posted by Gidge Uriza
I’m dogmatic about my eyes. I never change them. It’s to the point where I often think I’ll forget to list them in the fashion details – FNKY – PURPLE RAIN. Yet when I recently picked up this festive limited edition skin at Juicy it came packed full of these iridescent eyes with butterfly pupils.
A soft pink make up with delicate details for a girly girl seemed just my sort of skin to have hanging in the closet and I loved the idea of there being only a limited number of them being sold. I immediately knew what carnival of pink I’d drape over this new skin.
A shimmery cocktail gown from Pink Couture (formerly SeVan) hit the spot for this evening. I’m a huge fan of their dresses, and the only reason I don’t own them all is simply because I can’t decide which one to buy next…..and I want to savor them. I think if I snatched them all up at once I might forget about them and forget to wear them and that’d be a drag.
My continued quibble, to use Caja’s word, is that the glitch pants are no mod. Which means I can’t make them shorter. If I’m able to mess about with the skirt I invevitably cock it up (my word). I’m a tall AV and I put on heels and then I’m taller. I want the glitch pants, I appreciate the glitch pants, but I NEED them to be mod so I can show you, that in this dress and all others -my legs DO go all the way up.
As it is, it appears I’m wearing a matching pantaloon.
It sounds like I don’t like this dress doesn’t it? Wrong. I love it, the texture, the rich color. A fun party dress, evening or garden that looks great with this new skin.
I should probably get that mole checked out though…….
Click Here to see more shots of the skin and dress.
All Photography by Cajsa Lilliehook of MDR Photo Studios.
Fashion Details
- Shape – Gidge Custom Shape by Hatchy Mills
- Skin – Juicy +2
- Eyes – SD 0.o Color Rage Butterfly #5
- Hair – Cake – Bossy Violet 2 with Laquered Chopsticks
- Dress – Pink Couture (formerly SeVan) Veena Dress – Pink
- Shoes – Schadenfreude Purple Lucent Shoes
- Earrings – Petal Meg – Dahlia Resined Earrings
The eyes wig me out a little bit — I’m not too much into odd-shape eyes, unless I’m in an alien mood — but I love the rest of the outfit, all the way to the hairsticks.
Yeah I’ll probably only wear these on occasion.
Like I said…..I’m a purple rain girl!