I’m getting ready for Thanksgiving and everyone is welcome at my house. I mean I won’t actually be there, but you are welcome to come over and eat all of my food. Plus I’ve set you a lovely table. Continue reading
Category Archives: Expos, Fairs and Fundraisers
LET ME OUT – OOOPS I found This In Drafts ! OOOPS !
Rumpelstiltskin terrified me as a child. The fate of a girl sealed by her absurd braggart father, and a selfish, mean spirited elf/sprite/demon creature. Helpless against fate, that seemed like such a cruel fate to me. I never liked the story.
At the ENCHANTMENT Stamp Card event this round you can live the romance and pretties of the story without actually fearing for your life. As with each round, once you purchase an item from one of the participating merchants at their mainstore, you get a stamp card that you can take around and while wearing it – you touch the ENCHANTMENT vendor at each participating vendor. Once you get to the end of them, you can go to the prize room to unlock a special prize from one of the creators.
If you buy more than one item, you get more than one stamp card and that equals more than one prize !
It’s such a cool event, and even if you get locked in a tower and forced to spin straw into gold, chances are good you’ll sort a way out of it and end up with the prince. Chances are VERY good.
Gidge Is Wearing:
Lashes: Amacci – Eyelash Tattoo 6
Lipstick: Izzie’s – Lipstick peach
Eyeshadow: Izzie’s – Delusional Eyeshadow lemon
Hair:Exile::After the Rain
Hands: Slink Mesh Hands (av) Elegant XS Left
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Elegant XS Right
Body: Slink Physique Mesh Body V1.3
Gown: Dead DollsTMD Gown M
Skin: Izzie’s – Delusional Skin pale LB
Eyes: IKON Eternal Eyes – Iris (S)
BOX: WINX BOX – RUMPLED- Echantment Prize
Francois Sais Pas Flashe No Deux
Ok I’m feeling groovy this morning and it was a toss up between Blondie and Dee-Lite for the title I admit. Mavi Beck released new poses called SO SHE and this one just FITS the flair on my skirt from Pixicats dress so perfectly. Continue reading
Pixel Gidge Had a Busy Day
Pixel Gidge started her day with lots to do. FLF is today, and in addition to that I realized I had to get decorating for Thanksgiving. The temperatures had dropped here on Juicy so I had to snuggle up into some cozy cold weather clothes from FISSION. It’s a perfect turtleneck sweater for chilly days. Continue reading
I was feeling fiercely angry after learning that TIME included feminist on a list of words to be banned from common usage. I will not provide the link because they did it for traffic and they should not be rewarded for their indecency.
And it is indecent. For clicks, shits and giggles, a human gerbil desperately spinning for male approval and working far above her competency suggested that feminist is overused and included it in a list of words that should be banned. Responding to richly deserved backlash, she demanded we consider the context; she is critiquing media trends, not feminism. This is doubly shameless when she blithely ignores the context in which the “I am a Feminist” campaign came to be. I am sure she is proud of herself, though, because she is the kind of feckless crystallization of vapidity that always will be very, very, very proud of itself.
I am not going to rehash GamerGate or the War on Women or review the depressingly long list of women whom retrograde knuckle-walkers have tried to silence with rape and death threats. I am not going to list the long list of anti-women legislation proposed and passed. I will only sadly mention that 36% of Oregon voters voted that women should not have the same legal and civil rights as men. It is all sad and depressing, but, Katy Steinmetz, that is context.
Feminism is controversial because as women have become more economically independent and achieved a measure of parity in society, they are less susceptible to social and economic extortion to remain in bad relationships. Is a good relationship possible with a man who thinks women are second class citizens? That, Katy Steinmetz, is context.
Of course, Katy Steinmetz is not that important and she never will be. Though I imagine someday she will realize that she is paid significantly less than men in her same position – notoriously common in journalism. She may be angry, she might want to express that anger with a word. I wonder what word she will use?
The Blue And The Gre…en
It’s a blue and green kind of day. I’m sporting new cute stuff from BAIASTICE that you can pick up at COLLABOR88 this month. It’s getting pretty cold here, luckily my pixel self won’t have to worry about her legs getting cold. Continue reading
Falls Hottest New Accessory is…FOX
That’s right fashionistas, we’re all wearing foxes now. Why aren’t you wearing one right now? I’m serious, this is no joking matter. Get a fox right now and start carrying it around. It’s everything. If you don’t hurry it’s going to be over. You can get one of these at COLLABOR88 from MISHMISH and you definitely need it. Don’t let this trend pass you by. Continue reading
Give a Man a Fish
There is a popular quote that says, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Perhaps there should be an addendum. Give a man at fishing net and he can feed his family. Heifer International is all about not only teaching people to provide for themselves, but also giving them the means to get started. Depending on where they live, people in poverty are given anything from honeybees to water buffalo and launched into the business of not just feeding themselves, but making a living. In addition, they pledge to pass it on to another family, raising the standard of living for the entire community in time.
Every December, Maht Wuyts does his annual Mahrathon to raise money for Heifer. He DJs for 26.2 hours from The Velvet in Second Life and from a coffee shop in Chicago – a RL/SL event that raised $2500 last year.
Because it is happening in two worlds simultaneously, it is helpful to have a few hosts to help greet people and encourage contributions, so if anyone would like to volunteer to cover an hour or two as a host – encouraging friends to come join in the fun and greet people, please IM me in world.
And everyone, mark your calendars – so you don’t miss the fabulous Marathon. The music is great.
And THIS Is Why 6 AM Shopping Is A Bad Idea
So this happened. I went to the CHAPTER FOUR because I saw a pic of a cute sweatshirt that FISHY STRAWBERRY had out, and I HAD TO HAVE IT. I’m all SL broke right now bcse QAVIMATOR went to hell but that’s a different story. So ANYWAY – had to have it, I had a cup of coffee barely touched, TP’d right in and went right to the shirts I wanted. YAY I saw the one I wanted, made my purchase and TP’d home, full of joy with my whimsical purchase.
Except I got dressed and it didn’t say what I wanted. I wanted the one that said MORE ISSUES THAN VOGUE. MINE DIDN’T SAY THAT !! I tried both colors. I gave up and shot them as is. And I sent FAE a note, saying OMG MY SHIRT IS WRONG /weeps.
Then I went to plurk and lamented my fate. Because obviously this is a tragedy. Continue reading
CAI as in Cairo, Zha as in Asia
There is no greater thrill for a fashionista than to have some design named after them. If you have a name many folks don’t know how to pronounce, it’s even more thrilling because it doesn’t happen very often. So, yes! I was thrilled when Thalia Heckroth named her newest gown in my honor. I was even more thrilled though, seeing it’s modern lines and minimalist style.