Tag Archives: Ingenue

Morning Coffee with Vic

My oldest friend in SL and I had coffee this morning and caught up. He’s one of my favorite people on the grid. He complained about how much stuff I have in my house and how it’s making him lag and I taunted him for how he was dressed and it was like old times.

After he finally left to go to bed – he’s still one of those up all night people while I have left those days firmly behind me, I decided to go check out Relay for Life.  Continue reading

Hair Fair, I Am In You

I put on my most sensible walking shoes and ran the gauntlet at the blogger preview of HAIR FAIR 2014 this evening. Hair Fair, why do you make me love you so? You are everything a girl who has so many needs for different hair could want.

Hair Fair is my favorite annual event and I’m so excited, I can’t decide where to spend my lindens next.  The build this year is ADORABLE, and moving around is a breeze with this great lay out. Continue reading

What City People Think Country Folk Wear


The Real Housewives of New York traveled to Missoula, Montana, because nothing pumps up the drama like making a bunch of women who can barely tolerate each other travel together and be in each other’s company for days on end. Normally the women of New York are impeccably dressed for wherever they go, but with a few exceptions, the RHONY crew did not pack well for Montana. They were more Ralph Lauren New West than the real West. When they went to the rodeo, more than one wore a white prairie skirt. Rodeos are dusty and dirty events — and let’s not forget port-a-potties — where white skirts are downright silly. Watching, I realized I was seeing what city people think country folk wear. Either that or they all wanted to be Laura Ingalls once upon a time.
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Remembering Squinternet


I probably would not be organizing Fashion For Life if it were not for Squinternet. It was in an effort to get funds for her treatment and nursing that I organized Love Donna Flora which probably is why folks looking for an organizer this year thought of me. A lot of the time when I am working on this and feeling frustrated, I think of her and take a deep breath and carry on. She would want me to because she loved Fashion For Life.

OK, Squint loved Fashion. She went to the runway shows and participated in the events because she loved them. But Fashion For Life was special to her – even more so when she got cancer. She also loved Second Life finding support and sustenance through her hard times. She charged a small group of her friends with the task of taking care of her store, keeping it open and keeping her alive in this pixel world.

Monica Outlander is one of Squinternet’s dearest friends. In an act of extraordinary generosity, she put aside her own work during Squint’s final month and acted as her hands so some of those wonderfully imaginative designs that were tucked inside Squint’s lively brain could be realized in out world. For Fashion For Life, she has created new exclusive versions and will release them only at Fashion For Life – at 100% donation. She will also reprise her gown for Love Donna Flora – an exclusive that will only be at Fashion For Life.


But in preparing for Fashion For Life a treasure was found. Monica suggested that some of Squint’s recent jewelry be sold at 100% donation at Fashion For Life. While searching for the folders to pack into the vendors, more copies were found with different colors of stones – not quite finished but all the prims and textures were complete. A little bit of effort to finish them up and three new, previously unreleased jewelry sets were finished. All the prims and textures are from Squinternet, the only assistance was placing some textures on the few prims that had not been completed.
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Duck Duck Goose

0604_001 I have this hate-hate relationship with geese. Sure, I like them well enough for a Sunday dinner, but the only good goose is a cooked goose. My parents were big whist players and while they would be playing whist with Gunda and Louie or A.B. and Nora, I would be told to go play outside and sure enough, outside meant geese. Did you know geese bite? They will chase you all over and bite you. As you can see I am keeping a close eye out for dangerous geese as I explore Perambulate – one of the 10 sims for Fashion for Life. Just a few years ago I was walking along the side of the road and heard this hissing in the darkness. This was out in Cedar Hills, a Portland neighborhood that does not believe in street lights or sidewalks. I could hear this hissing sound so I slowed down, walking gingerly and then Whooosh! from nowhere, this goos beat her wings at me and bit my hand. You know how people say “I don’t know who was more scared.” Hah! I know who was scared and it was not the goose. 0604_002   However, perhaps I am safe in this lovely top and skirt from Poet’s Heart. After all, isn’t that color called Safety Orange? Continue reading

Ticket to Ride


“I think I’m going to be sad. I think it’s today, yeah. That girl that’s driving me mad is going away. She’s got a ticket to ride and she don’t care.” I thought of this classic song from The Beatles when I was shooting this outfit. My mental soundtrack wavered between it and Leaving On a Jet Plane, but really, the shirt made all the difference in settling the duel between the songs. Continue reading

Put a Ring On Breakfast

Sway’s has released a fun set of Breakfast Around The World trays for THE ARCADE this round. Each inspired by local cuisine and whimsy, I thought breakfast “Somewhere after a long night” must be some exotic dish, as my eyes were early morning bleary. Continue reading

Gone Almost Fishing


So Gidge and I were going to go fishing for walleye, the Minnesota state fish. I don’t know if you can see it clearly, but that is a Minnesota boat, you can tell by the license. Walleye are the most delicious fish that have ever been eaten by anyone ever in the history of all mankind. That’s a fact. So, I am eager to get cracking and toss that line in the water. But where is Gidge?

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The Grind To The End

Getting to to the end of a goal can be a grind. It’s there in sight, but you have to keep going to make it happen.  You can’t let up or you won’t get  there, you have to keep making things happen and being on your game even though it’s so close, SO SO SO CLOSE.

That’s been my week. I had these photos done early Monday AM. I had them editted on Tuesday. But since then, I’ve been driving toward a goal and could barely think until it was done.

The exhaustion of having completed it is upon me, the relief, the feeling of overwhelming AAAAAAAAHHHHH and it shows by how befuddled I am this morning.

I just spent five minutes wondering why typing Cajsa’s name into Google didn’t allow me to send her a message. Continue reading

Curly Locks of Doom

BlueBlood is at the World Goth Fair and has put out some adorable shift dresses with a macabre theme, as you’d expect.  They’re a fun and easy slip on for when you’re considering your mortality, or others, but still want to be cute.

For only 50L a pull there is no BAD color to pick up, but I pulled on the red color today to wear while I am out shopping.

I also can’t stop loving these cat eye glasses from YUMMY.  Gidge might wear glasses now.

gidge is wearing:

Skin: LEAGUE – Erin – Pale
Hair: D!VA – Tina – Moon stone
Dress: Blueblood – Lenore – for WORLD GOTH FAIR – GACHA
Glasses: Yummy – Studded Cat Eye Glasses for COLLABOR88
Shoes: Ingenue – Sophia in Noir – for COLLABOR88
Eyes: Ikon – Periwinkle
Nails: FLAIR
Hands and Feet: SLINK
Poses: Pretense
Lip color: League