Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers

Hair Fair Profiles: Oblivion by Albakruna

This is the first in a series of profiles of some of the designers at Hair Fair 2015. Albakruna designs fantasy and role play hair, with a strong emphasis on historically accurate hair designs. Her store is named Oblivion.

Hair Designer Albakruna – photo by Albakruna, used with permission.

It’s Only Fashion: What’s the craziest thing you ever did in Second Life? Most exciting? Silliest? Is there a story you can share that captures your Second Life experience?

Albakruna: Actually I consider every day of my days in Second Life the craziest, silliest, funniest ever because let’s face it, even just hovering over a cloud in the sky while building is not that usual. What chained me to this world and still keep me thrilled about is the fact you virtually can do whatever as the imagination is the only limit and, we know, imagination has no limits 🙂
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Event Madness (In the Best Possible Way)


Even though there were few people awake when i visited the Hair Fair sims during the blogger preview, I dressed for a crowd. I wore just a hairbase, my default avatar, no shoes and this lovely little romper from Tee*fy. Of course, once I went back home, I jumped back into my mesh body and added some shoes, hair and accessories, because, well, I felt naked without my mesh body. What struck me as incredibly funny, though, is that I ran into four other bloggers who were wearing this romper, obviously having the same idea as me. The nice thing was that everyone was wearing a different print, thanks to the amazing quantity of prints and colors that Azure Electricteeth produced for Collabor88 this month.


I wondered what possible new thing Sasy, Mel and Whimsy could come up with for this year’s Hair Fair. What could top those boxes of hair dye from last year? Well, this time the stores are giant shopping bags. There are also a few spills of shopping bags scattered around, you can even walk inside them. There are huge lipstick displays, too. Of course, I had to check out the ones on the Redhead sim.  Continue reading

Hair Fair Opens the Floodgates – Store SLURLS



For some reason, Sasy Scarborough who has survived on 11 hours of sleep over the past three days while making sure that Hair Fair is as perfect as it can be, does not show the ill effects of lack of sleep. I have to confess that once again, Hair Fair is designed to make this massive event as enjoyable as possible.

The shopping path is flawless. Just keep the stores to your left and follow the path and you will not miss a single store. If you would rather shop from home, join the demo group and try your hair on at home or invite friends over for a demo party. Past this demo group link into local chat and click on it to join the group: secondlife:///app/group/2e30d166-f3e5-e2de-ff72-b3da2d06ded2/about

Here’s the map. There are also 2 additional sims for the first couple of days because the most frustrating thing about Hair Fair is its own success and the difficulty of getting in. People can TP to them and use them as a way to get into the adjoining sims, or camera shop from them. Here are TP links to those bordering gateways: Streaks AStreaks BStreaks CFoils AFoils BFoils C

Hair Fair 2015 MAP
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Omni-Blogging: MSO, Hair Fair, Collabor88 & a Tinting Tutorial


Baiastice released a gorgeous dress for this underwater-themed Collabor88. I will confess I was nervous about this month’s theme, but as usual, the collaborators of Collabor88 were not too literal and came through with flying colors – mostly blues. Continue reading

My Slink Obsession Brings Us Full Circle


I’m not obsessed
So don’t forget it
It’s just a silly phase I’m going through

I must confess that clothing appliers amuse me. After all, when I began back in 2007, most clothing was made of textures applied on the avatar’s system layer. Details like buttons and collars and cuffs were usually drawn on and even photo sourced clothing had an air of unreality to it. Flexis and sculpts added depth and form, but they did not add verisimilitude. And then came mesh and there was a revolution in fashion where most of the design effort was focused on the forms, the shape, the buttons, collars and other details and the fabrics were added later. Because the barriers to entry for mesh creation are higher in terms of skills and software, several designers retreated and retired. Now that mesh bodies have replaced the system body for thousands of us, we are back to applying textures, this time on the mesh body. It does seem like we have come full circle – though with a distinct revolution in quality.

For example, this swimsuit from MiaMai is put on with an applier. It’s from the quarterly My Slink Obsession event that opens tomorrow. Certainly there are lots of mesh swimsuits and even several that don’t flash unsuspecting bystanders, though I think they are in the minority. However an applied swimsuit has its advantages, especially for those bystanders when one is sitting down and shifting positions in a chair. Another reason to love appliers is how much easier it makes layering. All of us have struggled with trying on a dozen blouses trying to fine one that will fit under a jacket and longed for the days of system clothing when layering was as easier as one, two, three. This brings back that ease coupled with the higher quality of the mesh body.
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Petticoat Junction



I do love a full, wide, pouffy skirt with layers of petticoats. It can have its disadvantages. I was wearing several layers of petticoats under a skirt at a barn dance once. I was sitting out a butterfly on some hay bales one night and a mouse ran across the hay and up the skirt, between the layers of petticoats. What with the netting being very nice for the mouse to grasp and the many layers to try to shake him out of, I must have spent 10 minutes jumping up and down on a hay bale trying to shake him loose.

Of course, no mouse would dare come within striking distance of these spiked heels from Glamistry. They might be too dangerous for the speed of barn-dancing. Imagine stepping on someone’s toe. Fortunately, in Second Life® we do not have such banal concerns and I can wear my lethal weapon shoes without a care.


I began this outfit with the gorgeous Carrie skirt with the Black Rose print. It comes in several other prints, including beautifully feminine florals. However, I fell in love with the geometry of this print the minute I saw it. It is visually striking and makes such a powerful statement. I can imagine is with a massive shoulder piece of feathers for some gala, but for a walk on the beautiful streets of Venice, something less formal and avant garde seemed in order.
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The Market


My favorite farmer’s market in Portland is on the South Park Blocks. I love walking on the grass under the cool, shady trees. There’s something so much fresher and vibrant about that setting than the many other markets set up in concrete parking lots under the hot sun. There was one right next to my old apartment, less than a block away, and I still preferred the wonderful shady, tree-sheltered market downtown. Folks in Second Life® can put their markets anywhere they like, so I chose a grassy spot with trees.

My dress is from Bomshire – a new to me store. It is a dress with a simple black top and a vibrant print skirt. I simply love it.
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My Arcade Prep Time Has Begun

I am getting ready for The Arcade by romping around my house as a Snoob from BAIASTICE. The Snoob Avatars will be available in lots of different styles & coats and are pretty hilarious. They are perfect for just relaxing and enjoying the ocean breeze. Continue reading




While the runway shows are over, Penumbra Spring Summer Fashion Week continues with the showcase of stores that were featured last week. One of them was Ghee which is known for whimsical and original designs. This summer silk lace dress is a gorgeous example, made with two pieces. a slip and a lace shift that lays over it. As you can see they fit perfectly together.  Continue reading

How do you Hoodoo?

Helena Stringer - IOF - How do you Hoodoo - 1
World Goth Fair is still going strong, with a little over a week left of the event. It officially ends on May 31st. There are so many musical things happening before then, which will be held at the Club Gothika. You can keep up to date on all the happenings on the Official Site HERE.

I don’t often get a chance to cover Home&Garden items. I don’t own a home, never have. I have always thought the prims best used for other things, on the lands I own. It does create issues, when I do get the urge to cover something that isn’t fashion, or when I feel the need for an actual location to show something off properly.

I picked up this gothic looking skybox from Roawenwood this week, as I felt it would work well with my WGF coverage. If it wasn’t roundish, I might have even used it as my work studio, haha. Alas, it is round, but gives me the ability to easily do setups. Much like a Turnip Skysdome, I can just plunk it down, and fill it with random stuff for the shots I need. Going to have lots of fun with this thing!

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