An oh-my-my dress from Paper Couture, this is just too lovely for words.

Swallowtail's Branch Shoes are a lovely organic accessory

I used Cake hair with the Paper Couture headband for a bolder red and more relaxed hair.
****STYLE NOTES******
No Promotional Items in this outfit
- Poses: Reel Expression
- Skin: Tuli Faith Diva
- Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
- Lashes: CyberNetic
- Nails: PXL Creations
- Hair: Cake Pearl
- Hair Band: paper couture forget me not bun hb
- Dress: Paper Coutre Ruched Emobossed Roses
- Shoes: Swallowtail Branch Shoe
- Jewelry: Paper Couture Diamond and Gold Arrangement
- LeeZu Athena Pearl Bracelet