Tag Archives: Kubrick Flux

And the World Turns Round and Round


So today has been an emotional one. A year ago today my sister died after a long battle with cancer. Today, her granddaughter brought her first great-grandchild – an entirely new generation – into the world. Isn’t that magical? She was due last week, but she waited several days to arrive on the most perfect day she could. So forgive me for not describing much, it’s hard to see the screen through tears, though they are more happy ones than sad ones.


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Lots of Living to Do

No place like home

Nine more hours to pull your heart out. I am particularly fond of the YS & YS buffet. It’s very retro-mod. Don Draper might have it in his living room.

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Back in My Own Bed

No place like home

It’s funny how good it feels to sleep in your own bed again after traveling. It is not that any of the places I stayed had uncomfortable beds. They were all lovely, but sure enough, back in my own bed, I slept longer with fewer interruptions. Why? I think it must be the sounds. At both my sisters’ houses it was just too quiet. No cars passing, no sirens, no garbage trucks at 5 AM. Instead, it was silent except for the chirps and rattles of the martins, the long whistles of the cardinals and orioles, and the shrieks of blue jays. My one sister is quite a birder with special houses and feeders, though it was kind fun and frustrating watching a squirrel carrying off the oranges she put out for the orioles. This bed is from DRD, part of the wonderful romantic collection released for The Arcade. The lovely letter and rose petals came from Fancy Decor at The Arcade, but it is more fun to pretend they came from a long lost love.
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