So I said to myself that a lazy kitty like me should get out and about and explore more often. I decided that I’d like to check out some builds of real life places and where better than a nature preserve in Africa? PHOTO SAFARI! YAY!
Except that – Africa was full of Noob Residents. Sigh. Thus you might see some weird croppings making this an less than optimal photo safari sadly. Continue reading
Tag Archives: demented flair
Blogging My Bedroom Floor Day Five:A Whole Bunch Of Stuff
posted by Gidge
I was determined that I was not going to stop getting dressed until I had a complete outfit this time.
It was the tank from BLOWPOP that started it out. After I had it on, I realized that despite the fact that I’d already opened these roller skates that I got for December Dollingers rezz day party, the box was sitting there and hell, that means it qualified!
I also had the hair from Simply Britnee and so I pulled out one of the beautiful skins from Blowpop and some of my favorite shorts from Second Wave Apparel. I needed the bandaids cuz, ummm, I can’t skate in either life. Continue reading
Show Me On The Doll Where The Bad Carnie Touched You

Hey Mister Can I Have A Ride On The Bumper Cars?
posted by Gidge Uriza
When I was in Middle and High School, it was compulsory for girls whose fathers belonged to the Masonic organizations to have to work at the county fair for two weeks in the summer, serving the food the Shriners cooked up in the hot summer heat. We’d wait on tables in our white t-shirts,jeans and pony-tails, grinning with pearly white teeth and talking to boys about going to see the various animals they were going to show,sneak kisses behind the soda machines or talk about who won the pie cook off with the old ladies who had come in for a cold drink.
And when we got our breaks……we’d go out and flirt with carnies for free rides. To show that the carnies either weren’t that bright or weren’t actually trying to shag us, they’d let us have free rides in return for “coming back to see them later”. Continue reading
I Got New Ink
posted by Gidge Uriza
I never shop on XStreet, but recently I was out there looking for something and thanks to their totally borked search function, despite searching ZOMBIE I found this beautiful tattoo. So I had to have it. Continue reading