Juliet asked, “What’s in a name?” She answered that names really don’t matter, that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Gertrude Stein said something similar, “A rose is a rose is a rose.” But…
She’s wrong!!!
Don’t get me wrong, I would love this new hairstyle from Truth no matter what it was called. It reminds me of my mother braiding my hair in a coronet round my head. It is so me, it takes my breath away, but that it’s also named after me makes me do the happy dance. Yes, this is the Cajsa hair style – a lovely gesture from Truth Hawks – not only making a hair style that I suggested, but giving it my name. I was so excited, I made my RL friends look.
For its first outing, I wanted something elegant, but not distracting from the hair. This dress from Lelutka does the trick – and shoes from Baiastice give it sharp, modern styling.
Jewelry from Pisa (a new to me store thanks to Fabulous Fashion TV) and Yabusaka complete the look.
The skin is a group gift from Tuli – in the toadstool. It’s the Hope skin Star! makeup, exclusively for group members.
Now, I know this is just hair spam – though it does show you another angle. But I hope you will indulge me this time. It’s not often I get something named after me – not with a name like Cajsa – folks don’t know how to pronounce it. However, for future reference if you do decide to name something after me: hair, clothing, tropical islands, ships or firstborn, this is how you pronounce it. The first syllable is CAI as in Cairo. The second is ZHA as in Asia. CAI-ZHA – so now there’s no excuse keeping you from running to Truth Island and picking up your very own Cajsa hair.
***STYLE NOTES******
Promotional Copies are denoted by a Bold R
- Poses: Reel Expression
- Skin: Tuli Hope star! Group Gift
- Eyes: Poetic Color Night Forest
- Lashes: Lelutka Diva Prim Lashes
- Hair: Truth Cajsa
- DressL Lelutka Sadah
- Shoes: Baiastice Claire
- Jewelry: Pisa Onyx Pink Coral Earrings, Yabusaka 10 Bracelet
OOOOOOOOO I am so glad you got it posted cuz I shot it last night and now I was gonna have to WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT for you.
OH It’s Gorgeous.
Wow! Looks lovely on you and to have it named Cajsa is a true compliment to your inner beauty Caj!