The Naiades dress from [sYs] is all about the side boob. At least it promises side boobery, but if you wear the right size, it’s a promise unfulfilled.

The Naiades gown has a classical aesthetic that combines minimalism with a strong silhouette. The central panel makes a strong graphic statement. The light, airy construction makes it a perfect summer gown.
The thing is, they have not just posted the fashions. Many of them have told their own stories, stories of lost loved ones and harrowing journeys with cancer turning their own bodies against them. The details differ, but there are common threads found in the importance of friends and family and the blessings of cancer treatments that bring longer lives and even cures – a second chance at life. The strongest common thread though, is hope, and at its essence, hope is what Fashion For Life is all about.

I love how the starburst on these AE sandals from SySy’s reinforces that ancient classical aesthetic.
Fashion For Life is an exercise in hope – as is all of Relay For Life in Second Life and in the first life. The hope that by working together we can support cancer research for better prevention, treatment and cures. This is not a futile hope, but one built on the history of the American Cancer Society and the many advances that have already come in recent decades. I have a friend who was diagnosed with Stage IV Ovarian Cancer in the spring of 2010. She’s still living, living with cancer, but living a fulfilling and happy life while she is “livingly dying” as she calls it. Her life is all about hope – and it’s created by family and community but on a foundation built by research and science that would not exist without the American Cancer Society.

The earrings from Opal are bold. So is the Cameron hair from EMO-tions. It’s men’s hair but I don’t discriminate. The skin from Center Ville has a sting, powerful face with gorgeous brows.
Fashion For Life is a wonderful event. The builds are fantastic. The Passport Game is fun and not too difficult. Lag is minimal and manageable. The clothing is amazing, rich in creativity and talent. Of course, there are glitches and mistakes and even for a time a confused Destination Guide listing that tried to transport people who tried to come back to 2012. But that’s all the small stuff, the big stuff is that Fashion For Life is hundreds of people standing together to make cancer a less frightening diagnosis, to improve the odds and shrink its impact. And that is really amazing.

Meander is a gorgeous sim and the Body Canvas store in the cliffs of the lighthouse has to be the most innovative store build of the year.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: aDorkable
Skin: Center Ville
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes Duo Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Mani/Pedi: SLink Mesh Hands & Feet with FLAIR mani applier
Hair: .:EMO-tions:. * CAMERON * s
Clothing: [sYs] NAIADES long dress
Shoes: SYSY’s- SLink AE shoes – Sunnysandal –
Jewelry: Opal*Caged Amethyst earring
Location: FFL Meander