Jazz and blues music have long been popular in Japan where Japanese musicians have worked hard to transform and adapt these uniquely American musical forms into something new. Jazz musicians do not want to be the Japanese version of Sonny Rollins or John Coltrane, but find their own unique language of jazz. For example, Ryochi Hattori the rhythms and harmonies of jazz with the pentatonic scales and folk melodies of Japan. So it’s a pleasure to find a lovely Tokyo little blues club in Second Life. Thanks for the tip, Whimsy!
Tag Archives: Baiastice
Not A Real Green Shirt, That’s Cruel
I have a confession. Pink isn’t actually my favorite color. I love pink. I swaddle myself in pink at every opportunity. But the color I love MOST is a delicious acid green chartreuse green, green of the variety that it’s got yellow in it. I love it. It’s one of those colors that melds well with other things and gives your look a POP. Continue reading
Lovely Excess
When I saw Gidge had blogged this dress, I probably should have changed into another outfit. However, I think that if something is really great, it is natural that a lot of people will want to wear it and blog it. We participated in the Same Damn Thing Challenge twice – supporting the assertion that even if people wear the same damn thing, they often wear it differently. Well, I guess the big difference is Gidge wore the purse and I did not. But I am wearing shoes! For all you know, Gidge could be barefoot.
A Wicked Case of Carpal Tunnel
A wicked case of carpal tunnel is keeping me pretty quiet as I don’t want to type more than I have to.
So, in summary, new cocktail dresses and evening clutches from Baiastice. Gorgeous and you need them – they’re at Collabor88. New hair from TRUTH. A great up do – especially for bloggers – SHOW OFF THOSE EARRINGS!
I forgot to wear earrings though.
I blame the carpal tunnel.
Gidge Is Wearing:
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Clutches: Baiastice_Yara clutch-red and beige
Dress: Baiastice_Yara dress-purple and beige-size M
Wedding ring: EarthStones Destiny Bridal Set – Gold
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Casual S Left
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Mouse S Right
Sutdio: VR Studio HUD
Shape: Gidge ~Savoir Faire Shapes~
Skin: [PXL] JADE PA Fade Lips MEB C2 (EN)
Poses: Pretense
When Rifling Through My Inventory I Came Upon Old Hair
OMGAH A FASHION BLOGGER WEARING OLD HAIR! (That pic is for you Alicia !)
I am on the hunt for a smaller inventory but as I’m digging in and going through the lot of it, I confess I’m pulling out a thing or two and seeing what it is. This hair from TRUTH reminded me that I need to keep my eye on “boy hair” releases more often, because although this is an older hair, boy hair is always great for showing off earrings and skin because it’s up and out of your way.
The hair is a little older and a little dated (amazing what even months can mean now, in how we expect things to look, much less YEARS) but I had to give it one last spin. YOU SERVED ME WELL HAIR. Continue reading
Baiastice recently released an adorable cozy winter set that goes well together but also works gorgeously for separates. The suede skirt and rich warm tights come with a belt that you can choose silver or gold version. The sweater is a double layer which includes a turtleneck. Continue reading
Heat Rises
I am blogging early on a Saturday morning – 6:30 AM to be precise. Why so early? Mainly because heat rises. My downstair neighbor heats his apartment so much that the heat rising from below eliminates any need for me to heat, but also dramatically overheats my apartment. It’s 42° outside and I have the windows open and am wearing a little as a person can get away with open windows.
In my Second Life, I can dress more appropriately for the weather in a gorgeous new jacket from Legal Insanity. You know what’s insane? How gorgeous this jacket is, that’s what! I love the details, the cinched waist, the tie belt, the paid accents and inset, the bits of shearling peeking at the edges. It comes in plenty of color options and two prints, the plaid you see and a subtle chevron print. Continue reading
Blue Christmas
Every year, Sissy Pessoa makes a few gowns for the round of holiday cocktail parties and balls – and every year they are stunning. This year is no exception. I particularly love Gemma, this gorgeous body-con ball gown with the sweeping skirt that blossoms from below the hips.
Winter Coat Love
While my family was very poor when I was growing up, I seldom felt the pinch of poverty. For one thing, the county I lived in was one of the poorest in the nation so a lot of people were poor. Even with the casinos that have opened since then, a quarter of the population still lives below the poverty level. Poverty is relative, so with so many other people being in the same boat, it was just the way things were.
My parents made a comfortable life for us despite poverty with hunting, gardening, fishing and making everything from soap to candles to clothing. Nearly everything was hand made – even my hockey sticks and skis. And my winter coats.
I Need A Ding Dang Chair
I have made the Arcade Yard Sale rounds and I have to say, I’ve very nearly got everything I want. I’m not THAT needy, I don’t have to have them ALL of anything, and there are some rares that elude me. I won’t pay much more than pull price though – so you see, it’s tough for me to complete a set because so many people jack up the prices so high.
For instance, the chair for the amazing Apple Fall set. Continue reading