Monthly Archives: April 2013

Cajsa Fast Five: April 17

Fast FiveToday finds me sending you back to the same blog as last time, but how could I not, the photo is so special. The rest if great fashion or lifestyle blog posts and one post with guidance on pronunciation.


  1. A Midsummer Nights Dream: Wise Sandalwood had half of Plurk agog yesterday wondering how she did this. I assume she used a mix of different texture layers and brushes in Photoshop. Part of the magic is not telling. The other part is recognizing how perfectly the Doll Coco Avatar is for creating illustrations.
  2. Loneliness: Wicca Merlin  does a stunning exploration of hard and soft textures and moods in styling her Gizza-centric outfit yesterday. The pieces she pulled together should have been disjointed, but somehow they work together.
  3. The FIC Is Back! (Or It Never Left) – This is a few days old as I hesitated to include this post from Prokofy Neva whose infinite capacity for argument is well-known. However, I have been mispronouncing FIC all this time. It rhymes with BIKE, not SICK. That is one of the things covered in this op-ed full of speculation that is debunked in the Update at the end.
  4. Soleil: Eve Kazan has a beautiful travel/fashion post featuring the arid FAS sim and her finds at the local market, the spice, the pottery, the flowers…
  5. 229: Nati Williams did a post featuring her garden. I want to live there.

Nirans Viewer for the win!

I tried out the Nirans Viewer today for my blog pictures. I’ve always been a 3rd party viewer gal. Firestorm has been my interface of choice but after a while my pictures started becoming wonky. I heard Nirans was the viewer of choice when it came to taking pictures. After fiddling around with the interface and figuring out where everything was…I’m pleasantly surprised!


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Pop vs. Soda


The Soda Pop Dress from Deco for April’s Collabor88 reminded me of the ancient cultural struggle between those who say Soda and those who say Pop and the outliers who say Coke. It’s a conflict that has been mapped and researched and will probably continue long after we all are gone. DECO’s designer sidestepped the controversy by called the dress the Soda Pop dress, showing a keen instinct for diplomacy.

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Why You Need These Things…A Post About Staples

I Need Some ShoesThere are things any well dressed girl has to have. HAS to have. Even if you just have ONE, it should be a good one and serviceable.  Today’s post is dedicated to those things. Continue reading

Cajsa Fast Five: April 15th

Fast Five It’s Income Tax Day in the US. Also my birthday. So, for my set tonight at The Velvet I am playing some of my favorite songs. Not all of them. That would take s day or more, but a few of them. Lots of that old-fashioned rock and roll. I hope you can come. I DJ from 5 to 7 PM SLT.

  1. SL10B Applications are open: SL’s 10th birthday is coming and applications for performers, exhibitors and volunteers are open. The theme is Second Life – Looking Forward, Looking Back. I cannot wait to see what folks come up with.
  2. On the Hunt: Wise Sandalwood has the most amazing photo, one that seems more like an illustration done in real life, not in Second Life®. I love her work all the time, but this is one of her best ever.
  3. Nobody Knows the Troobles I’ve Seen: Tymmerie Thorne shows off the new SL® gift via Amazon, the Troobles. Like me, she has no answer to the mystery of the Troobles, but she always writes with wit and humor and is not going to, as she said, “look a gift Trooble in the mouth.”
  4. Just Know You’re Not Alone. Cause I’m Going to Make This Place Your Home. Rockstaroo Gossipgirl has a fun post highlighting the enchanting little food truck from What Next for The Garden.
  5. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s Inaugural Address. While I was preparing this, bombs went off in Boston casting the shadow of fear across our country. At this moment, we have no idea who is involved or even whether it is all over or if there are more bombs yet to explode. Uncertainty adds to our collective anxiety. On this horrible afternoon, I think it is worthwhile to read the incredibly wise words of President Roosevelt who assumed the presidency during the Great Depression, an economic nadir far more extensive than our own Great Recession and in a world threatened by imperial fascism and communism across the globe. Those threats were far more existential than what we face today and we persevered and triumphed in large part because we did not let ourselves be paralyzed by fear. So on this terrible day, I am suggesting you take a moment to read this inspirational speech and find comfort and strength in its wisdom.

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend’s were.
Each man’s death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee. 

John Donne,  Meditation XVII


I Can See Clearly Now


One of the perks at an old job of mine was season tickets to the Portland Power – an ABL women’s basketball team. I will never forget the night we played the Seattle Reign and pulled out a close victory. The buzzer rang and immediately the notes from Johnny Nash’s song rang out, “I can see clearly now, the rain is gone.” I laughed until I cried.

We don’t get to sing that song very often in Oregon where we only get 144 sunny days a year. We get a lot of rain, though we generally don’t dress for rain. We really don’t need to. You can be out in the rain for hours and not get wet. We measure our rain in hundredths of an inch. It’s more like a heavy mist than rain. But you know, I decided to dress for the rain today in the luxe coat from NYU. And of course, as happens when you dress for the rain, I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind. It’s going to be a bright, bright, sunshiney day. It’s going to be a bright, bright sunshiney day.

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Cajsa Fast Five: April 14th

Fast Five Happy April 14th. So Oscar ate my post yesterday and posted one of his own. It got more hits than usual which obviously says something. What, I don’t know. But something. Anyway, today’s post is full of pretty pictures and an essay on teaching in SL, or rather why aren’t we doing more.

  1. Second Life, This Dangerous Thing: Lizzie Gudkov asks why teachers are so resistent to using Second Life as an immersive teaching tool and what can be done to change that resistance. She’s looking for suggestions so if you have ideas, please add them in comments. 
  2. Men Are Pigs: Drew VeauDeau has one of the funniest and cleverest photos to illustrate – complete with a fun post as well. I love the photo.
  3. Wonderland Hop: Caduceus Lorakeet does another masterful job with an alternative avatar. This time it’s the Coco Rabbit and I just love it.
  4. 443: Danni Ravenelli has a great casual outfit and wonderful pics to show it off. I love the confidence she displays in her first photo which is the one that drew me into the blog post.
  5. The Edge of the World: Charisma Jonesford has a beautiful and emotional evocative photo. Her description of standing by the ocean is spot on. It is a a magical experience and she captures that.