Category Archives: Fashion Community Activities, Events & Feeds

The Shadow of Chthulu

I wasn’t going to post this picture as I took it playing with shadows and goofing off last night, however that changed after I read plurk this morning.

Morgana Hilra who blogs over at So Hawt SL is having one of those days. One of those days where she feels pressured to blog differently because of X or whatever. Someone is in her ear, or she’s feeling like she needs to change.

I think it’s great to grow and change but the idea that someone would pressure someone else into making their blog something that it isn’t is uncool. It’s downright wrong. Continue reading

I Mean This Pose Ironically

If you are an old enough avatar you know that there are a handful of poses that at one time were plastered all over every vendor ad on the grid. They’re universally regarded as not only stale but sort of terrible.

Personally, I tend to only use my own poses (with a couple of notable exceptions) so imagine my surprise when scrolling through my pose stand filled with Gidgey made poses and I ran into this nearly perfect knock off of one of the DREAD poses. God, I made it so long ago, I probably didn’t realize I was channeling it.

Accept it with the irony with which it was intended, please. Continue reading

The Arcade closes at midnight, do you know where your gacha is?

“ that fragrance which fills the soul with optimism and faith, the fragrance of the crushed beans beneath the jet of boiling water curving from the kettle, the smell of coffee.”

“…that fragrance which fills the soul with optimism and faith, the fragrance of the crushed beans beneath the jet of boiling water curving from the kettle, the smell of coffee.”

In Halldor Laxness’ extraordinary book Independent People, there are well over 150 references to coffee, most of them reverent. That is as it should be. Laxness was Icelandic and they are among the world’s greatest coffee consumers–along with all the other Scandinavians.

Although Swedish-American, I am closer to real Swedes in my coffee consumption. When I was a kid, I put coffee in my milk, sometimes now I will put milk in my coffee when I get a latte, but usually drink it black. There is no perfume in the world quite so warm and evocative as the smell of coffee.

So I was thrilled by the coffee shops at The Arcade. I took some pictures outside the other day, but today I am shooting inside where I combined elements from the RH Designs Coffee House and the PLAAKA Coffee Factory.  The building is from PLAAKA’s coffee factory. I just fell in love with the look of the crumbling old factory being repurposed to serve coffee. The broken down wall and patio appeals to my love of things old and worn.

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The Hazards of Working From Home

I’ve had a lot of different work spaces over the years for this blog. My favorite always tends to be a house with enough space and camera friendliness to just simply create a photo spot IN the house.I shoot around the fact that my house is sitting right there, most people never know (you didn’t!) but some days – like today – I keep getting guests in my shots. Continue reading

Shoetopia Continues To Mesmerize Me

I can’t stop trying on shoes. SHOETOPIA is once again providing amazing options and new shoes for all tastes from casual to kink and every flavor in between. I’ve been standing about my house for days just trying on shoes. It’s a poor blogger girls cross to bear I tell you.

Ok who am I kidding, it’s flipping amazing. SHOES SHOES SHOES SHOES. I love events that focus solely on one thing. I’d go to an EYEBROW fair I swear to god.  Continue reading

Platforms @ Shoetopia

Platform City of Shoes

From Left to Right: Amacci Regina | Aris Aris Nostalgia |Chichica Linsey |Amacci Regina  | JuJu Nadja  |ANE Platform Wedge | COCO Mega Platform Sandals

I’ve featured boots, flats, pumps, and booties from Shoetopea. Last, but certainly not least, there are the platforms. a group full of wild, exuberant choices. A complete city of shoes.

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Which Way To Shoegasm?

The question was asked yesterday, just before SHOETOPIA opened and I had to laugh and use it for my post. It was posed as a request for a landmark, but I couldn’t resist a bit of license.

Shoetopia IS a Shoegasm however, if you’re a shoe lover as I am. Cajsa has been doing an extensive job blogging all the lovelies and I have to admit, I’m pretty jealous of her presentation skills. She’s got the tools and the talent, and her bright sunny photos make me covet everything I see. (Just like Hannibal Lecter said) Continue reading

Booties @ Shoetopia

I love tulips better than any other spring flower; they are the embodiment of alert cheerfulness and tidy graceShoetopia is open now, so grab a taxi to Shoetopia. A fun thing to look for are these glorious booties from Baiastice that come with three options, Charm, Prestige, and Glamour for all 18 shades. If you get the fatback, there are six bonus special edition shoes, 3 in lace and 3 in patent leather.
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Shoetopia – It’s What’s For Supper

It’s entirely possibly my friend and blog partner Cajsa has in fact blogged every single fucking shoe at Shoetopia. Her posts have been gorgeous and comprehensive and i’m baffled at the TIME that must’ve taken.

I didn’t really know how to compete, so I decided I’d just get my tits out.  I didn’t have any “cover up the tits poses” that would work with Hourglass. Maybe I’ll make a set I’m not sure. Clearly it’s a deficit in MY SLife.  Continue reading

Pumps @ Shoetopia

There are two things you can never have too many of: good friends and good shoesShoetopia Pumps and shopping begins in just fifteen hours at noon SLT Saturday, March 25th. However, if you are in one of the six sponsor VIP groups, it’s open now.
12:00 – Thalia Heckroth™ Mattea
1:00 – Ingenue Sigrid
2:00 – [sYs] Vallie Heels
3:00 – Thalia Heckroth™ Laurel
4:00 – Gos Monza Belted Pumps
5:00 – CX Project Harpoon
6:00 Murray Jacqueline Faux Crocodiles Stilletto
7:00 – Hopscotch Kitten Mary Janes
8:00 – fame femme nena
9:00 KC Couture – AMABEL HEELS
10:00 – Garbaggio Vivi
11:00 – DD Janelle Heel Dark