posted by Gidge Uriza
Design constraints being what they are, I’m always charmed when I run into something different in the world of clothing. Whether it’s construction, texture, or a combination of the two – it’s fun to see how creative people can be within the contraints of PS and The World.
This dress from Cachet caught my eye on my first trip to the store. One of a series – I loved the glowing texture which seems to radiate warmth and shine. It was difficult to pick a color – but I chose Jodie at the Louvre and packed up my new purchase.
What a surprise when I realized the bodice was attached to the skirt – as a prim. The first shape I had it on with was VERY voluptuous (Colette’s Femme Fatale 2) and my first reaction was “WHAT THE HELL!?” as my boobs were sticking out through the skirt. Onto my dressing stand I went (thanks Cajas for the scripted dressing stand) and began checking it out.
Once I figured it out – and that it was adjustable, it turned back into the lovely dress I’d seen at the shop. Casual with elegant texture, it’s a perfect dress for afternoon shopping, a ladies get together or A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte – don’t you think. (And yes, I know that one’s not at the Louvre but rather it’s at the Art Institute of Chicago – but it’s one of my faves).
Fashion Details
Skin – Strawberry from Peppermint Blue
Shape – 190cm from Peppermint Blue
Eyes – Purple Rain from FNKY
Hair – Luna by Detour
Dress – Jodie at the Louvre by Cachet
Bracelet – Pearl – free gift from Icing
Shoes – Juicy slingbacks in marshmallow.
Nails – Plum from AE
wow..that looks amazing on you… how do you pull off sweet and sexy so well???
Honestly, I do spend a lot of time considering color scheme and texture when dressing – from head to feet.
But – most of the credit goes to the photographer……