Tag Archives: CheLLe

BANDANA DAY 2013 !!! Drop The Hair To Show You Care!

There were so many beautiful bandanas this year that I struggled only buying four. I kept thinking, four is plenty. You don’t NEED more than four. But, they are so pretty, I rather love them this year. I might have more than four. Continue reading

I Traveled To Tokyo With Flowers In My Hair

I wanted to go shopping somewhere new, so I put in SHOPPING MALL into SEARCH.

After wading through a bunch of places that had keywords shopping, shopping mall, big shopping mall, best shopping mall, shopping mall of the shopping, etc etc etc I found someplace that looked interested, said it was anime themed and I didn’t have anything better to do so I popped over. Continue reading

Noob Surfing

So it seems odd but I don’t actually recall ever properly surfing. I’ve used surf boards as props, but I can’t remember ever riding one out on the waves. So I decided to do that this morning.

I learned some things. Such as, I’m impatient. I kept clicking REZZ on the surfboard sign, and it kept not rezzing and I’d click it again and nothing and I’d click it again and again and finally I was thinking HELL FORGET IT when I moved my camera angle I saw, OH, they were rezzing on the other side of a small brush of sea grass in front of me.

So I chose one of 20 and took off. Continue reading

What Can I Do In Slink(y) Stilettos

It started off like a fashion blog might. I took some shots of a lovely cocktail ring from Maxi Gossamer. I was delighted that it sits next to my wedding ring – I LOVE wearing more than one ring.

Then I shot the shoes.


Because, the world has changed. I dug into my inventory with glee planning to show you how far we’d come when I realized – I’d deleted them in a rare inventory purge. Which is sad, because they were really something. I’d gotten them in a freebie box at this place that had tons of free or cheap furniture and you could game there. YEAH that’s how long ago I got them. I looked on MP, so great was my zeal to show them to you, but alas, the great MAGIC BOX SUNDERING of 2013 must have obliterated them all.

So, next idea.  Continue reading

The Next Must Have Bikini

Right about the time I think that no more bikinis ever need to be made someone comes along and makes the next one that is absolutely adorable. Anessa Stine has this one available at her shop DCNY and the best part for you is that it’s 50L because it’s part of FLF today! Continue reading

Labors of Love


The things we do for love…Take this lovely dress made by Monica Outlander of MiaMai. One of the frustrating elements of living with cancer for Squinternet is that she would still love to create, she still has ideas and her imagination is still dancing along the runway of glamour and whimsy. The pain, though, of sitting at the computer and working prevents her from realizing her ideas. Monica understood that frustration as only another artist can and offered herself as an amanuensis for Squinternet’s idea, collaborating with her in creating this first MiaMai for Donna Flora dress – a new release at the Donna Flora store.
Continue reading

Hair Fair 2013 – Kicks off Over Coffee with DECO

Blogger Preview of HAIR FAIR 2013 has begun so I didn’t even change my clothes, I just ran straight over and into the first shop I saw, which was DECO! Guess what? They have hair.

This is one of them.

Messy buns are on the RL fashion hot list for fall so snatch this one up. It’s an adorable mesh up-do style with dreamy whisps floating about. It’s a must have for you well dressed girls.

Have a beautiful Friday girls!

Hair Fair 2013 Preview – DECO

Gidge Is Wearing:
Lashes:cheLLe – Eyelashes 6
Top: (Milk Motion) 3d flowers lace top- S – nude
Skin: -Belleza- Betty Pale Vintage 2
Eyes: Nomine Stained Eyes – green medium
HAIR: DECO – Hiveish Hair – BARK

I Will Send This Fairy to My Friend Squinternet

I talked to my friend Squinternet today, for whom my other friend Cajsa is organizing a fundraiser.  We talked about several things today, about how she felt, and how expensive it is to have a night nurse and so that’s why she doesn’t have one. It means she doesn’t have help in the night if there are problems.

We talked about hospitals and medicine, and being strong and losing hope, and finding it again. We talked about dying. Continue reading

I Hired a Personal Assistant Fairy

I decided that it was high time I too acknowledged how fancy and important I was by getting myself a personal assistant in SL. However, I didn’t want one I would pay a pittance and then would be responsible for answering customer NCs if they came in, and for reminding me to make items for events.

No, I wanted on that would be at my beck and call 24/7 and who would make things appear that I wanted, for no other reason than because I was dreaming of them in RL. I wanted someone with MAGIC.

So, I got myself a fairy. Continue reading

Several Shoots Later

I shot this outfit five times. Five different times. This is a grand departure from my old self, wherein I would say TO HELL WITH THIS OUTFIT and delete it all and you’d never see it.

I used to feel like, it just wasn’t meant to be, if the pics were all shite. But that’s more Presbyterian than I care to be, so I kept going back and back and back to the studio, or that studio, or this location, or at my house, until eventually I even made myself a projector and played with it until I came up with these pics. Continue reading