Tag Archives: Sorgo

On Sunset

End of my holiday weekend winds down and finds me back at home on Juicy. I’m not sad though. I’ve been unpacking – slowly but surely. It’s kind of cathartic to reinvent my SLife in a new place again, even if that place is in fact an old place.

I slipped into some new lingerie that you can find at The Arcade. It’s perfect for a cozy evening in, alone or perhaps with someone special.  I personally still pine for my love who abandoned me for the glories of Azeroth. Maybe he’ll return someday. He’s the sexiest little robot in all the land. Continue reading

Sunday Morning Solitude

Sometimes I have too much solitude in my SL. You’d think a place full of avatars looking to make fuck might be rife with social opportunities but you’d be wrong. It’s strange how the isolation can wear on you, after years and years.  Continue reading

Make Tacos Not War

I felt very strongly about a need for a fun breakfast this morning. Sometimes you just need something unnecessary and awesome to start you day, and delicious cakes for me and my new boyfriend seemed like the ticket. Continue reading



The living is easy at Collabor88 and at June’s Arcade. With all sorts of summer offerings like fresh cut, juicy watermelon, ripening pears and big juicy strawberries, all of which can be found at the 8f8 Green Grocers Gacha at The Arcade. I get hungry just looking at it. I suspect it looks better than it tastes, though, since it is made of plywood.

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When you dream

One of the joys of Second Life is allowing us to inhabit parallel lives, the lives we dreamed in our youth. Like many of you, I dreamed of all sorts of “when I grow up” scenarios. Mostly I said I wanted to be an archeologist when I grew up, but there were times when I declared my intent for president, supreme court justice, artist and dancer. Of course, I did grow up to inhabit none of these dreams, finding instead my adult dream as a political activist. I am happy with my adult dreams and only feel a faint nostalgic wistfulness for my childhood dreams. How fun it is, though, to live those dreams as an avatar. This season’s offerings from The Arcade are really the stuff dreams are made of.

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