Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers


The Linden Landscape and be dreary, and apparently full of something glowing and full bright. You can’t count on your neighbors to be tasteful, that’s for sure. Since I now have friends who live somewhere in this megalopolis, I wanted to find a beacon that would help them get to #104 Linden Ghetto.

I feel like a MEGA FLAMINGO really says a lot.

It’s from Weather or Not for FLUX event and it’s not just decorative! It’s a festive pose prop. Continue reading

I Love When The Feeds Are Beautiful

Collabor88 this month has caused a riot in the usual styling on the feeds. Classy, sleek lines and elegant chic are widely replacing some of the more questionable choices.  I have to say, it warms the heart. Continue reading

Love Donna Flora Ends In A Few Hours

As I was getting ready for an evening in, I realized I haven’t reminded you that LOVE DONNA FLORA ends and I mean within HOURS! There is still time to get amazing gorgeous items to help out our friend Squinternet as she battles cancer.

I’m wearing beautiful lingerie from Luxuria for the event, and sexy, girly bedroom slippers from SLink.  Perfect for sexy evenings in, like I have planned. My skin is also for the event from PXL Creations. It’s a gorgeous, femme look with soft features.  Continue reading

Every Day Waiting For You

An elegant throwback to a more refined and stylish time, this month’s COLLABOR88 celebrates the era of flappers and art deco, the time when men were men and women were dames.

I already said that, didn’t I?

Well it’s still true.

Except that only cheap women were dames and I’m a lady. Obviously. Continue reading

Collabor88 Is Putting It All Together

The designers are setting up and it’s a mad dash to be open for the grand birthday celebration of Collabor88.  It’s a guaranteed event of the first order, and all your favorites and lots of great guests are lining up to bring you things you need and things you want and things you’ll want to need. There are some other things that you’ll need to want. Continue reading

Giulia is Elegance Personified



The Giulia dress from Baistice for Love Donna Flora is elegance personified. Sissy Pessoa does such a fabulous job with making textures that hug the body and catch the light. She finds beauty and elegance in simplicity, stark and unembellished. I added gorgeous scarlet silk gloves from 5th & Oxford.
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Why We Love Donna Flora


I know why I love Squinternet Larnia. I love her because whenever I found a sim that was cool and I wanted to share it with someone, she dropped everything to come look. I love her because she was always ready to come dancing or exploring. I love her because she always asked how I was doing and wanted an honest answer, not a glib okay. I love her because she is funny, quirky and stubborn. I am really counting on that stubborn nature now.

But why do we love Donna Flora? I suppose it could be because she is a generous and charitable creator who was there with her support for every event and charity that asked.  I suppose it could be longevity. It could be her skill, the ability to make things that look and fit well. However, I think it’s more to do with how her wild and creative designs speak to our hearts. Seriously, if you told me there was a dress with pink satin, black tulle covered with giant pink peonies and big, gold flowers, I would roll my eyes and laugh at the idea. But then, take a look at this dress. It is exactly that and should be a hot mess of kitsch and instead it a hot melange of romance and glamour. It is pure genius. And with genius, we have two choices, love it or hate it? And we love it.

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Flowery look :)

Happy Sunday, everyone 🙂

I’ve got other awesome items from the Love Donna Flora event that i would like to show you. Really great stuff: you, fantastic creators, have all my respect first because you decided to join this important event, then because you did it with such style, offering amazing creations.

So here’s this flowery vintage look of mine which i adore and i hope you’ll appreciate. The pictures location is the beautiful Love Donna Flora sim.

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Cats and Whimsy



I fell for the whimsical dress from CIA Designs that is on sale at Love Donna Flora as soon as I saw those cats peeking over the black line. I love polka dots in the first place and polka dots and cats and this entire feeling of fun and whimsy is charming.



I decided to go shoot my pictures at  Continue reading

Love Donna Flora Musical Benefit

It's time NOW

It’s time NOW

A huge musical extravaganza has been organized by Duncan Bradders at the lovely Zenzibar club on Zenshi. Opening at 2 PM SL with Dj Nathan and Maluy as host, there will be a full seven hours of music and dancing to celebrate Squinternet Larnia and raise funds for her health care needs.

The benefit will be streamed at the Love Donna Flora! sim as well, so if you cannot get to one place, you can go to the other.