Monthly Archives: August 2013

Cajsa Fast Five: August 26th

Fast Five Some great articles for you to check out today. I need to do this fast as I have to choose my music for tonight’s set at The Velvet. It starts at 5:00 p.m. SLT – and goes for two hours in case you want to come by.


  1. A Little Night Magic – Elle Couerblanc posted this a few days ago and I saved it because I love the mood and story told in her pictures.
  2. Hunts, Freebies and Moochers – Deoridhe Quandry sheds some much needed light on the issues that plague hunts and have turned folks away from hunting.
  3. Approval and Blurring Lives – River Pearl has wonderful photos of Wendigo Lake, an atmospheric setting that sets the mood for her discussion of SL as a place for dealing with grief. This caught my attention in part because my parent’s birthdays are coming tomorrow and the next day and I find myself each year going to sims that remind me of them. For some reason, I find their birthdays the time when I feel their loss most intensely.
  4. 181 – Spotted Deer – Opal Lei takes Dim Sum off to Maria Lynn Falls – a place I might just spend time tomorrow – remembering my dad and deer hunting.
  5. Liquid Mesh – Looking from All Sides – Inara Pey does her usual magnificent job of clarifying technical issues so that they make sense for us all.

LOTD – August 25, 2013

I’ve been doing too much shopping and not enough blogging. So this lazy Sunday morning, I thought I’d throw together a quick LOTD with some of my newest purchases.

When Miel is on the $50 L friday list – its the FIRST place I head and this last week was no disappointment.

2013 8 25 1

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Clef de Peau

Cajsa had on a skin the other day that took my breath away, and with over 5 years at this blogging hobby, that’s not an easy task. It was pretty understandable, when I found out that it was created by none other than Marcopol Oh, the amazing photographer whose keen eye for beauty has astounded folks on FLICKR for some time.

The skin has so many options for customization it boggles the mind. Makeups, beauty marks, lashes, freckles, cleavage, plus the requisite SLINK huds (good job new skinner).

This is default lighting on my platform so you can see the skin in regular light.

I can’t wait to dig into this box and try more options.

Those of you who are always looking for a new look that isn’t “the same”, this one is for you.  Cajsa blogged everything and then some previously. As you can see, even between she and I this skin has a very different look.

Gidge Is Wearing:
Beauty Mark: [PXL] Beauty Mark POS5 Dark DX
Lashes: Clef de Peau::Julia::Lashes Enhancer (Bottom)
Eye Makeup: Clef de Peau::Julia::Cocktail Make up 1 w/Lashes
Blush: Clef de Peau::Julia::Blush Nude T3
Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Giselle Mesh Hair – Rye
Studio: VR Studio
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: Clef de Peau::Julia::Vanilla Base Blonde
Eyes: Nomine Stained Eyes – blue light



Even When You Cannot See Them


The shoes you choose are important. Even when you cannot see them, they are important. They tie your outfit together by unifying the different elements or they can add ironic punctuation by introducing a disparate element to your look. They express the mood of your outfit without saying a word. The Pickford heels from Ingenue say a lot. They are classic, restrained and yet have some exquisite details such as the way the strap splits into two and the tiny, neat bow. In most views of my outfit today, you cannot even see them, but I know they are there and that is all that matters.


Today I am wearing a gorgeous formal gown from Liziaah, an amazing designer who migrated to SL from IMVU and who I predict you will hear more of as more and more people become familiar with her designs. This is a lush formal gown with minimal fuss in the structure and maximal attention to details in the print – a gorgeous of flowers and lace that would have made Marie Antoinette giddy with delight.

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Marcopol Oh Puts Some Skin in the Game

Marcopol Oh is probably best known for his stunning photography but over the past year, he has been quietly building a reputation as a clothing designer, producing modern, minimalist designs for his label La Penderie de Nicole. He recently jumped into the deep end, producing a line of male skins called Julian. I have been a long time fan of his sense of style and design, so I was thrilled when he recently released a female skin called Julia. The slide show above shows the five skin tones, each of which comes not only different colors of eyebrows, but with different thickness and density to the brows. Incidentally, these photos are all raw Second Life shots. I set the snapshot to 1000 by 1000, so they have not even been cropped. The Julia skin was released for The 24 Event and is only available there for now. It’s a bit tricky because his store is in The 24 Menswear section, but it is right by the landing point.

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A philosophical walk in a crowded park

Tempura (1)

Today I was hunting a particular season and went to the sim of Tempura to find it. Little did I know that this sim actually has PEOPLE in it — people who are there to MEET OTHER PEOPLE and TALK and stuff! It was shocking.

The sim itself is very pretty. It has a beautiful covered bridge with two levels, spanning various bits of Autumnal wilderness. There are places to sit and chat, and…did I mention the insane numbers of OTHER AVATARS? You will probably sense by now that I never, ever get out. I really don’t. So while I was standing around, someone messaged me a pleasant hello.

“OMG –” I messaged a friend. “What do I do when someone I don’t know says hi to me?!”

“You say hello back, idiot,” the friend said, so I did, and fell into a very pleasant conversation with a decent, interesting lady.

This lady made a fabulous point during our conversation. “People blog about skins, but if they don’t blog their shape, then how will people know how to get that exact look?” she said.

Fair enough! Some excellent bloggers actually do blog about their shapes as well as skins, and that’s the best way to get a particular look. But as for me, I can’t even remember where I bought my first shape, and along the way it’s been modded so that it’s completely different anyway. Much like real life, it feels like an organic aging process for my avatar… but it’s kind of impossible to track.

Anyway. What do you guys think? Should people blog more about their shapes if they’re talking about a particular skin?

Tempura (2)

Outfit: fashionably Dead floral frock with tie – cream
Eyes: Curious Kitties sparkle penguine eyes
Skin: Pink Fuel Harley (opaline)
Hair: Magika Rewind in pastel
Hands: Slink mesh hands in relax
Camera: Tee*fy toy cam-Mera bag in lavender
Horns: Schadenfreude Kinder Horns
Bracelet: Miel ahi bracelet

Obligatory Rainbow Fence Photo Included

I was out doing my Saturday morning farmer’s market shopping when I spied it. A Rainbow Fence! I quickly ran over, struck a pose and snapped. Now I can get that piece on my fashionista punch card punched out and I can trade it in for a free gift! I hope it’s a toaster! Continue reading

So who at The Liaison Collaborative works for the CIA?


Seriously, does anyone really think it is pure coincidence that the CIA confirmed the existence of Area 51 when The Garden opened up its Area 51 showcase? Besides, doesn’t the name Liaison Collaborative sounds like a cover organization for a covert mission? Covert operative liaise while the rest of us hang out. I wonder who it is? Please share all your random and reckless speculation.


So, Gidge wanted to run with the Area 51 idea and I worked with her to make a projector box. She made 11 poses. Her pose selection menu is a prose poem, an ode to sci-fi. The projector has three textures. All of these shots are done in the chrome texture, the differences in lighting come from the windlight.


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Red, the blood of tired women


I had chemotherapy from 9 – 2. It’s absolutely time for my avatar to take off her tiny heels and frock and head straight to bed. The comfy slip is by fashionably Dead for Collabor88, of course, and my avatar tells me it totally feels like BUTTAH.

Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui boudoir mules in red
Skin: Pink Fuel Harley in Caramel with lid 1
Hair: Lamb Black Magic in left-brained
Outfit: fashionably Dead roaring night clothes in red
Eyes: NP Lunar eyes in gold