By Gidge Uriza
I ran, not walked when I saw the SL Freestyle post about this super cute skirt. It was on a night when I didn’t have much else to do, so I was running the gauntlet of fashion freebies – and this little gem was right at the top of my list. Right around the corner in the store was a collect of muted tone sweaters sold in two packs. I picked up the “reds” collection hoping that one of them would be a good compliment to this skirt – which it is.
One of my favorite things about SL are the conversations you would never have anywhere else. So when my best friend said “Come over and pick out some sculptures for your housewarming gift” I slipped into this ensemble. I think it says, “I’m casually hanging out with a friend while picking out modern art sculptures.”
Or something like that. It’s what I INTENDED to say anyway.
Style notes after the jump. Continue reading →