Monthly Archives: December 2013

The Mahrathon Has Started.


I am hoping each and everyone of you will make an effort in the next 24 hours to pop over to The Velvet and contribute to the annual fundraising event for Heifer International. This is a combination First and Second Life event that takes place at The Star Lounge in Chicago and The Velvet in Second Life and raises a little over $1500 or so for Heifer International each year. If every reader stops by and makes a contribution – you will blast through the past and break records. As a treat, Maht Wuyts will even play some of his own recordings – and believe me, it’s a treat.


Winter Coat Love

1214_003While my family was very poor when I was growing up, I seldom felt the pinch of poverty. For one thing, the county I lived in was one of the poorest in the nation so a lot of people were poor. Even with the casinos that have opened since then, a quarter of the population still lives below the poverty level. Poverty is relative, so with so many other people being in the same boat, it was just the way things were.

My parents made a comfortable life for us despite poverty with hunting, gardening, fishing and making everything from soap to candles to clothing. Nearly everything was hand made   – even my hockey sticks and skis. And my winter coats.

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Taking in the Holiday Home Tour

I had a little free time so I decided to hit the road for the Holiday Home Tour this weekend (Contact Tymmerie Thorne for a NC of Slurls ASAP! It’s only today and tomorrow!). It was a gorgeous winter day to get out and I managed to get through three lovely homes before I had to get home to relieve the sitter. Continue reading


Testing SL to Flickr Snapshots

I thought it might be fun to test the direct to Flickr® photography in Second Life®. Since I wanted to shoot this fabulously minimalist dress from NYU which is on sale for Fifty Linden Friday, I thought this was the perfect time to try it out, cutting out the intermediate steps of cropping my photos in Photoshop and uploading them to Flickr. It seemed to work fine, though the text limit cut off my credits and I had to rewrite them. I just specified 3000 by 3000 for size to get a square picture and lined it up in SL. Since you can see the preview, it’s just a matter of refreshing until you get it framed the way you want it before uploading.

Testing SL to Flickr Snapshots

There’s a fabulous mesh jacket from Compulsion at FaMESHed that is designed to work well over your mesh tops and dresses. It works perfectly and comes in several colors.
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Hanging Around


I actually did have a hanging bed when I was growing up. My bedroom was U-shaped, a loft room curving around a staircase and overlooking the living room. That U-shape made getting furniture to the far side of the U very difficult. It was also very narrow and would have been difficult to sweep and clean under a regular bed. My dad has the bright idea of hanging it from the ceiling so there were no legs or any other obstructions to clean around. It was the best bed ever. He used regular swing set sized chain link rather than iron rods as is used in this bed.


Interestingly it didn’t really swing wildly as you might expect, but would basically rock an inch or two when I would shift in my sleep. It took real effort to make it swing more than 3 or 4 inches. However, I never had insomnia or sleepless nights. It was definitely the best bed ever. So of course, when floorplan. made a hanging bed, I absolutely had to have it. It makes me nostalgic.
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Art and Fashion


One of the most shocking moments in Project Runway history was when Nina Garcia declared, “Fashion is not Art. Stores are not museums. You go to stores to buy clothes. You do not go to stores to look at clothes.” Seriously? Her fashion credentials should have been revoked then and there. Also her membership in the sisterhood. Has she never gone window-shopping? Has she never gone “shopping” with her friends just to look?


Marc Jacobs also declared that fashion is not art, though his argument was more cogent and fully-formed. “Fashion to me is not art because it is only valid if it is lived in and worn. I make clothes and bags and shoes for people to use, not to put up on a wall and look at. I think clothes in a museum are complete death. I have seen exhibitions of the clothes of Jackie Kennedy and I am not interested in her wardrobe. I am interested in the life and the women who wore those clothes.”


Of course, the answer to that question depends on how you would answer the question “What is art” If you define it as static and inviolate objects separate from function and use, then fashion cannot be art. If you define it as the combination of craft and materials in a creative expression of ideas about form and function, then fashion is clearly an art. I think, however, that one Alexander McQueen dress is also a definitive proof that fashion is art.
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The Difference Between Simple And Elegant Is Style

Miamai’s Black Label event THE GOLDEN THREAD launched several gorgeous new releases. Shoes from Miamai are always something a fashionista needs, because the simplest touches, faux platform, gorgeous burst of purple on the heel, transform a traditional slip on strappy heel into a little work of art for your feet.

It’s that something extra in styling, that sets the truly unique apart and makes them not only coveted but admired as well.  These area  must have.

Now I wish I had some cute shoes to put on in RL!

Gidge’s Feet Are Wearing:
Shoes: MIAMAI_[BL] – Vitrium peep toe pumps – princess (SLinK add-on)
Feet: Slink Mesh Feet (Av Enhance) Medium S
Pose: Pretense

Maitreya Comes To Collabor88

One of the things that makes Collabor88 a hallmark event each month is that the releases from the core group of designers are certain to be high quality, must have items. It’s a combination of talent, reputation and love of what they do that they put into every piece they release. Events get tired, and worn out. Collabor88 roars back in every month and it’s always the same chatter “I can’t get in.” “Someone leave Collabor88” “It’s been two days and I can’t get in”. This isn’t because of the cache of simply going. It’s because there are a core group of designers releasing great things that add beauty and style to our second lives, head to house. Continue reading


This month’s Collabor88 theme is hibernation – that urge to stay home, warm and snug and sleep through the cold, bitter winter. Today is a rare snow day in Portland and I would love to hibernate at home, but I have to go out into the cold.. Brrr! I ran out of time to blog before the bus arrives, so I hope you like the slideshow.

Store info at Blogging Second Life
Poses: MaVie
Skin: -Glam Affair – Mokatana skin – America 01 D
Eyes: [UMEBOSHI] Eon eyes Duo Green (med)
Lashes: Lelutka
Mani/Pedi: SLink Mesh Hands & Feet with FLAIR mani applier
Hair: *Dura-Boy*37(Sienna)
Clothing: ISON – asymmetric tank dress (cloudy)
ISON – oversized infinity scarf – (frosted pink)
ISON – raw hide vest (frosted pink)
Shoes: (Kunglers) Celine pump – Jeweled ED – Sand
Jewelry: (Kunglers Extra) Nirvana Earrings
(Kunglers Extra) Yara necklace – Silver