Tag Archives: Kittenish


I have to smile at the name of Moonshine Designs as I am a granddaughter of  a moonshiner with bootlegging relatives and no, I am not from Hazzard County, though my brother did have a red Dodge Charger Special Edition and was a stock car racer. Wow, putting all that together does sound kind of Hazzard County, doesn’t it? Well, the northwoods of Minnesota are pretty rural, too.  I doubt, though, that Shelley Toonie of Moonshine Designs was thinking of that kind of Moonshine.  So let me get my head out of the moonshine and show off this Moonshine design – the wonderful embroidered Sheer Flowers.

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The Velvet

Every Sunday afternoon finds me at the Velvet – the marvelous indie music club on the Downtown sim.  The Velvet is a favorite club for many reasons, not least that there are no gesture addicts there. People actually have conversations with each other so it’s not silenced by IM private chat either.  By and large, people are generally pleasant and friendly though a few are self-proclaimed music snobs. There’s a lot of music conversation and folks have a good time. There’s no dress code and people generally come as they are. This is what I wore this Sunday while dancing the afternoon away.

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