Tag Archives: Skin Fair

The peaceful light of the ever-shining sun



In the peaceful light
Of the ever-shining sun
In the days of spring,
Why do the cherry’s new-blown blooms
Scatter like restless thoughts?

…Ki no Tomonori

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Hoarders: The SL Edition


Monica Outlander made this stunning gown with the peacock print insets, releasing them at the Fashion Pride event in March. She produced it in several colors, but my favorite is this gorgeous royal blue.


I admit I am an SL hoarder. I have items in my inventory from 2007. In fact, I am wearing items from 2007 in this picture. Now, I am not the worst. I do throw things out. Pose stands, landmarks, notecards are ruthlessly trashed. All my shoes with invisiprims have been deleted. Pants with sculpted bottoms and prim flap skirts – gone! Full bright hair – done! Bling – get outta here! But then, I falter.




I think Monica Outlander makes more use of materials than any other fashion designer. You can see her fascination with its possibilities in almost everything she makes.


But how could anyone delete something as gorgeous as this gown? Even if I never wear it again, I might. You never know, right?

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All Good Things Come to an End



Three very good things are coming to an end. The quarterly gacha festival at The Arcade ends today. The annual Skin Fair has ended and the March cycle of Collabor88 is nearing its end as well. If you have been waiting for the crowds to thin before going in for your mad shopping spree – today’s the day. This post features a little from all of them. The lovely skirt suit is from u.f.o. for Collabor88. It’s the quintessential suit for the modern professional woman.  Continue reading

Blowing in the Wind


I stopped by League the other day, looking for some appliers for my Slink hands and almost forgot to buy them, I was so distracted by this gorgeous skirt and mohair sweater. I wanted to buy fat packs, but I was disciplined and settled on this gorgeous fuchsia. The sweater comes with a solid color or a gradient. I am wearing the gradient in this photo.

A lot of life’s answers are blowing in the wind, as the Bob Dylan song asserts. But what does that mean? Some people think it means the answers are right in front of our faces – answers we could pluck from the air if we only chose to do so. Myself, I think it means that the answers are unknowable, as imperceptible as the molecules on the wind. Of course, Bob Dylan’s explanation is as ambiguous as the song.

There ain’t too much I can say about this song except that the answer is blowing in the wind. It ain’t in no book or movie or TV show or discussion group. Man, it’s in the wind – and it’s blowing in the wind. Too many of these hip people are telling me where the answer is but oh I won’t believe that. I still say it’s in the wind and just like a restless piece of paper it’s got to come down some  …But the only trouble is that no one picks up the answer when it comes down so not too many people get to see and know . . . and then it flies away. I still say that some of the biggest criminals are those that turn their heads away when they see wrong and know it’s wrong. I’m only 21 years old and I know that there’s been too many   . . . You people over 21, you’re older and smarter.[*]

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Adore or Abhor ? Oh ADORE!

Adore and Abhor are at SKIN FAIR with a set of offerings to enhace and mix up your regular skin options.

Sileny made, at the request of her daughter, a bunch of brows in fun candy colors with a Morticia Addams severity to them. If you were a 20 something in the 90s you knew 20 girls who drew on their brows like that. Now they’re in their 40s and sad that they have no eyebrows. But that’s a different story. Continue reading

This is Real Life


The princess dress from Adore & Abhor was released to celebrate their sixth anniversary. It is rich in design details including a sheer overskirt, a lovely ribbon belt and a cameo collar.

Let me start with a confession. I do not hate Shopping Cart Disco’s SL Secrets. From sociology and evolutionary psychology, I understand the role of gossip in defining community norms and values. It is possible that anonymity allows more viciousness than we might see in first life, but given the many stories about young people driven to suicide by online harassment on Facebook® and Twitter® coming from  non-anonymous classmates, I think that  anonymity is a smaller factor than we might think.

Sometimes the secrets make me think, sometimes they make me laugh, sometimes they surprise me. Secrets often spark discussions on Plurk® and I suppose they do on other social media as well. Sometimes I agree with the secret-makers, sometimes I do not. One thing most secret-makers have in common is an idea of how the world should be and they want us all to know it is out of alignment with their standards.

Today a secret maker repeated the all too common “Get a real life” mantra that always seems so ironic coming from someone whose emotional investment is Second Life® is so powerful they are compelled to create anonymous secrets to share their opinions. This time, the “Get a real life” message included an insinuation that purchasing from SL creators could be contributing to their mental illness by promoting an attachment to this second life over their first life.

I think the secret maker is wrong on all levels – because while our first and second lives are distinct and often separate, they are both real.

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It’s Fabulous Darling or Valar Morghulis – Full Review

A skin named for one of my favorite female characters, a girl who isn’t afraid to singe total bastards to death via her dragon, had to live up to it’s name.  I was excited to see this skin from Ab.Fab at Skin Fair but as with anything named after an iconic image, I wasn’t sure it would live up to how much I had hyped it in my mind. Continue reading

Die Schöne Tuli

My best friend and I, upon hearing Maximilian Schell’s name, are likely to starting singing “die Schöne TIIIIIINA” because we are ridiculous fans of the movie “The Freshman”.  As I kept saying Sunny Tuli I kept hearing Schöne Tuli in my head.

Umlauts over o are alt-0246 btw. The more you know.

I have posted a full review including all the jumblies HERE please click through to read.

Back In Business and Ain’t It Grand


Putting on the suit from ISON for Collabor88 this month, the wonderful song performed by Eartha Kitt came to mind. I tried to find it on YouTube for you, but it was not there. However, I found this beautiful interview with Eartha on love and compromise reminding me again what an amazing and vital woman she was. Even her speaking voice sounds like music.

Yesterday it seemed the world was about to end, didn’t it?
Looked as though it woudln’t last out the year.
Yesterday disaster waited around the bend.
Well, my friend. Spring is here.

Back in business, and ain’t it grand?
Let the good times roll.
Yesterday things were out of hand.
Now they’re under control.

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Nar Mattaru – The Full Review Including the Naughty Bits

I was intrigued by the look of the Nar Mattaru skins at SKIN FAIR during blogger preview so I requested a blogger pack I have to say I was impressed with everything she included in FREYA which is the Skin Fair exclusive – some of the looks are pictured above.

I’m wearing the ivory tone so yes I stayed in my lane. The lip glosses included are all rich deep tones, perfect for a goth girl or a pinup with dark tastes. These are included for this skin for the event.  Continue reading