provisions that strip protections from the American people. There is no clearer example of moral hazard than that. Their bill brings back lifetime limits and pre-existing condition exclusions by allowing states to opt out of national standards. Of course, states with poor quality state government will immediately rush to opt out. People living in states with good government are not safe, though, because their repeal encourages a race to the bottom by allowing insurance to be sold across state lines so states who are in the pockets of the insurance companies like Georgia and Alabama can allow worthless insurance to be sold to employers in states who attempt to protect their people from predatory corrupt insurance companies like Golden Rule.

Moral Hazard: Taking risks when one is protected from the consequences.

The Exile Drive ponytail is full of life, unlike the American people if Trump destroys our health care system.

I am hoping some of you might be inspired to tell the Trump Admin what you think using your avatars and post your pictures to Avatars Against TrumpContinue reading

Just Because

“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.”

Just because you think you’re so pretty,
And just because you think you’re so hot,
Well, just because you think you’ve got something
That no other girl has got,

I love Just Because clothing, not only because the textures are well-done and the mesh is perfectly rigged, because it reminds me of one of my favorite albums as a kid. It belonged to my parents and I played it over and over and over. One of the songs was Just Because.

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Second Life Photos: What I Like #13

Station Approach Station Approach by Lily Lovelace.

I like Station Approach by Lily Lovelace. This seems like beginning of one of those old black and white movies. Everything is of that time and place, the vintage cut of the dress, the floral fabric, the stack heels, her hair style, the suitcases, and the train. Black and white only adds to that vintage feeling. Do you think she might be going home for a holiday? The floral dress suggest happy anticipation. There’s a present tucked into her tote, the only modern looking element. Of course, if it were a movie, someone would disappear from the train and she would solve the murder before arrival…without even mussing her hair. Meanwhile, the composition places her exactly by the rule of fifths. The bottom of the train car is also two-fifths from the bottom, a sort of horizon. Continue reading

Second Life Photos: What I Like #12

Feed Your Creativity

Feed Your Creativity by Jewel Appletor aka Karalyn Hubbard

I like Feed Your Creativity by Jewel Appletor aka Karalyn Hubbard. Do I even have to say why? Her entire stream is filled with similar work, bringing together elements of Second Life® in shots that look like illustrations, but actually have very little post-processing.. While the subject is centered, it is not symmetrical, the flowers are in the lower left and upper right, framing her face. I just love everything about this picture. However, picking just one item from her stream was difficult. Her newest picture of birds is darling.

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I like On Toes by Tank Jarrod Holden.

I like On Toes by Tank Jarrod Holden. When I came across this photostream last night, he had only 109 followers. How can this be? His entire stream is filled with extraordinary landscapes. I probably should have chosen one of the landscapes, but this whimsically romantic picture just appealed to me.  It is simple, but effectively creates a mood and tells a story. The light from behind helps create another plane, the people in the foreground, the mid ground, and the background outside Continue reading

If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun.

If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.The new minidress from ALT by TRUTH is all kinds of shiny. It comes with several color options, but the many metallics were my favorite thing.

If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun.Another favorite thing, the glorious twist and roll pullback hair style by TRUTH called Avery/Elena

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In Riding a Horse, We Borrow Freedom

In Riding a Horse, We Borrow Freedom

I thought I blogged this a week ago. Oops! First, I have to deal with the quote I used for the title. The internet is a disaster for quote lovers and this is an example of why. Which Helen Thompson? My guess this quote may have come from the wife of the race horse trainer, David Thompson. I am pretty darn sure it did not come from this Helen Thompson and by the way, I am even more sure that fifth quote is also one that belongs to the woman whose life was in racing, not the psychologist studying gender differences who was born in 1874.

In Riding a Horse, We Borrow Freedom
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