I tried to make a nice Sunday dinner, but the truth is, I’m just a terrible cook. Any time you see this many pots out, it’s never going to end well. Bake? Yes, I can bake anything, but cooking is such a different beast – this whole timing of things and just the whole of it is something I always miss at.
I should have know that after shopping at the Fifty Linden Fridays Birthday Bash I would be too tired to concentrate, it was a bad idea from the start. Oh well, I tried. Right?
I ordered pizza after I declared dinner a disaster and sat down with Snake Plisskin to watch a little TV. These old Magnum PI reruns are boss!
My friend Gogo over at Juicybomb told me about a new residential community called Portofino that is to die for with so many great things to see and do that I had to check it out. So I drove down to the train station to ride over in style to check out this new to me place.
I specifically went for lunch, hoping to find a nice café and wasn’t disappointed. Portofino is a roleplay sim but it’s great for us tourists also, and I’ll be going back a lot I can tell. It’s just lovely and welcoming.
After lunch I found the cutest nail shop that I couldn’t resist stopping in for a quick manicure. I also took this time to shop for skincare products from Perfect Image. For my hair care products, I love ordering them online. And to keep your dreadlocks clean and moisturized, make sure to use loc gel.
It’s really lovely to have an entire city here to come to and do all the things Gidgey loves – did I mention there is both bowling and roller skating? Plus lots of dining options and even a big box retailer we will refer to as Bullseye ! You already know I went and smelled some candles.
After my exploration and adventures I decided I deserved a little treat so I grabbed a slide of really good cake at the local bakery.
Portofino? Can’t go wrong there! I love it!
itsonlyfashionblog.com Gidge is having a magical day in Portofino in: Panties to hide my whatnot: {Luxuria} Caroline Lingerie – Panties sky blue (vintage) Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Soft Winter Glitter Eyeshadow rose 70% Waterline Glitter: Cazimi Ink: ~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75% Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013 Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya Bag: Apika – Gummy Bear Bag Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1 Dress: =Zenith=Blair Dress (Rose) LaraX Hair: Exile:: Nyx (B) HAIR FAIR Shoes: Ingenue :: Aalia Heels [LARA] :: VINTAGE Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1 Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless Car: 777 Stevie – Cutie Pink Shot on Location at Portofino:https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Portofino/64/43/22
I appreciate the breakfast in bed but why does my maid only bring me the same thing every day. Oh well, I am too lazy to complain and too hungry not to eat it.
I feel like I’m forgetting something today. It’s the first day of hurricane season, I know that. It’s the first day of PRIDE – yay I need to to shopping. But what am I forgetting?
I need more caffeine. Surely I’ll think of it.
Oh my god….she though while brushing her gorgeous locks – it’s HAIR FAIR helllll yes!!
Hair Fair!! That GLORIOUS event that signals that summer is in full swing. You can hop over HERE and do your preliminary looksee to decide what you’ll get in your first round of shopping. Hair Fair requires more than one round, obviously.
Imma hit the shower and get ready.
I didn’t post my shower pic because I’m nekkid and you can see some bootie and I don’t wanna be shocking. You can see it over on FLICKR if you wanna. I’m grabbing second breakfast at home (more economical) and then I’m hitting the road. Time to get my shopping on!!
Gidge Is Ready for the Day In: 2nd Look:
Ink;~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded Brows: Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75% Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl Robe: -tres blah- Open Robe (Maitreya) – Bouquet Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1 Hair: Exile:: Imogen (B) Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1 Slippers: [Maitreya] The Secret Store – Boudoir Slippers – Rose Skin” [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless
1st Look:
Gidge is Saturday Slow In: Ink: ~silentsparrow~ Foxlove Tattoo – All – Faded Brows:Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 16 Eyebrows (thin) pink 75% Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013 Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya Earrings: (Yummy) Luxury Earring Collection – Guarded Pearl Head:/ HEAD / lel EvoX NOEL 3.1 Hair: Exile:: Imogen (B) Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – LaraX V1.1 Pajamas: Tres Blah – Slumber Party Pj’s (Lara) VINTAGE Slippers;{Sakura} Beary Cute Slippers – Flat – Lara Skin: [7DS] – BODY 2020 TRESNA bom skin CARAMEL browless
I love exploring so early this morning I set out to wander the coast in search of a cup of coffee and some fresh air. I wasn’t disappointed in my adventures except by one thing.
These birds man, they are horrible. You can’t see the birds? Well they are those blobby grey things. I rebaked every texture on the grid trying to improve them. I fiddled with settings, I tweaked this or that I can say with confidence that this is as good as these birds get.
Bear coffee? Delicious! Birds? Bleh.
After my wake me up I went out and grabbed some necessities for dinner.
Or is it Bellisserian? I don’t really know. But I do know that it’s a perfect refuge after a long week. I picked up new chairs and and a new camper cooler and I couldn’t be happier with how this evening is shaping up.
I’ve got the grill going, cold drinks and popsicles. Don’t tell me it’s not summer. As far as I’m concerned, it’s here.
I’ve got a cold drink for you, if you want to stop by.
Isn’t that camper cooler the cutest? It’s from What Next! You need one!
Gidge is relaxing in: Skin: [Glam Affair] Ava Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Sand A Head: / HEAD / lel EvoX AVALON 3.0 Dress: Belle Epoque – Bella – Orange (Maitreya) Hair: Exile:: Matilda Shoes: Ingenue :: Nora Flats [LARA] :: Fatpack Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes Cooler and Popsicles: What Next Deck Chairs: Half Deer Grill: Tres Blah vintage Arcade Gacha Shot at home at maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/The%20Elms/157/115/23
I have had this big empty room ever since I moved in to this house. It’s the second bedroom but I don’t love my ALT enough to outfit her a bedroom. I couldn’t decide what to DO with the room though. It just doesn’t say BATHROOM to me, and given it’s size I have wondered for some time what to do with it.
That’s when I thought of it, the old NEW YEAR NEW ME bs yet, I could definitely use to start being more mindful about my avatar health. Let’s face it, I eat a LOT. It’s time to burn some calories.
After that I decided I’ve got to eat but I went a bit lighter tonight. Don’t judge me, I earned this wine.
There’s not a lot going on, but I’m okay with that. Sometimes it’s ok to embrace your inner sloth – right? I think so.
After a while I began to think I should make a run for some more wine, if I’m going to be a lazy bum I should at least have some wine right?
Oh it looks like rain. I hope I make it!
Itsonlyfashionblog.com Gidge is Wearing: Pants: Baby Monkey Yoga Pants XXS Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short) Hair: Exile:: Batalie Head: LeLUTKA.Head.Lilly.2.5 Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.3 Top: Zaara : Fatima yoga tank yantra Skin: alaskametro<3 “Lily” skin Tone 1 Fit B – lgt brow
Puzzles, Games and Bunnies with some Chinese takeout
I decided this past weekend to jump headfirst back in to my SLife, whereas prior I’ve been just dallying here and there. I’ve blasted my way through new brands, gotten out of my comfort zone, tried things I would NEVER have bothered with in the past.
In short – I finally feel at home again in this pixel world. I’m extremely excited about it.
One thing I decided to do while I am playing with new things is start dragging out OLD skins. One of those great features of BOM is the ability to make everything old new again. I have HUGE regrets that I trashed my old LEAGUE skins when applier HUDS became the rage. Why did I trash LEAGUE? I don’t know. I trashed a few brands, Curio, and some others, and my sadness that they are lost to me forever is huge.
One thing I learned, by dragging these skins out and slapping them on a mesh head via BOM is this. They did not age well. I would say 75% of my old skins are very OMG WTF WTF NO NO NO. It’s sort of like that. The colors are just off, or not current. The look is too harsh. Sometimes they don’t stretch across mesh properly and it’s all just wrong.
But every once in a while an old brand reminds me how I loved them, once upon a time. Long since gone is Tuli – that maker of delicate, lovely skin. An old friend once described Tuli as making the “most kissable lips”. I was a such a fan girl, once upon a time.
I will confess that this skin still has a lovely face, but it doesn’t “quite” work with mesh. The line between head and body I can’t seem to overcome it’s always JUST a bit wonky. The thing is though, this skin was never meant for mesh. Mesh wasn’t an itch in it’s daddy’s pants back when I got this skin. So I’ve pulled the old blogger cheat and slapped on a choker necklace and somewhat obscured this.
I promise you, I’ll do the same any time I wear it in the future. Don’t judge me. Wearing Tuli is like running in to an old friend you thought was gone forever.
Another aside, as I ramble a LOT on this Sunday morning, is that I discovered a pose store I really love. As a pose maker, I was always completely reticent to enter any pose shops or use ANYONE’S poses because I didn’t want to be accused of ripping off anyone’s work. Even long after I closed up shop, I still continued this habit and I feel like it’s been pretty limiting. I can’t even remember why I stumbled in to Secret Poses but their Chinese Take Out pose set completed my desire to be eating constantly in SL.
I am a huge fan, and am going to be shopping there more.
And now, it’s Sunday. Whatever should I do on a Sunday? Probably eat….
Gidge is Housebound in: Jeans: Vinyl – Oakley Jeans Lip Gloss[:Tuli:] Helena / petal :: Lips :: Sheer Sugar Pink (gloss) Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya Choker: (Yummy) Layered Chain Choker – All Colors Shirt: -Pixicat- Stina Shirt – JeansBlack (Maitreya) Earrings: Cae :: Owl :: Earring Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Long) Hair: Exile:: Lana Head: GENUS Project – Genus Head – Strong Face GIFT001 – v1.7 – Mocap Body: Maitreya Mesh Body – Lara V5.0 Shoes: Pure Poison – Cutie Pie Flats – Black Stripes – Maitreya Pose & Props: Secret Poses. Chinese Take Eyes: [GA.EG] Ultimate Eyes Skin: [:Tuli:] Helena / pearl (light) :: 05 Manicure: Alaska Metro Games: Second Spaces
I had a great idea for my solo New Year’s Adventure. I was going to go hop on the train at Red Hook and take pics of people’s lovely Victorians and just enjoy this lovely area. I thought it was an amazing plan. Then I stood at the train station and no train came, and I couldn’t find a button to push to request the train. I was probably doing something wrong but I could NOT figure out WHAT.
I ended up giving up and getting in my car and going for a drive.
It was a great time for an early morning drive, but eventually I wound up at the end of Bellisseria and found the beach. Of course some how these lucky sods had these AMAZING beach views – just stunning. I parked and walked along the beach while the sun continued it’s dance upward. There is definitely something to be said for these Victorians on the beach.
I decided to drown my sorrows in some treats and just spend the rest of the day languishing in my own beautiful Victorian. Such sorrow, truly.
No such thing as too many macarons
I found a pretty cute grocery to stop in at. It actually had some sort of role play farmers market and vegetables with expiration dates. This is too much of a time commitment for moi. I am intrigued but no, just no.
Maybe? No, no no. No actual food that expires I cannot.
I ordered in Sushi, put on a movie and decided I was in for the night. The cats didn’t mind and truly, I crashed on the couch and didn’t have a care in the world. 2019 was good, and I’m not worked up about 2020. It will be fine. Every single year doesn’t have to be some groundbreaking event. Sometimes just making it happen is enough.
I did, however, wake up and move house.
Because – beachy Vic.
Gidge is 2020 In:
Earrings: (Caroline’s Jewelry) Kennedy Black Pearl Earrings Shirt: (NO) Basic Tee – Fitmesh Slink Hourglass – Hangry Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Slink Head: .LeLutkaGreer 3.4 Shoes: Bleich – Mesh Dorothy – White [F Slink Flat] Shorts: JustBECAUSE~Kelsie Shorts~FatPack~Hourglass Body: Slink Physique Hourglass Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0 Hair: Tableau Vivant \ Starry Night \ Updo – [Review] Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit 2019 Skin: -Glam Affair – Amberly II – Asia 01 E
I was feeling a bit adventurous and rolled the dice on getting one of the new Victorian Homes. Despite the fact that this moved me away from Cajsa – their siren song was just too compelling. My first try I got a lovely spot next to this beautiful water feature.
I have no complaints.
Of course I only had to ride my bike a short way to find people immediately ruining the beautifully curated garden landscape.
I was too dumfounded to let the paving stones rez. What the hell is that? What are you doing?
I get it if you wanna have a vehicle. At least have the sense to put it behind your house.
My friend Gogolita is the decor police – I may have to join her in this endeavor. These are so well done, it’s just tragic if people can’t maintain the look really. How hard is it not to put out crap that doesn’t match?
I’m giving these guys a pass, they might be trying to decide what they like.
Have you made the jump to the Linden Victorians? This is the time – get yours now and let’s make a community! I will put some coffee on and you can come over any time! I promise!
Gidge is at Home In a Victorian:
Jeans: Maitreya Skinny Jeans – #01
Nails: Flair
Shirt: (NO) Off Shoulder Tee – Fitmesh – Send Nudes? – M
Camera: AMITOMO.Bon Voyage Gacha [RARE] Vintage Twin-lens reflex camera
Shoes: Blueberry – Group Gift – Shoes Slink Flat
Earrings: Cae :: Lumi :: Earring
Hair: Magika – Luxe Box: May (Size A)
Body: Slink Physique Original Mesh Body (Redux) V4.1.0
Head: Slink Visage Redux Ashlynn Head V 1.0.0
Ears: Slink Visage Redux F Ear Augment Short Point V1.0.0
Well it happened, with a lot of help and encouragement from my friend Gogolita I managed to get a spot on Bellisaria on the newly opened Gangway. Fate would have it that Cajsa has a houseboat right in front of my house, which is backed by a park behind me and a lovely stretch of road in front.
It’s a nice little suburban wonderland really.
SO you know I just had to get all crazy trashy with A GIANT HELLO KITTY SLIDE. It’s not my fault, I had to. At least for a little while
Hair Fair Is Over, Thank Goodness I at least shopped.
Cajsa managed to get off the Hair Fair press releases this year, as I was completely swamped. But I did manage to get over and do my part shopping that awesome event, I picked up several new hairs and felt warm and fuzzy when they were really contributing to Wigs for Kids. Hair Fair is such an amazing event – I hope you went.
Happy Here
This little home may be my home base for a while. Pity my neighbors i’m about to decorate for Halloween!
Gidge Is Wearing:
Skin: Pink Fuel
Ring: (Yummy) Diamond Solitaire Ring – Gold – Maitreya
Hair: KMH Hair F117 Unrigged (resize)
Eyes: Izzie’s Whiskey Eyes
Head: .LeLutka.Head.May 3.3
Swimsuit: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends (HelloKitty Swimsuit) M
Shoes: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends (Kuromi slippers) M
Necklace: Cae :: Trinket :: Necklace (Short)
Shape: Juicy – Meghan Shape GIDGE Edit 2019
Pool: N4RS
Castle Slide, Chair, towel and floatie: Astralia x Sanrio – Summer Pool Friends