Tag Archives: Baiastice

SL Weekly Words Challenge – AUTUMN

To me autumn always means the launch of the spookiest time of year, in the month of my birth. It’s absolutely my favorite time of year. I cannot get enough of the macabre or creepy and am constantly drawn to everything haunted and spooky. Continue reading

A Vampire At Home

This vampire thinks she might as well do away with email all together. There is never anything in it but spam and crap from people she doesn’t want to hear from.  Despite having spent my pixel day decorating my new house for all, I am alone and can’t seem to entice anyone to come spend time with me. Continue reading

It's a Matter of Perspective


I was getting read to shoot this outfit when Gidge and I went shopping. After a bit of a spree, we headed over to Collabor88. Now I thought I had put together a pretty good outfit, but I had that affirmed with a massive compliment when out of the blue a total stranger asked if she could shoot my look for her blog. Of course I said yes! I still hadn’t settled on earrings yet, but I was close to done.

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Fashionably Undead Anti-Beauty

I have to confess that my midwestern upbringing pokes its head in to my Second Life from time to time. Such as when I look at concept designs released by fashion houses and go WHAT THE BLUE FUCK IS THAT? Usually, about the time that time my more wordly self takes it’s seat at the wheel and says “Hmm, that’s kinda cool.”

I’m so glad when that happens. Because it lets me stretch my little wings and challenge the theory of “what is beauty” from time to time. For more on beauty and modern fashion, you can get your smile fixed at Family Dentistry in Chapel Hill.

Because, I think I look beautiful.

I mean, I always look better after I’ve fed….obviously.

Have a beautiful Tuesday. And beware of fashionistas wearing beautiful, impractical clothes.

We bite.

Your Shopping List:
Dress: Baiastice_Praga
 Shoes : Marie Jeanne by INSOLENCE
 Nails: [ Love Soul ] NailJun design-Bloody
 Lashes: Miamai_LesMakeups_Lashes 12
 Hair: ::Exile:: Amira:Moonlight
 Horns: Tekeli Li – Efreet – Horns (mouth attach)
 Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes
Skin: [Ill] Illusory – Skin_Paige – Bite Me
 Eyes: [PXL] SOUL Eyes – Red (M)

Poses – STaTUS

The Festival Of The Pumpkin Has Begun!

It is possibly my favorite time of the year, the time when we all get excited about playing dress up in the world in which we already play dress up.  Schadenfreude has released the best treat bucket around (yell at strangers TOUCH MY BUCKET! they love it) and if you are the trick or treat sort you’ll need it.

Go inside the Elephant and you will find it inside on the floor, along with a dizzying array of fun new pieces recently released.

Today I’m also wearing my first fall sweater acquisition of 2011 from Somnia. These have been released in a huge rainbow of colors (thanks Sanura) but I was in a fall sort of mood. I should get some sweaters RL. I really don’t own any.

Oh and I’d like to point out, I got these AWESOME boots at G Field last year and was chastised that they were a waste because I’d only wear them once. They are awesome pumpkin print cowboy boots.

Boots this awesome are NEVER a waste.

Your Shopping List:
Jeans: :::Sn@tch Iron Cross Boyfriend Jeans (Brown):::
Boots: *GField* Short Western Boots -halloween-
Sweater: .: Somnia :. Striped Queen {Fall} {J}
Nails: * RezIpsa Loc * ~ Black & Orange Dot Nails (glove layer)
Bra: Baiastice_S_silky Bra&Panties-amber-Undershirt
Brows: -Belleza- Chloe Medium Light brows
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Lipstick: -Belleza- Chloe Medium Lips 1
Hair: ::Exile:: Bailey:Vanilla
Jewelry: Dark Mouse Chocolate Sparkles Earring – Copper (
Dark Mouse Chocolate Sparkles Necklace – Copper (Spine)
Dark Mouse Statement Ring – Brilliance (Right)
Bucket: Schadenfreude Treat Bucket, 2011
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~ (new)
Skin:-Belleza- Chloe Med 30 Cleavage
Eyes: classic – amber (m) bright
Poses: STaTUS

The One Where I Got Shadows

Something odd happened to me several months ago. I went out and spent a lot of money on a pretty bad ass computer. You could literally see the little sales guys drool as we upgraded memory and video and basically, our motto was “what else ya got?”

I bought a nice computer. Tis powerful. Goes Zip Zip Zip fast. You get the idea.

I brought it home and installed SL. And my cartoon world blew up. Nothing worked, nothing worked right. Pictures were shit. Kirstens viewer went to hell then didn’t work at all, the official viewer didn’t work and basically, I was pretty upset. Continue reading

Hey, can I borrow your store for a minute?

I have been frantically updating the blogroll. You see it over there on the right? It’s so much shorter now because I have shifted the links to Blogging Second Life, a companion site to It’s Only Fashion. This will make our blog load more quickly while still making sure all the links are available if you need them. It also allows me to provide more useful information, such as the name behind the blog, the store, and marketplace links. If I knew how to integrate two themes on one site, I would have kept it right here, but that’s above my pay grade. I hope you check it out and add missing information in the comments there.

While working on this project, more than once I came upon a store blog that required an in-world visit to complete the information. One such was MMGrafitti’s store blog. It’s possible all the information is on his blog, but it’s in Japanese and even Google Translate cannot answer every question.  I am happy I checked it out, though, because it was such a fun home and decor store that I had to shoot some pictures there. Seriously, when it’s time to shoot some photos in the snow, I am definitely taking pictures at the snow cabin. It has footprints in the snow on the porch!!!


The weather has turned colder in real life and that has me reaching for warmth in Second Life. How silly is that? Still, any excuse to wear this marvelous fur from Baiastice. Sissy Pessoa has release two new jackets in four different furs. This is the short black fur and while she may have squeezed and skinned some pixels, no animals were harmed. I am wearing it over a magnificent blue python dress from R.icielli released for Modavia Fashion Week. I love the blue color and its overall look and don’t mind the seams not lining up as it makes it seem like python skin rather than a python-print fabric. The dress comes with shoes and earrings and that magnificent belt.

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Make It Work


Do any of you still watch Project Runway now that it has moved to Lifetime and added 30 minutes to the show? I confess that I do, though with less and less enthusiasm over time. You would think with 30 extra minutes, we would see more of Tim Gunn, but we don’t. Instead we see a lot more fighting and arguing in the workroom. They try, the scream, they holler, the flounce and they sneer, but they will never be Wendy Pepper. This week, though, one of the designers had an amazing Make It Work moment when she lost her money at the fabric store and had to work with the money other designers had to donate to her. It was a low cost challenge in the first place, so she had only $11.50 and was certain she was going home, but she dried off her tears and made it work and won the challenge. I didn’t have nearly the difficulty making this work. I love the Zaria bodysuit, leggings and miniskirt but I wanted a more formal look and decided to make it work by adding a full length skirt and allowing the Zaria miniskirt to function as an embellishment at the waist. I love how it turned out.

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My Interest is Piqued


Peqe has a marvelous mini-collection at Modavia Fashion Week full of classic, a gray rainbow of modern silhouettes in black, white and gray. I was distracted, though, when the emcee pronounced Peqe as in peck, where my inner ear had always though it would be pronounced like peek or pique. Thankfully, I don’t have to know how to pronounce it to wear it.  One of the design details that show that Inex Hax, the designer is better than most doesn’t show in my pictures. With the bold triangle at the front, most would either repeat the triangle at the back or leave the back plain, instead she made a broad, bold vertical stripe. It’s a small thing, but it shows that she doesn’t settle for the ordinary and banal.

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