My first blog post was published five years ago today. It is encouraging to see how many of the designers in the first post are still with us. RaC is now LAQ, but that is just a name change. Adam n Eve and Nikky Ree, Muse, Simtropia and Innovations remain, though Muse has not released anything new in a very long time. I guess it shows that quality endures if designers keep adapting as time passes. Of course, there are new designers who bring quality to the table too and who I expect will be releasing in five years if Second Life is still around. Certainly I would expect a designer that brings such variety and imagination to the craft as Giz Seom does for Gizza will be around for my 10th anniversary blog post.
Gizza has produced fab high-waisted mesh pants that pair beautifully with a turtleneck sweater that mixes mesh and system pieces for maximum fit and flexibility. I have been hoping more designers might couple system with mesh to allow us to leave off the long sleeves if we want to wear a top with a jacket and so on, so I am thrilled to see Gizza trying to give us back our mix and match options with mesh.
Wasabi Pills and Glam Affair should endure as well. The hat plus hair combo is great fun and you may find yourself getting lost playing with the HUD, changing the yarn, button and stitching colors again and again just because you can. You can find it at January’s faMESHed. The fresh and frosty skin from Glam Affair is a release for the Depraved Nation Frost Event and is ready for the great outdoors.
Speaking of the great outdoors, Artist’s Garden is a lovely place to visit.
Store info at Blogging Second Life
- Poses: oOo Studio
- Skin: Glam Affair – Amberly – Europa Frostbite 02 Red for Frost
- Makeup Tattoos: /Wasabi Pills/ Hairbase – LONG – Rouge
- Eyes: poetic Colors classic – forest morning (m) bright
- Lashes: Maitreya V.I.P. Group Gift – Mesh EyeLashes
- [LeLutka]-2011 lashes/curl/touch me
- Mani/Pedi: Leverocci – Round Nails_1FA_BlackPlain
- Hair: /Wasabi Pills/ Lumi Mesh Hair – Rouge for faMESHed
- Clothing: GizzA – High Waist Woolen Pants [Grey] Size M
- GizzA – Turtle Neck Sweater [Blue] Turtle Neck (Medium)
- Location: Artists Garden
Happy Anniversary! 😉
Happy 5th Anniversary Cajsa!
Happy Anniversary TO US!