When choosing a skin we look for something reflecting our personality, but when we select hair we want something that reflects our mood. I am confident that many SL fashionistas have as many hairstyles in their Second closet as they have clothes. For the best hairstyles I would like to suggest stylist from https://www.markjameshairstudio.com.au/ as they are experts .That is why Hair Fair is one of the most successful fundraising events in Second Life.
The fourteenth annual Hair Fair 2019 runs from August 17th through September 1st and will be raising funds for “Wigs for Kids” Wigs for Kids is a relatively small organization with a very focused mission–to provide wigs for children who have lost hair due to cancer chemotherapy, alopecia, or other medical reasons. These are custom-fitted wigs made so kids can play and Iive their lives without fear of bullying and being ostracized because of illness. Hair Fair makes a significant difference in the lives of many children.
One of the favorite elements of Hair Fair is Bandana Day when everyone is encouraged to take off their hair and wear a bandana to express their solidarity with those who lost their hair for medical reasons. Anyone and everyone was encouraged before Hair Fair to download a Bandana Day Kit and make their own bandanas. Thanks to the easy kit and instructions, even the noobiest noob could contribute their own designs to help raise money for kids. This makes Hair Fair unique in allowing anyone to participate as a creator and give with their hands, not just their wallets.
Of course, in the end, for many it is about the hair and that there is in abundance with three sims full of stores and three cam shopping sims adjacent. You are encouraged to join the Hair Fair Demo group so you can get all the demos and try them on at home or host a demo party for you and your friends. To join the demo group, just copy-paste below into open chat in Second Life to join the FREE GROUP. Never pay to join any groups claiming to be part of Hair Fair!
To make shopping even easier, Hair Fair SL has a guide posted on their blog at https://hairfair.wordpress.com/
So run, don’t walk, to Hair Fair and find hair for your every mood and smile knowing that every purchase you make contributes to making a child’s life easier and fuller.