Monthly Archives: June 2013

She who dies with the most shoes wins.


Vero Moderno Kaleidoscope V-Neck Dress

Our virtual extremities have gone through some extreme changes in recent years. Shoemakers responded to the deficiencies of the avatar mesh by creating sculpted feet with shoes that we could match to our skins. The tinting methods designers employed were varied and highly idiosyncratic and tinting a pair of shoes to match could take anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on our skill and the sophistication of the HUD interface. This year, with mesh rigged to fit perfectly, a few designers have taken steps to ease our pain and make our desperate clicking about in color selection boxes and frantic sliding of RGB numbers a thing of the past. Because the path of innovation is never straight, two different routes were chosen, but whichever one you take, you end up with gorgeous shoes and skin that matches.


In exploring the pros and cons of these two paths, I am going to look at Gos shoes and SLink Bare Feet with add-on shoes from another vendor. However, N-Core is also following the same path as Gos and I am sure some other shoe-makers will as well. The thing is, these are fundamentally different approaches to how to match the foot to your skins. Gospel Voom of Gos has chosen to provide the foot and shoes as one piece, the traditional way. His innovation is creating a skin color database and a scripted hud that accesses that data and applies it directly to the foot. Siddean Munro of Slink has taken another road, creating a foot that can be tinted and a free developer’s kit for skinners to customize for their skins and allowing shoemakers to use to make their own shoes to her form.

Continue reading

Good Things

I like things that take like 1 land impact and are awesome. I was desk hunting the other day, and besides finding “daddy little %&^ bucket” desk, I was having trouble locating something that was ME.  I like my home in SL to be comfy and cozy, maybe a bit worn and lived in. I want it to be a place where you feel welcome.

My friend Isla Gealach (and contributor here at IOF) popped in and said DUH, I made on it’s 1 Land impact.  It’s from CHEEKY PEA and if your land impact needs are constrained it’s BRILLIANT! Continue reading

With or without the horns

Acha's proportions challenge thingie

  1. Do you try and keep your avatar’s body proportionate and similar to the “average” proportions pictured above? – Acha’s original shape was no-mod (if you can believe it), and this one is a mod approximation done by Ellantha Larsson of Ellabella. It was such a relief to be able to modify my shape that I never really strove for average. Acha is me and I am Acha, only now I can shift Acha around a bit to accomodate mesh.
  2. What do you dislike the most about the SL avatar mesh? – Nothing. I quite like mesh. It makes everything pretty and bendy.
  3. Does it bother you when you see other avatars that are not proportionate at all? – I like weird avatars, the weirder the better. It shows that people are using their imaginations and not just attempting to be clones.
  4. Even though this is a virtual world and people can be anything they want to be, do you feel when they are in human form, they should try to keep their proportions close to average? –Whatever for?

Thanks to Berry for throwing yet another Proportions Challenge!  I poked through the group and found my photo from last year.  Amazing how I *cough* haven’t bothered to change at all. Maybe bigger boobs? Hm.

Berry's challenge...


Here is another sad face selfie because I clearly have some yearning to do a cover girl commercial.


PS. Im not wearing any pants.

Hybie IS wearing:

SKin: Pink Fuel – Alyx – Porcelain – Natural/LidB – No brows
Make-Up: La Malvada Mujer – Meteoropathic #5 (full) COSMETICS FAIR
Brows: TACKY STAR – Wicked Brows in Black (new)
Hair: Alice Project – Disna with v bangs
Eyes: IKON – Utopia – Faerie Green
Necklace: ChimHair – Necklace ancient pearl yellow

Gidge’s Fast Five: Mostly Nepotism Edition 6.25.13

GidgeFast Five

Today I’m highlighting posts from some of my favorite folks on the grid, as well as a something that I spotted that looks kinda cool.

Let’s take a look…

1. It’s a Beautiful Day: Whimsy puts together a great look featuring fun from My Attic and other goodies. It’s an adorable girly look so you know, I’d have loved it if it wasn’t Whimsy anyway.

2.The Sum of Our Parts: You’re always bitching that you never leave your platform and never get to go do anything. Here. This looks cool. GO DO THIS TOMORROW! Continue reading

What’s Your Digits – Isla

Well hello. Yeah, you’re not seeing things. Gidge let me blog. :/ I apologise in advance.

Link to Flickr


1. Do you try and keep your avatar’s body proportionate and similar to the “average” proportions?
I think I’m drawn to that as I’m a pretty straightforward thinker and don’t really feel comfortable in different and strange shapes. I can admire them but I don’t always want to *be* them. I’ve never purposely set out to make sure I’m an average proportional size.

2. What do you dislike the most about the SL avatar mesh?
With the advent of mesh hands and feet that are easy to change to match my skin… not much anymore! I would love there to be better facial control. Otherwise I think it’s getting much better! New residents don’t know how lucky they have it. (brb grabbing my cane to shake at the younguns)

3. Does it bother you when you see other avatars that are not proportional at all?
No. I don’t really like the odd pony rider shape or the strange frowny face, but it doesn’t bother me much. It doesn’t appeal to me, but I don’t get bent out of shape about it any more than I do about any other type of avatar.

4. Even though this is a virtual world and people can be anything they want to be, do you feel when they are in human form, they should try to keep their proportions close to average?
Absolutely not. I’m not like this in RL, this is my grown up dress-up doll. I can make her tall, short, fluffy, thin, or even a hedgehog if I wanted. I love the diversity out there in SL and we should all take a step back and appreciate our differences!

Now I shall retreat to my platform to hermit away in creatorville. Thanks for letting me dip into blogging!

Oh wait… (It probably helps to include the details if you don’t know them by now)
Hair.. Truth Siobhan
Skin.. Glam Affair Cleo w/ Cleo lipstick 07. freckles from The Skinnery and Glam Affair
Hands .. SLink
Feet.. Gos Boutique
Eyes.. Mayfly Deep Sky
Undies.. Blacklace Starlight pink
Ring.. Paper Couture Moon Ring
Pose.. :Picture This!: Take a Lean 3  New at Poser Pavilion by TLC!

Gidge’s Fast Five 6.24.13

GidgeFast Five Hello my pretties. I saw a couple of posts today that made me scratch my head and go huh? But, that’s probably because I don’t much peak outside the world of fashion blogs in SL because fashion in SL IS MY WORLD.

That being said, let’s see what I’ve dug up for you.

1. Avatar Self Portraits In Landscapes: This is inspired by Botgirls post, and begs the question, is this any different from me finding a cool location courtesy of Hybie or Honour and shooting fashion there? Is it?

2. Pouty Avatar Selfies: This is the post that puzzled me, thus I invite discussion. My entire flickr is so called Selfies, because I blog fashion. I don’t take pics of other things, my friends don’t take pics of other things for the most part – so, is this bad? I feel kind of weird being compared to the duck lipped selfy shooters of RL Facebook fame when what I do is actually a bit more complex than that. But maybe in my 2nd existence, it happens to be the same and I don’t know it. Maybe the RL Ducklip girls don’t know they’re a joke either. Continue reading

scuse me, uuumm yea…..can I have yo numba!?

So I did Berry’s What’s your Digits Challenge today and here is what I got..


Proportions Challenge Questions:

  1. Do you try and keep your avatar’s body proportionate and similar to the “average” proportions pictured above? – I guess not, I try t make them some what realistic but I’m not a stickler to making it perfectly proportionate. I think it’s really almost impossible to do so given the limited range in number on the mesh.
  2. What do you dislike the most about the SL avatar mesh? – The back, it does this strange wonky thing near the pits unless you go full throttle on the shoulder slider.
  3. Does it bother you when you see other avatars that are not proportionate at all? – That depends. There are some people (most of whom I think are probably men) who want that super exotic and shapely female body but go crazy on the tits and ass and max them out. Like, come on…who looks like that? But, it’s live out your fantasy I guess. Who am I to judge?
  4. Even though this is a virtual world and people can be anything they want to be, do you feel when they are in human form, they should try to keep their proportions close to average? Like I said, they can do what they want but I think pony riders and trex arms look ridiculous and wish that trend would do away.