Tag Archives: Donna Flora



I like everything I wear for my blog, but every once in a while an outfit will strike a special chord and make me feel extraordinary. Azul’s Abigail for Black Fashion Fair is such a dress. With all the bare skin, it was critical that it fit perfectly since I could not use alphas to block any of the bodice in the mesh top, not with such exposure on the side. As you can see, the fit was perfect and I got a lot of compliments on it when I wore it for my set this morning.
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All In Sparkles

How do you like to shop the big events? Are you a first nighter, and you MUST get in to get it all FIRST ? Or are you more casual, waiting for the crowds to subside knowing the goodies will still be there waiting for you, minus the lag and crazy chat convos?

I’m the latter. I’ve always been a later in the event kind of shopper. If that’s you – you’re in luck because COLLABOR88’s January Round didn’t quite close up the doors yet and there is STILL time to make a run for all of the Unicorn Fantasy goodness going on this month. Continue reading

All that is solid melts into air


Art has many purposes; one is to make us think. If the greatness of art is measured by how much we think about it, Whiskey Monday is a great artist. It is difficult for a virtual artist like Whiskey Monday to get first life recognition for Second Life® art, but it is not impossible. I certainly think her work merits exposure in the broader world beyond our pixel borders.

Meanwhile, it is good to know that the powers that be in our world recognize her importance and have granted her LEA10 – one of the Linden Endowment for the Arts sims, to create art for the coming month. She’s working away and generously allows people to go there and use her builds in their photos.


Where I first saw this build, I thought  of “Things Fall Apart”, the title of the book by China Achebe that a lot of us read in high school. By the way, if you have not read it, you should. I thought of coming undone, falling apart, coming apart at the seams; metaphors for the fragility of life. I do get the sense that Monday is tackling the big questions with her work.

Then I thought of creative destruction and Karl Marx’s quote, “All that is solid melts into air.” Marx believed the cycle of innovation, recession, then innovation, the boom and bust, would lead to the eventual collapse of capitalism. Free market fundamentalists love creative destruction believing it always leads to innovation that will always lead to more productivity and more wealth and so on. The computer destroyed the typewriter industry, factories closed and people were laid off. That is creative destruction. All that was solid about the typewriter industry has certainly melted into air. Even on a massive corporate scale, there is fragility.



I wonder about creative destruction at the personal level. Is there something freeing about coming undone? Can losing it spark personal innovation, re-creation and growth? Probably, for some people. But not for all. Even the strongest person has points of fragility.

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New Year’s Eve – It’s Coming!

Baiastice is always on my short list for gowns/dresses when someone needs ideas of what to wear for special events. NYE in SL should be a time to SPLURGE and get that one dress that he/she/your robot/your cthulu/your hamster/whatever it is you’re into won’t forget.  I’ve got just a few selections in this post that I think are outstanding for NYE especially if you like fitted, current looks.  Continue reading

Bright Lights, Big Trees — With a Mini-Tutorial on Lights

Raw - direct to Flickr

I love the form of this sweater dress from NYU. It subtle shift from regular knit to rib knit to hug the waist and forearms is gorgeous. I love the slight blousing out on the sleeves and the top. It comes in two versions, with and without a collar. I chose the collarless option because I decided to add the gorgeous oversized shawl from Baiastice. Both items come in many colors to allow you to find your own favorite. (All photos are raw shots loaded directly to Flickr from Second Life®. They are not even cropped because the viewer crashes when I try to save to disk.)

Raw - direct to Flickr

I really love how the scarf drapes in the back as well. I included to picture to show off the wonderful Christmas Lighting Pine Trees from 3D Trees and explain how I edited them to make them even better.
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To the Manor Born

141205_009While I am not to the manor born, nor are most of us, we can look the part in beautiful clothing such as this lovely BodyCon dress from Indyra with fabulous baroque lace over illusion. Moving into the manor from RageWorks at The Arcade doesn’t hurt, either.

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A Vision In White

Baiastice was one of my first FANCY stores in SL. The store where you walk in and look around, going oooooo man……how am I ever going to afford any of these? But of course eventually you realize you can, and that it’s better to have one of something good than 20 of something shitty.  Continue reading

The Fitted Mesh Of My Dreams

It’s the season for cocktail dresses and great big jewels, so you can imagine my joy to see that Sysy’s has released perfect cocktail dresses for the season, and they’re only 95L at My Attic during the event.  I remember the first time I put on fitted mesh when it wasn’t compatible with my mesh body and the absolute RAGE I felt that I couldn’t wear them together. Seriously, what’s the point of a perfect world where you can’t be perfect?  Continue reading

Portrait of the Artist


The Reach Sketchbook set comes with 9 sits, 3 stands and 1 sequence for the model. when you choose an option, the sketch on the easel changes to reflect your new pose. You can also get a copy of the sketch to hang on your wall.

I found this amazing furniture at ReAct the other day, a lounge with an artist’s easel and chair. I asked Gogo if she new any artists who might be interested in sketching my portrait and she suggested Spyder Silverfall. Sure enough, he was willing to do my portrait, so I posed for him. As you can see, the sketch progressed quickly.



While he was sketching, I snuck a snap of him. He was quite fashionable in his black shirt and pants with the kneepads. His hair was styled by Tableau Vivant and is a good look on him . Continue reading




Versus Magazine did a lovely tribute to Squinternet Larnia that was released on the 4th, the one-year anniversary of her death. Tania Tebaldi who wrote and managed Squinternet’s blog for her wrote an essay that showed a different perspective on Squinternet than the one I knew. That’s one of the reasons people come together to mourn their loved ones – because we all know people through different lenses and in sharing our grief, we all get a fuller, rounder perception of the person. Continue reading