A friend of mine had a crisis in confidence this weekend. It surprised me because she is one of the most amazing people in the world. She’s the woman who can “bring home the bacon, fry it up in the pan and never let you forget you’re a man” of old songs that celebrate female power and confidence. Yet, careless words negated all her accomplishments, her skills, her successes, her loving friends and filled her with a feeling of inadequacy. How is it that someone so good could ever feel insecure?
But insecurity strikes us all. Myself, whenever someone writes a criticism of “bloggers” without naming names, I am certain that it is about me. Boring, just like everyone else, dull, they are all words I have internalized. I know very well that I am not nearly so imaginative and creative as some of the SL photographers that inspire me. I envy their abilities and most of all their creativity.