Tag Archives: Blogger Challenges

Objects Folder – Blogger Challenge

Last night I decided I had some time on my hands, the boy child was sleeping, the S.O went to a movie, I had finished watching “Girls” so I thought “what the hell”, I’m going to organize my OBJECTS folder. Now, on my old avatar this never happened, but on my newer avie I like to keep things clean. Two days ago I freaked out because my inventory had inched passed 20k and this is unacceptable.

While in the throws of cleaning out my OBJECTS folder I noticed I had a lot of skins, make-ups, clothing etc that I had never opened. Perhaps, I bought things and forgot they were there or some were groups gifts or blogger copies I forgot to open. Either way, I opened them and thought “hmm, this would make an interesting blogger challenge”.  I tried on everything that I had never opened and put together from those things a look that worked well together.

I offer you this same challenge. Old or new, it does not matter, find things unopened in your OBJECTS folder and make it work.



Hybie Is Wearing:

Skin: Glam Affair: Roza Unnamed 01 (Aida’s Birthday Gift)
Hair: Exile – Violetta: Fairytale (Group Gift)
Face Make up: Adore&Abhor – Capitol Couture (Cinema Event – blogger pack)
Eyes: Mayfly – Liquid Light Eyes – Rainshower Shadows (blogger pack)
Outfit and Ring: SoliDea Folies – Shock – black (blogger pack for Culture Shock)

The RoboBambie Challenge – Do YOU Have What It Takes?

First……..the CHALLENGE.

Ok bloganistas…..I’m issuing you a challenge to get the hell out of your box and blog something that absolutely falls under the category of NON-TRADITIONAL BEAUTY. I totally want to see some of you blog ROBOBAMBIE by THE STRINGER MAUSOLEUM which you can find at the HAIR FAIR.

This is my #1 Favorite hair from the Fair and I’ll tell you why in a minute.

But first, I think that I want to lay out my rules for my challenge. THERE ARE NO RULES. I just want to see everyone wearing this hair. I want NOTHING BUT THIS HAIR ON THE FEEDS 24/7………ok ok ok maybe not. That’s a lot of robot hair. But I’m kinda dying to see what other people would do with it.

Me? I made a dress out of it.


Well that’s a funny story…..it goes like this. Continue reading

Community Spirit: Sasy Scarborough

A second person who deserves recognition for multiple contributions to the community is Sasy Scarborough. Sasy is a friend, though we are not inner circle – hang around together all the time friends. Nonetheless, we are good enough friends that she can kick my ass when I am wrong about something and I can go to her for advice. That’s not why I am highlighting her though – that’s personal and my focus in this challenge is to highlight those who contribution to the community. Sasy is an obvious choice.

Her blog is full of tips and advice and lots of tutorials – even video tutorials. Yay! She also models a positive way of blogging about fashion that is enthusiastic, honest and kind.  She involves herself in community events – volunteering uncounted hours for fundraisers. Organizing huge events like hair and skin expos and the like is not only daunting, it requires an almost superhuman ability to let criticism roll off your back. It’s impossible to satisfy everyone – so criticism is part of the job – and yet, she keeps volunteering.

She makes things happen. One recent example, I suggested there should be a vaudeville/burlesque party to celebrate the Designers United Vaudeville event. It was one of those “wish someone else would do this” ideas, but Sasy made it happen and kicked me in the pants to do it, so to speak. A very soft, gentle kick. She also redecorated the venue, along with her friends,  and made it into a huge production – something that was just so fun and successful. She’s one of the Do-ers of Life.

Community Spirit: Stacie Pryor

Let me teasingly introduce this challenge by saying that unlike some people I know, when I offer a challenge, I do it myself! The first person I would like to highlight as a true asset to the community is Stacie Pryor. I really don’t know Stacie well, We are acquaintances more than friends. However, from observing her calm, quiet and sensible manner in her blog and on plurk, she was the person I turned to when illness reduce the amount of time I could spend on Second Life and I needed someone I could trust to take over the SLURLS Directory I had started.

At the time, Gidge was on bed rest with her pregnancy and I did not want to ask her because she would have said yes – and should have said no. I wanted to ask someone who I know would not drop it after a month or two because it’s boring or a pain in the neck. Someone whose reputation was so unblemished no one would ever entertain thoughts of it being maintained with any favoritism or any negligence. Someone trustworthy, respected and responsible. There were actually a lot of people whom I thought had those qualities, but Stacie had one more. Approachability – she projects such a friendly, open humanity and warmth in her photos and her blog posts that I thought she would be perfect.

And, being the sort of person she is, she said yes and willingly stepped up to do the mostly thankless, quiet behind the scenes work of maintaining a useful resource for the community. She doesn’t seek gratitude or SLebrity. She just does her thing beautifully and with grace and makes us a better community for it.

Community Spirit: A Blogger Plurker Challenge

All communities go through ups and downs – and community fellow-feeling can range from cuddly warmth to chilly animosity.  That’s human nature. It’s inevitable that in any group of people some are just going to have bad chemistry and spark off each other, some will just be too much alike or too different and there will be drama. We don’t have to all adore each other and sing Kum-ba-yah to be a community, though. We just need some mutual respect and the ability to recognize that it’s not disagreements that cause drama, it’s how we react to them.

Disagreement is good, it’s how ideas are refined and improved. It’s how we make things better. We need disagreement to polish our thoughts, our ideas and our beliefs. The problem comes when people perceive disagreement as a character flaw. This is where the Michael Moore’s and Bill O’Reilly’s of the world fail us – because they daily demonstrate the falsehood that disagreement is a moral failing. It’s bad enough when these people who act so outrageous for money do it for the ratings, but it’s worse when we adopt their behavior when we interact with each other. It poisons the community.

Now, before you all think you know exactly what I am talking about and who I am wagging my finger at, I have to say that I have done the same thing. The other day someone talked up a political policy on plurk – one that caused grievous harm to my family, one that made my mother’s last two years of life stressful and frightening and in my opinion, led to her decision to refuse food and water after she had a concussion and thus, to her death. In that instant, I felt such anger and animosity I had to disengage before  I said something that could not be taken back. Offline, I raged about this person until I took a deep breath and recognized that he had no personal desire to kill people, make them miserable and destroy their lives. He’s merely wrong and a bit glib about the consequences of policies that don’t affect him. Not a monster, just wrong. I am sure he is equally certain I am wrong.

Sadly, there’s been a few dramas pulling at the fabric lately – noisier and more widespread than my personal example. We have even lost one of my favorite bloggers to one of the dramas. Whether you liked her or not, her blog added color, liveliness and warmth (and great photos) to the fashion feed. So my challenge is for all of us to take part in picking up those frayed edges and reminding ourselves that overall, we are a pretty great community. One that pulls together to help someone get a heart transplant, to raise money for victims of disaster in Australia, the Phillipines and Haiti, to raise awareness of brain cancer, breast cancer and other diseases and to really build a better Second Life and to strive to do good while having fun.

So, my challenge is this, to identify and highlight one, two three or more people whom you believe make an effort to build community. People who help others, who expand the fashion and blogging community in different ways. There are those who tutor building skills, those who share tips and tricks and quiet workhorses that help organize events in the background. There are lots of wonderful people in our fabric. Let’s shine the light on them.