Tag Archives: CAE

A Lady of Varied Interests

I think it’s important to have various interests and activities in one’s life.  Thanks to the Arcade and Collabor88 I am able to embrace lots of mine, and try new things like this hoverboard. It’s SO much fun, I may use it for travelling everywhere from now on!  Continue reading

Visiting Cajsa

I am visiting Cajsa but she’s not home. So I’m touching all her stuff while she isn’t here. No one tell her.

We live on islets facing one another, and it reminds me of a fond time in SL from my ancient past. A friend had a swath of land with little islets all together and it was a lovely, idyllic little place to live for a long time. It’s like living with one’s friends yet living alone with freedom and privacy too. I rather like it. Continue reading

Make Tacos Not War

I felt very strongly about a need for a fun breakfast this morning. Sometimes you just need something unnecessary and awesome to start you day, and delicious cakes for me and my new boyfriend seemed like the ticket. Continue reading

There is NOTHING Blah About Tres Blah

Once again Tres Blah rocks my socks at the Arcade. I gotta have it all. Actually – I have most of it now. I just love her work, it’s like she says “What does Gidge need?” and then makes that. Continue reading

Don’t Judge My Food Intake

Yes this is all for me, but the caloric intake required to support keeping this mesh body rendered is outrageous. We fashion bloggers we have to eat a lot. It’s like the opposite of real life. If we don’t eat tons of food we melt back to Ruth.

No one wants that. Continue reading

And With That I Moved House

I knew what I wanted before I found it. I wanted windows. I wanted sleek and square and modern. Luckily Barnesworth Anubis had already created it so it was there for the rezzing. I can’t decide how to decorate and I’m partially considering not putting out anything old in it. Well, I’m considering it.

I probably won’t. In fact even as I was decorating this morning I did already yet – I kind of love the thought. Fresh clean start for the summer is appealing, you know? Continue reading

Got My Hucci On

So I had some time to myself after feeding my kitties and doing the usual housework and I thought SELF! You need to go out! So I dug in my closet and found some perfect clubbing clothes from House of Hucci.

It was Fetish Night and I guess my fetish is….cute clothes. Continue reading

The Right Girl and the Girl Who Waited

There is the Girl Who Waited who is Amelia Pond. She waited for his return, and when he did great adventures and wonder happened throughout her life. But she was spun along through her own adventures, like a rudderless boat sometimes. She wasn’t the captain, yet she was a willing participant in the chaos of adventure she was able to experience. (I won’t embrace the spoilers of the end of her adventures, as we know it’s against the rules – SPOILERS!)

But there’s another kind of girl and she’s the kind who won’t wait for anybody. Continue reading

To Make an End Is to Make a Beginning

“For last year's words belong to last year's language And next year's words await another voice.”
I stopped by Eternal Flame, a sim with a spare, ascetic ambiance of bitter winter, because it will be closed to the public soon. It made me think of T.S. Eliot’s Little Gidding, part of his Four Quartets that secured for him the Nobel Prize in Literature. He wrote this after his conversation and the poem itself is very much a religious poem, but much of it still speaks to me.

When the short day is brightest, with frost and fire,
The brief sun flames the ice, on pond and ditches,
In windless cold that is the heart’s heat,
Reflecting in a watery mirror
A glare that is blindness in the early afternoon.
And glow more intense than blaze of branch, or brazier,
Stirs the dumb spirit: no wind, but pentecostal fire
In the dark time of the year. Between melting and freezing
The soul’s sap quivers. There is no earth smell
Or smell of living thing. This is the spring time
But not in time’s covenant. Now the hedgerow
Is blanched for an hour with transitory blossom
Of snow, a bloom more sudden
Than that of summer, neither budding nor fading,
Not in the scheme of generation.
Where is the summer, the unimaginable Zero summer?

The poem seems apt for this bright and sunny New Year’s Day, especially the lines from the second section of the poem, “For last year’s words belong to last year’s language
And next year’s words await another voice.”  Do I have a new language for this new year? I wonder…

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