Category Archives: Life Style, Home and Garden

!OHMai It’s Bedtime

I took a walk around the LOVE DONNA FLORA sim last night and stumbled into Anya Ohmai’s booth where she is selling these adorable bunnies to snuggle.

It’s so cute, you can change the buttons, the flag or the color of the whole bunny. And it’s perfect for night time snugglies. Continue reading

The Truth About Mornings

I wasn’t sure how to start my day after I’d taken the time to get dressed and do my nails. I knew I wanted breakfast but couldn’t decide on what I was willing to bother making.  I’m lazy in both worlds and I’m afraid we both skip breakfast more than we should.

Pixel Gidge decided that cake is breakfast too. It also gives me a chance to show you her new dining room set. Ria Bazar released the Toronto dining set and it’s larger than my old set which, although I loved it, was what I wanted. My linden house seems to be proportioned for back when furniture WAS so much larger and I always feel like huge portions of it are empty. It was about 500 lindens for the whole set, table rug, cabinet, lamp etc – so a STEAL. Continue reading

I Will Send This Fairy to My Friend Squinternet

I talked to my friend Squinternet today, for whom my other friend Cajsa is organizing a fundraiser.  We talked about several things today, about how she felt, and how expensive it is to have a night nurse and so that’s why she doesn’t have one. It means she doesn’t have help in the night if there are problems.

We talked about hospitals and medicine, and being strong and losing hope, and finding it again. We talked about dying. Continue reading

Artis Natur indeed

His house is in the village though

I’ve become addicted to the Destination Guide. My modus operandi is to open it up and click on the first listing that I see for each category, and I end up in some lovely and picturesque places. This one is called Artis Natur. Apparently (according to Helena Stringer) this sim was closed to the public and “invite-only” for a while. They must’ve opened it up, because some random dude tried to hit on me as soon as I got to the sim’s teleport hub. At least, I think he was hitting on me, it was something like “Heeeey [Russian characters]”. Maybe he was simply asking the time?

Anyway Artis Natur is a fine place to sport my new sundress from GATO (at The Dressing Room) and antlers form Schadenfreude. Happy exploring!  You can go visit the sim here.

Whose woods these are

I do not know

Antlers: Schadenfreude Ceryn Flora Antlers
Tattoo: Garden of Ku tattoo dragon
Eyes: Plastik Frozen Soul-Candy
Skin: Plastik Astrali (Basic) Summer Heat
Makeup: Plastik Soul Ink Reloaded in Jana tint
Hair: Lamb Ruby in left-brained color
Dress: GATO Loro Dress for The Dressing Room
Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui Boudoir Mules in silver

I Hired a Personal Assistant Fairy

I decided that it was high time I too acknowledged how fancy and important I was by getting myself a personal assistant in SL. However, I didn’t want one I would pay a pittance and then would be responsible for answering customer NCs if they came in, and for reminding me to make items for events.

No, I wanted on that would be at my beck and call 24/7 and who would make things appear that I wanted, for no other reason than because I was dreaming of them in RL. I wanted someone with MAGIC.

So, I got myself a fairy. Continue reading

Only 24 More Hours for Your Tropical Escape At MY ATTIC

W.Winx and Flair have an adorable set of beach towel gear at My Attic and it’s going to not be available for the awesome 95L price after tomorrow. The towels work for one or two, but alas I am but one.

They’re full of fun fancy posing animations though and are gorgeous rich tones, perfect against your amazing beach tan. Continue reading

Government Housing Redux: Spruced up for Summer

I’ve spent the past few months making my government housing abode comfortable and in keeping with my need for a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. I like where I’ve landed, at least for a minute or two. I’m always on the lookout though, for that amazing low impact item that I just MUST HAVE. 117 prims is not a lot to work with. Thank the Lindens for Mesh.

So then, let’s come inside.

I did add walls to my Linden home. My bedroom is directly off the entry way. I’ve spent a long time picking up the 1 Land impact items to tweak this room I’m pretty happy with it. Continue reading

I Am An Ugly Pink Flamingo

You might not know this about me, but I was set adrift by my fashion blogger parents as a young Zooby Baby sized fashion blogger, and wound up on the shores of Juicy. There I was taken in by herd of Pink Flamingos who raised me as their own.

Sometimes, late at night, I sneak back there, to visit my secret family and tell them how I am, and all the news in fashion blogger land. They pretend to listen. Continue reading

Good Things

I like things that take like 1 land impact and are awesome. I was desk hunting the other day, and besides finding “daddy little %&^ bucket” desk, I was having trouble locating something that was ME.  I like my home in SL to be comfy and cozy, maybe a bit worn and lived in. I want it to be a place where you feel welcome.

My friend Isla Gealach (and contributor here at IOF) popped in and said DUH, I made on it’s 1 Land impact.  It’s from CHEEKY PEA and if your land impact needs are constrained it’s BRILLIANT! Continue reading