Tag Archives: Pretense

Barrier Methods

If there is anything you learn growing up in the land of the ice and snow, it’s that you need to stay dry and keep the wet cold off of you. Layers, and the right ones are the key. You’ll get cold, but you won’t be TOO miserable by the time you get home to peel off  your frozen outerwear and warm back up.

Being warm is a bugaboo for me. As a child, we had a house with out insulation. After the blizzard hit, we spent many nights sleeping in every item of clothing we owned, on the floor in front of the fireplace.

So, I won’t be cold. Not ever, if I can help it. Continue reading

The Final Countdown – Let The Wrapping Begin!

It’s time! Time to wrap up the SL Christmas and get those presents where they belong. The hours are ticking along and with RL time now at a premium, I know most of us will be seeing less of the grid and more of the people who really matter. Continue reading

Maitreya Comes To Collabor88

One of the things that makes Collabor88 a hallmark event each month is that the releases from the core group of designers are certain to be high quality, must have items. It’s a combination of talent, reputation and love of what they do that they put into every piece they release. Events get tired, and worn out. Collabor88 roars back in every month and it’s always the same chatter “I can’t get in.” “Someone leave Collabor88” “It’s been two days and I can’t get in”. This isn’t because of the cache of simply going. It’s because there are a core group of designers releasing great things that add beauty and style to our second lives, head to house. Continue reading


I was reminded today why I love to add different kinds of SL photographers to my FLICKR contacts when I saw this amazing sim and couldn’t resist heading over to get some pictures.

Called Finlandia, the Northern Lights play with your senses and you don’t know where to look there is so much gorgeous scenery all around you. Continue reading

Baby, It’s Cold Outside – for MY ATTIC

It might have been an obligatory blog post title as temps drop, but no, it’s the theme this month for MY ATTIC where a host of your favorite and maybe new to you designers have created a great round of new releases – themed, you guessed it – Baby, It’s Cold Outside.

My release for the event is a set of poses I made that I needed for blogging coats – coats can be cumbersome, but of course they work with other things too. I thought the recent release of a coat with optional dress under it from ColdLogic made a perfect choice. And look I didn’t even wear pink. Continue reading

Sunday Finest

I always forget why I don’t wear mesh eyelashes until I go to process pictures where I was wearing them. The demon eyes in my shadow amuse me, yet, it’s not EXACTLY what I was going for. I suppose it could be that I’m being shadowed by my demons. Let’s go with that. Continue reading

I Come In Your Nightmares

Miamai has again released an evening gown that is as elegant as it is amazing. Rich with movement and textured deliciously, this would be an amazing evening gown for any formal event for the upcoming social season.

Its just so happens that she also released some devil horns hair for Halloween, and I thought PERFECT.

Glamorous demon. Continue reading

It Was Ice Cream For Breakfast

Don’t judge.

It was good.

Gidge is Wearing:

Beauty Mark: {Luxuria} Les Mouches – Small Heart *Discreet*
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Hair: .ploom. It’s So Fluffy (small) – Ploomage
Hands: Slink Mesh
Photo Studio: VR Studio HUD
Eye Control: [gi inc] Auto Focus 2.1
Skin: [PXL] JADE PA Halloween VIP DEB C2
Eyes: Vision by A:S:S – Enaid – Alexandria
Poses: Pretense
Nail color: FLAIR for Cosmetics Fair


I spent at least an hour flipping through marketplace looking for a Halloween costume. It just seemed, I don’t know, too easy to buy a mesh avatar and call it my Halloween costume. I’m not sure why. I will probably end up buying one, because I can never settle on ONE costume.  But this morning I thought WHY NOT MAKE ONE! Continue reading

Falling Into Suits

I wasn’t ready for fall weather and heavy clothes until I returned from a trip to frost warnings. BRING ON THE SUITS.

Baiastice has released a gorgeous new set of separates that magically work together as a suit. She’s taken care that layering is a snap with her alphas and the cut of the garments. Which is a nice change. Continue reading