One of my favorite groups back “in the day” was Bettina Tizzy’s Not Possible in Real Life (NPiRL). Tizzy gloried in the freedom of Second Life® creation – unshackled from the laws of Euclid and Newton – free to create anything they could imagine. Of course, Second Life has its own laws that result in some things common in real life becoming Not Possible in Second Life. Something quite simple in real life can become very complicated, even impossible, in Second life. One of those things is fringe.
Fringe is one of the fall’s hot fashion trends and promises to be an even hotter item in the spring. However, the physics of SL are not fringe-friendly. Of course, we could have flexi-fringe, but after two years of not having our clothes fall through our bodies, I think that is not the solution we want. We know from reports that flexi-mesh is not even under consideration right now. So I am excited to see Sunami Beck of Emery look for a work around. It’s not perfect, perfect is impossible, but it is a valiant effort that works pretty well overall. This fringe dress is a la page fashion – and it looks great. You can find it at Collabor88 with a bundle of coordinating loose sweaters like the on I am wearing.
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Tag Archives: collabor88
The Faces of PXL MIA
I sat down to play with PXL Creations MIA this morning. There are so many little tweaks available for the face I had to try some out. Fun eyebrows are one of my favorite things. As you can see she goes easily from an everyday beautiful to a sad clown really easily. Versatility is a good thing.
If you want to be a sad clown, that is! My favorite is this pink lipstick, I covet it for real life. Have you tried this skin out yet? It’s at UBER, you need to stop by and give it a demo if you’re looking for something new.
It’s a quickie for me today. Hope your Wednesday is as beautiful as you are girls !
Gidge Is Wearing:
Brows: [PXL] MIA PA Eyebrows {tattoo} for UBER
Beauty Mark: [PXL] Beauty Mark POS10 Dark DX
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 4
Hair: ~Tableau Vivant~ Rasayana hair (small) at COLLABOR88 Nov 2014
Eyes:IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris (S)
The Blue And The Gre…en
It’s a blue and green kind of day. I’m sporting new cute stuff from BAIASTICE that you can pick up at COLLABOR88 this month. It’s getting pretty cold here, luckily my pixel self won’t have to worry about her legs getting cold. Continue reading
Falls Hottest New Accessory is…FOX
That’s right fashionistas, we’re all wearing foxes now. Why aren’t you wearing one right now? I’m serious, this is no joking matter. Get a fox right now and start carrying it around. It’s everything. If you don’t hurry it’s going to be over. You can get one of these at COLLABOR88 from MISHMISH and you definitely need it. Don’t let this trend pass you by. Continue reading
Twilight Cultist Purple
I am petty. Any NPC that gave me trouble as I leveled up through WoW, the ones that killed me again and again, I have to go back and kick their asses now whenever I see them. Whether it be the cutpurses of Elwynn forest, or the various murlocks that sent me to the graveyard again and again, if I pass by them, BAM I kill them.
Most of the time I don’t even loot them. Continue reading
What If I Just Stood Here ?
Someone wrote on SLSECRETS last week that they miss bloggers writing about what they were wearing. I think a lot of bloggers still do this. There are some who don’t. It depends on where their fancy takes them, and what their blog means to them. Cajsa and I still write, but we love words as much as we love fashion. But most importantly, we write for an audience that likes, more or less, what we do.
Knowing who you want to write for, and what you want to write about is an important part of being a blogger. Dressing my doll, and letting her have a bit of a virtual life is only part of it for me. I also like to share her with you. Some days that’s as quick as LOOK AT THIS THING. Maybe that’s because in real life, I’d be so harried that day, this is how I’d end up communicating with you, were we friends. Continue reading
CAI as in Cairo, Zha as in Asia
There is no greater thrill for a fashionista than to have some design named after them. If you have a name many folks don’t know how to pronounce, it’s even more thrilling because it doesn’t happen very often. So, yes! I was thrilled when Thalia Heckroth named her newest gown in my honor. I was even more thrilled though, seeing it’s modern lines and minimalist style.
Would you update your viewer in the middle of a photo shoot?
Normally my answer would be “Hell to the No” but when I was shooting these pictures today, I figured it could not possible get worse and might get better. So when I saw there was a new update, I went for it. I have not been able to save a photo to disk since Monday and was saving raw shots directly from the SL viewer to Flickr. The photos for this post are raw, unedited pictures. They have not even been cropped. I know Flickr has a photo editor, but I don’t like it. Still, it turns out fine. I just like to play with a few little touch ups now and then. I am wearing a fun and adorable sailor sweater and flared skirt from MotiAme that I found at Kustom9 when I dropped by to throw money at Apple Fall, as one does. The sweater comes in gray, brown, blue, black, red and white. The skirt is in black, white and blue. They fit together well and have a lovely early fall feeling – for those days with brisk breezes, a bit of mist in the air and moments of sunshine. October in Oregon.
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Crashy McCrasherton
So I have been crashing every single time I saved a picture to disk for the last two days, perhaps some new incompatibility arose from upgrading my OS to Yosemite. I will have to figure it out soon, but I didn’t feel like trouble shooting today, so I just save the photos direct to Flickr®. That means these are truly raw photos, not even cropped. I just set the size of the frame inworld and clicked until I got the shot I wanted and so what you see is what you get. As to why it crashes saving to disk but not to Flickr, those are the mysteries of computers and graphics cards and code.
All About that Bass
I do not pay a lot of attention to the Hot 100 as most of the songs recently seem to have Idol-itis – overproduced and full of melisma. However, someone on plurk mentioned having All About that Bass stuck in her head so I was curious and listened to it. I was surprised by its retro doo woo sound and was happy that such a positive body image song was leading the charts. Pop music popularity is dominated by the tweens, so the song’s popularity makes me optimistic about “kids today.”